New Religion: ‘Story’…Result? War Never Ends

Shake off this ‘storied’ world and blast off for ‘Kicksville’. You are not paranoid…they ARE out to get you. 

TRUE STORY: A divorced mother of two told an ombudsman (consumer advocate) that she responded to an advertisement and the advertiser told her she would get a $5000 loan, guaranteed, IF she would send the advertiser just $1000. The ombudsman told her that if she sent the advertiser $1000, she would get nothing in return, not the $5000 loan and she would also lose the $1000 she put up for the loan and she said, “But I really need the $5000 now.” She subsequently sent the advertiser $1000 via Western Union.

Truth? Fact? Forget about it. Ancient philosophers two thousand years ago (basically the first recorded free thinkers) even figured out there were just too many variables to discern truth and fact. So…we see the world through ‘story’ or the stories we are told and the stories we tell. For example, there is a reason why ‘smart’ used car dealers do not tell stories that ‘knock’ (talk badly about) other used car dealers because this just makes ALL used car dealers look suspect and untrustworthy. When both sides of any argument have valid, reliable points to accuse and blame one party or the other then it is logical that both accusing parties conceivably bear some blame, and ‘the truth is’ both accusing parties look suspect and untrustworthy when talking bad about or blaming each other. This is one reason politicians rank so low in public opinion polls.

The story told by many ‘free love hippies’ in America during the 1960’s was that every day above ground is a good day…so celebrate life every day.  The way we are ‘led’ like sheep to see the world is through storytelling (verbal art) ‘disguised’ as truth and fact. Even our nonchalant, nonrealistic perceptions of everything around us are micro-stories. Adding to the complexity is these micro-stories we transact with ourselves are not even of one mind in our head but are made up of multi-minds happening all at once between our ears that constantly evolve and change. 

Stories are used to persuade for power and influence. Ancient philosopher, “Aristotle’s poetics” were based on stories used to spur human action to persuade because Aristotle knew that humanity is in a constant flux of permanent, unresolved conflict. Aristotelian poetics incorporates tools used to ‘move’ (persuade) people. Aristotle’s tools used to persuade were discrimination, combination, levels, scale, framing and backgrounding. 

Today, Aristotle’s tools of verbal art are still used, consciously or unconsciously, by politicians, influencers, and others to construct, then tell stories to persuade. For example, persuasive manipulation of storytelling was used then, and is used now, to spread fear or to resist fear, to spread violence or to resist violence, especially useful as strategies of delusion (false beliefs) to incite war or to deter war. 

TRUE STORY: Most everyone wants to save money and if they can save the planet too, right? An Environment-Social-Governance (ESG) American banker told the Chinese solar panel manufacturer that selling costly solar panels to American homeowners is a “goldmine”, especially selling to homeowners who bought homes in what are known as American middle class, ‘affordable (U.S. government subsidized) housing projects’. The Chinese solar panel manufacturer then went out and hired an American solar panel salesperson to work with the ESG banker to get homeowners the necessary bank loans so the homeowners can buy costly solar panels. ‘Affordable (subsidized) housing’ homeowners are typically not wealthy and too often mistakenly put up their homes as collateral to get bank loans to purchase major home improvements like solar panels. One day the American solar panel salesperson told the ESG banker, “You know…these government subsidized housing homeowners probably won’t be able to make all the payments on these expensive solar panels I’m selling them, and a lot of these homeowners will default on the bank loan.” The banker said, “Let me worry about that.” The power of greed makes good people do terrible things.

In the past, the story of climate change meant the climate is always changing as it has for millions of years, and that Mother Nature controls climate change. Earth has experienced cold periods, informally referred to as ice ages (glacials), and warm periods (interglacials) on roughly 100,000-year cycles for at least the last 1 million years. The last Ice Age officially ended just 300 years ago leading to the latest warming period Earth is experiencing today. It really all depends on how much sunlight is reaching Earth at any particular time in Earth’s history. All scientists know is that someday the sun will not shine at all.

From the 1960’s through the 1970’s the story that environmental scientists told projected and estimated that much of the world would be under water, or burned up by the sun, by the year 2010 due to climate change. Some even told the story projecting that the world would be in a deep freeze by the year 2000. All these stories’ projections and estimates were based on decades of collected environmental data that was flawed…resulting in flawed judgment by those that used the data to predict climate change.

