Jack Ma is the founder and former CEO of the world’s largest money making online retailer called Alibaba. He became China’s richest man well on his way to forming a company to become the most powerful retail force in China, similar to American online retailer, Jeff Bezos’s Amazon. However, unlike Bezos, Jack Ma openly criticized the Chinese Deep State Establishment saying the Chinese Communist Party’s banking system was essentially suspect and untrustworthy. Jack Ma has since disappeared in China in late 2020. He has been reported to be alive in China, whereabouts unknown, but the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has silenced Ma from communicating with literally anyone in the outside world. The Chinese Deep State Establishment has spoken. If you value your life and the safety and welfare of your loved ones…submit and obey.

Pretty much the only unsolved mystery in American politics is who killed American President, John F. Kennedy (JFK). Listen to American cancer researcher, Judyth Vary Baker’s story, in her own words, and you will learn who killed JFK. She received national attention when she was in high school for cancer research including guidance from two Nobel Prize winners in biochemistry. After high school during the 1960s, while working in medical technology and forensics, she was enlisted by someone in the covert American Deep State Establishment, with close ties to the American military industrial complex and America’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), to come up with medical concoctions to kill better known as biological weapons. To her surprise later on, top on the list to be eliminated by the American Deep State Establishment at that time was Communist Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro.

During this time Judyth Baker unsuspectingly became associated with every major ‘player’ ever accused of having knowledge of and/or being associated with who assassinated JFK; and all the ‘players’ knew each other firsthand and some worked with each other, including those associated with the CIA, as well as those ‘tagged’ as associating with the CIA, like New Orleans financier, Clay Shaw, and a sordid list of other characters like Guy Bannister, David Ferrie, Jack Ruby, David Atlee Phillips, and yes, Lee Harvey Oswald along with many others. To put these pieces together listen to Judyth Baker’s dealings with all these people, but make sure you listen to what she has to say in her own words, and then watch Oliver Stone’s blockbuster movie JFK.

Near the date of the assassination of JFK in 1963, and now with her knowledge of how the CIA ‘takes care of business’, an associate of Judyth’s, with ties to the CIA, verbally told Judyth Vary Baker to “go vanilla”. This is reportedly CIA jargon for her to go silent, disappear and discontinue all work she had been doing for the Deep State Establishment and, by the way, also find another career altogether, meaning give up the work she has passionately ‘lived for’ all her adult life and never do medical research ever again IF she wanted to stay alive. She obeyed and did so but after all those she knew of that had been involved in the killing of JFK had died, and many decades later, she decided to ‘blow the whistle’ and talk because she felt it was morally and ethically ‘the thing to do’ to set the record straight.

Bottom line? The Deep State Establishment in most any country worldwide will silence and/or eliminate disruptors and troublemakers and it will employ those from all walks of life and use any means necessary to do so to succeed. During the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, JFK narrowly escaped getting ‘duped’ by his own U.S. military commanders who wanted to attack the Soviets while they were installing long range ballistic missiles in Cuba, an attack which could have easily started a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. After this ‘near miss’, JFK set out to fundamentally change the American military industrial complex which includes the CIA. As the Kennedys found out, the Deep State Establishment will silence disruptors and troublemakers who want to challenge, expose, threaten and/or change ‘the system