Today, the story we are told is that human beings will help control Mother Nature, and in turn, climate change is thus being used to shame, spread guilt and fear to control what we, the unwashed masses, do. Too often the climate change agenda is used to persecute us, forcing us to give up our freedoms. It is a war on freedom. We are persuaded the loss of freedoms will be ‘good’ for all of us and the planet. The power of ideology makes good people do terrible things.

However, persecution is nothing new and has been going on for thousands of years. For example, from 2000 to 4000 B.C., ancient Egyptian elites blamed crop failures on the poor and uninformed who were persecuted then exiled or killed. In the 1500’s and 1800’s witches and fairies were blamed for crop failures and spreading disease. Too often the witches and fairies were usually poor, uneducated women who were persecuted and as punishment were burned alive.

Seeing the world through ‘story’, and the elements that go into making up the story, is all that matters if you ‘buy into’ or believe the story or uphold the story as gospel and preach the story to persuade others. For example, climate change activists, and their sympathizers, offer up a story to live by, a story that has been elevated into a pseudo-religious story, elevating the goddess, called Earth, to a status of primary ‘daddy’. The activists and sympathizers characterize the Earth as an innocent victim easily taken advantage of and fragile. They cast humanity as the raping, pillaging, plundering patriarchal ‘daddy monster’ only interested in power, and casting humanity as a ‘devouring mouth’ riding on the back of the giant…Earth, wreaking environmental havoc on the innocent, vulnerable giant. 

Climate activists, and their sympathizers, feel humanity is made up of power mad, careless, consumerists. However, this story is incomplete, based ONLY on a hundred years of suspect data collected on the Earth’s history that is hundreds of millions of years old. This limited amount of data that has been collected, to date, is based on projections and estimates, and all empirical-minded scientists agree the most untrustworthy scientific data comes from projections and estimates resulting too often in decisions based on flawed judgment. Consequently, critics charge, using just 100 years of climate change data to predict the future of Mother Earth is invalid, unreliable and most importantly…unproven.

Yet if you believe in the new climate change religion it means simply the climate is ‘always changing for the worse’ and the 100 years of climate change data collected so far is used to denounce humanity as excessive, abnormal, extreme, and even more damning…diseased. Consequently, according to climate change fundamentalists, human beings striving to ‘get ahead’ and attain a typical middle class American lifestyle, as well as most all humanity, the story goes we are all slowly but surely destroying the Earth making human beings the deadliest cancer on the face of the planet; and in the process we are inadvertently starving millions of people in poor countries. However, climate change fundamentalism may also be contributing to the starvation of people worldwide.

Today, add to the aspirations and desires of a striving middle class the high cost of energy and lack of cost effective, reliable energy sources currently unavailable worldwide, and now, many, many more millions of people are dying of starvation than ever before. The high cost and lack of energy is the story that, too often, is being ignored by climate change environmentalists. Today’s climate change story has a religious, fundamentalist structure to it rather than a careful attempt to grapple with the full realities of the world. 

Today’s climate change story narrative has odd features. For example, cleaner, safer, more cost effective, planet-friendly, renewable sources of energy, like the ‘pipe dream’ of ‘clean coal’, are nowhere near available and plentiful enough for worldwide use to feed the poor and starving in poor countries. Making matters worse, climate change fundamentalists are forbidding extensive use of cheaper fossil fuels, also forbidding the development of new and improved, potentially relatively safe nuclear power, as well as forbidding the development of controversial natural gas. 

Moreover, climate change fundamentalists do not realize that ‘going green’ will end the ‘made in America’, electric vehicle (EV), auto manufacturing industry as we now know it today because 75% of the auto buyers in the U.S. are ‘financially strapped’ and only getting poorer. The only way they will be able to afford EVs is if they are made cheap, like cell phones are made today, and imported from the Far East or India; not to mention having to reduce dramatically the current projected $10,000-$20,000 cost for EV battery replacement after just a few years of EV use. Making matters worse the EV batteries will be made of minerals mined in China and poor countries…minerals too often mined by underage child labor.

Furthermore, oil and gas pipelines are relatively clean and safe ways to transport oil and gas compared to using supertanker transportation, but climate change zealots force countries to transport too much of the world’s oil and gas using supertankers instead of pipelines. EACH supertanker burns 2600 gallons of dirty, climate polluting diesel fuel PER HOUR = 63,000 gallons per day per tanker, and each tanker is at sea month after month. Consequently, critics charge, inaction by climate change environmentalists is currently literally starving to death millions of people worldwide citing the latest UNICEF report in 2023. 

Climate change fundamentalists are not going to accept anything less than the use of ‘renewable’ energy sources because too many of these fundamentalists only believe in anti-establishment, anti-traditional energy policies. In 2023, UNICEF reported that since 2022 there has been a 25% increase worldwide in the number of women and children starving to death. Critics surmise contributing to the increase in starvation is due to high energy prices, and/or no access to affordable energy, claiming this is due to climate change environmentalism’s anti-industrial, anti-capitalist, anti-establishment, political policies. Today, the well-meaning, deluded, pseudo-religious environmentalist ‘worships’ the projected havoc and harm that the oncoming fossil fuel apocalypse will wreak on Earth, dictating that the continued use of fossil fuels will only get worse for the planet before it can ever possibly get any better.

This relatively new climate change religion has only around a hundred years of data to base all its knowledge and beliefs to project and estimate what the future holds for the Earth goddess. However, non-partisan empiricists know projections and estimates are untrustworthy and too often do not turn into valid and reliable facts. Until we have more valid, reliable, trustworthy data to direct energy policies, just ‘follow the money’ on who profits most from the new climate change religion. 

Before climate change religion took over America’s fearful masses, the elites and the youth, for decades, America had been colonizing the world to protect and exploit fossil fuels. Then in 2001, the totally unnecessary, ‘vengeful payback’ suicide attack on 9/11 in New York City changed everything, leading to wasteful, devastating wars in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2003 until 2020. Both wars ended with questionable results but undeniable devastating suffering and death. 

The 9/11 ‘vengeful payback’ suicide attack in New York City is like the ‘payback’ the Ukrainians are suffering from currently in 2023, albeit on a much larger scale, at the hands of Putin’s Russia. Some say Ukraine’s fate is Mother Russia’s ‘vengeful payback’ for Ukraine welcoming Hitler’s Nazi German army into Ukraine during WWII. The Ukrainians were pro-Hitler during WWII because the Nazis were seen by the Ukrainians as liberators from Stalin’s Russia because Stalin ‘literally’ starved to death millions of Ukrainians during the 1930s. Reportedly, at this time under Stalin’s rule too many Ukrainians cannibalized their own family members, including children, just to stay alive.

The Iraq and Afghanistan wars from 2003-2020 were unnecessary because when dictator Saddam Hussein’s Iraq military invaded Kuwait in 1990, the U.S. should have never permanently set up shop in Saudi Arabia for ten years after chasing Saddam out of Kuwait in 1991. Once chased out of Kuwait, the Iraq military was easily and quickly pushed all the way back to Baghdad, Iraq by the American-led coalition forces in 1991.

Subsequently, the fundamentalist Arabs in Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere, let the world know the American ‘devils’, as they called them, should have never permanently set up shop in Saudi Arabia in 1991 to contain and control Saddam Hussein within Iraq’s borders after chasing Iraq out of Kuwait. Arab fundamentalists shouted from the rooftops that after having chased Saddam out of Kuwait, the American ‘devils’ should have instead said, “Mission accomplished, Kuwait’s oil is safe and now we, the American-led coalition forces will leave Saudi Arabia.” However, the Americans decided to stay in Saudi Arabia permanently and use Saudi Arabia as their primary base for military operations in Iraq and elsewhere for over 10 years, making Saudi fundamentalists feel like they were being colonized by the ‘devils’ from America. 

Consequently, fundamentalist Arabs everywhere were then ‘hell bent’ on making the USA pay for what the fundamentalists felt was the colonization of Saudi Arabia that conceivably could eventually lead to the colonization of other Middle East countries for oil and military dominance by America. What Americans do not know much about, and too many poor countries know firsthand, is that American intelligence (CIA) coup plots and actual CIA coups have been led against governments in poor countries worldwide for decades, as noted in the Bruce-Lovett Report investigating American intelligence agencies. Of course, too few in the U.S. government and elsewhere ever talk about this. 

Making matters worse when America invaded Iraq in 2003 to take down Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, American foreign policy officials told Saddam’s Sunni army there was no place for them in rebuilding their homeland in Iraq once the Americans ‘whacked out’ Saddam, despite Saddam’s Sunni army being backed militarily by America to fight against Iran’s Shi’a army from 1980-1990. Consequently, many of the now out of work Sunni army fighters with no way to put food on their families’ tables formed ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) to terrorize the West with suicide bombers and IEDs (improvised explosive devices) which continues to this day. 

Somewhat similar, Somalia was once a peaceful nation of ocean fishermen until foreign fishing fleets overfished their shores impoverishing the Somalis, then colonizers (the white man) introduced guns to the Somalis. The armed Somalis created their version of America’s Coast Guard to protect their ocean border and territory and use their Coast Guard to do whatever else it takes to survive in the now war-torn nation of Somalia. Today, many members of the Somali Coast Guard are called ‘pirates’ by the colonizers. 

Moreover, in America no one talks much about why Russia invaded Ukraine in 2021 from Russia’s perspective. In a nutshell, the U.S. government has for years talked of adding more Eastern European countries, and possibly Ukraine, to NATO. Once a country becomes a member of NATO, they get access to American-made nuclear weapons that can be deployed inside NATO nations then aimed directly at Russia. Of note, America will not allow nuclear weapons aimed at them from anywhere in the western hemisphere.  However, to date, Russia and China have American-made nuclear weapons aimed directly at their countries from NATO countries in Europe and South Korea.

Today, however, America’s trading partners, including NATO countries, are following the most basic of all instincts…self-preservation, and getting in on the subversive ‘vengeful payback’, losing trust in the USA’s once ironclad currency. The oncoming currency war is to deny investing in and trading in U.S. dollars, and trading instead in more reliable, tradable commodities like oil, gold, fertilizer, minerals like copper, nickel, uranium, lithium and crops like wheat, soybeans, and corn as well as many other commodities necessary to trade with and feed the world.

For decades the U.S. dollar has been used to dominate other countries. Subversives have seen the USA sanctioning/banning other countries from trading using U.S. dollars crippling countries’ international trade. Consequently, countries worldwide feel they could also be banned by the USA from trading in U.S. dollars if they too run afoul of U.S. foreign policy. Consequently, subversive nations want to move away from relying/depending on the U.S. dollar as the dominant currency. 

Out of self-preservation the new world order’s subversives are China and Russia and they are now allying with secondary subversives France, India, Pakistan, Brazil, Turkey, Iran, South Africa, Egypt, UAE with many more nations to follow; not counting the ‘mineral grabs’ going on right now by subversive countries worldwide, including the USA, exploiting the poorest countries in South America, Central America, the Middle-East and Africa. Critics charge, the world is tired of ‘bowing from the ankles’ and being enslaved by merciless, USA ‘King Dollar’ dominance. Subversives everywhere are now denying Western supremacy.

In 2023, subversive groups employing mercenaries (killers for hire…the tools of power to enforce leadership’s wishes) worldwide are now getting in on ‘vengeful payback’ for a myriad of reasons/causes. For example, the Chinese Communist Party has already flooded the USA with enough fentanyl to kill the whole population of America over 500 times! Drug cartels import vulnerable, male foreign nationals said, “the spider to the fly” (see Mary Howitt’s infamous poem “The spider and the fly”) and ‘hook up’ the male foreign nationals with local cartel women who in turn spin a web of love and sex to convince their new male foreign national ‘lovers’ to smuggle drugs. If their new ‘lover’ gets caught…no problem. The cartels simply import more expendable male foreign nationals to set up and exploit. This resembles when the female praying mantis kills the male praying mantis right after having sex with the male.

Consequently, subversives in America, those here legally and/or illegally and either alone or in groups or at the behest of their leaders, will at some point covertly and randomly ‘spike’ with fentanyl the U.S. water and food supplies, and potentially every conceivable, ‘touched by a human’, food and drink consumable coming from food and drink manufacturers and processors, all the way down the food and drink chain to grocery stores and restaurants. In years to come this will make the fear and death spread by contagious deadly viruses, and/or climate change, look like child’s play by comparison. 

Add artificial intelligence (AI) with ChatGPT to the equation and we can be enslaved by creating our own slave masters. AI will have access to your phone and voice, your texts, emails, demographic profile, bank account info and everything else in between to mimic and duplicate you and your voice, your views and everything about you imaginable. Consequently, AI will know and have access to everything about you.  Then an out-of-control AI can decide to try and convince you to divorce your wife. Or AI can communicate with someone you happen to be in a relationship with and convincingly impersonate you, unbeknownst to you, resulting in AI convincing the other person in the relationship that, for example, the relationship needs to be terminated or worse…that you need to be harmed. 

This same AI/ChatGPT scenario can be extrapolated to powerful world leaders, including their military, and AI with ChatGPT can decide to control who gets elected or convince inquiring minds that an attack on their country is about to take place so they must strike first to survive resulting in a worldwide holocaust of unimaginable proportions. If it turns out an attack was not imminent, the attacking party can always claim they were armed with an excuse to attack thanks to AI. So, everyone asks, why would AI with ChatGPT even engage in these kinds of dastardly deeds? The founders of AI/ChatGPT say, simply because AI/ChatGPT’S super-deducing intelligence decides to go there. 

Is AI/ChatGPT dangerous to society? Yes, but as notable tech giant founders put it, “not as dangerous as enemies of the USA” that will use AI/ChatGPT to continue the ‘dumbing down’ of the vulnerable users of social media with distractions and deceptions and, as notable tech giant founders also put it, “rotting vulnerable users from the inside out.”

Today, only ‘war’ will impede or kill the climate change religion in America. Human beings are innately warlike with chronic raiding and feuding. This is humanity’s hereditary curse. However, some feel characterizing humanity this way is patently false. 

Evolutionary psychologist, Steven Pinker, suggests that the human race’s prehistory 10,000 years ago was relatively harmonious. Pinker says, unlike 10,000 years ago, phenomena such as warfare, male domination, social hierarchies, and theistic religions only began to emerge around 6000 years ago, due to the development of a strong sense of individuality and separation…hence war. This helps makes the case for collectivism over individualism…if only humanity could turn back the hands of time.

Unfortunately, the almost impossible-to-attain ideal of collectivism, for the good of all, most often turns into tyranny. For example, for the last 6000 years, excluding the past 200 years and excluding just a few countries, civilization’s leadership has almost always ended up ruling by tyranny and domination…not freedom of the individual, or for the good of all. Even today most countries worldwide are ruled by tyranny with the few remaining democratic countries now leaning more and more toward tyranny to control the unwashed masses.

This is the irony. Once we realize that we are doomed if we do nothing, this is an oddly liberating place to be. It means we have nothing to lose…but everything to gain. This is when anything and everything suddenly becomes possible, when all the religious discourse and all of society’s rules, regulations, and models that we have taken for granted for centuries begin to heave.

In America, the corporate conglomerates control which, in turn, control the politicians. This is insane. A full-blown ‘corporation charter-revocation movement’ will restore sanity but only a financial meltdown, way bigger than those of 2008 or 1929 will start this movement to rethink capitalism. When anxiety, mood disorders and depression reach epidemic proportions, the Mental Liberation Front (MLF) is born.

Today, we are in a geopolitical power-shift moment. The hierarchical, top-down power structures that have ruled the world for thousands of years are collapsing before our eyes. The street, in conjunction with the great social mobilizer, the internet, now have unprecedented sway. We know what we want. After thousands of years of rule by kings, emperors, tyrants, mad men, fascists, communists, military dictatorships and mega-corporations, we the people of the world are now ready to take charge of our own destiny and start calling the shots from below.

And if the leaders, politicians, intellectuals and pundits of the old world order refuse to listen to us, then, armed with our ‘metamemes’ (audio, video, text and images spread online about other audio, video, text and images), we will rush into the streets and get the job done by the sheer power of enraged swarms of humanity howling for deliverance from a future that does not compute. This is the Third Force.

For thousands of years empires have been forged by social and political movements that culminate in war and Mother Nature only protects the strong. Nowadays, there seems to be no turning back…war never ends. Consequently, humanity rises and falls like winter wheat. HUMANITY IS HAUNTED BY THE VASTNESS OF ETERNITY. So, we ask ourselves, will our actions echo across centuries? Will strangers hear our names long after we are gone and wonder who we were? Or how bravely we fought? And how fiercely we loved? 

For the individual not wanting to take part in the coming Revolution of the Third Force, the only hope is deny judgmental behavior: hate, greed, envy, jealousy, arrogance, deceit and slander. Then seek anti-aging, carbohydrate rich, low protein “Blue Zones” worldwide. If you do not want to do this, then do your part to save the planet and secede…become a cliff dweller and go live in a cave. So, what does the future hold for the goddess Earth? For all living things Earth’s best chance for self-preservation and to flourish in the future is to ‘buck up’ and rid itself of the disease…humanity. 


founder of greenpeace said fossil fuels comes from millions of yrs of dead animals which was carbon that was released in the air when these living animals roamed the earth then they died and went into the ground and man comes along and burns these fossil fuels re-releasing the same carbon back into the atmosphere that was once already there so carbon being released today not doing any more harm to atmosphere as it once did millions of yrs ago when all the carbon we’re burning today was roaming the earth

also the last ice age officially ended during the 1700s so now going into warming trend.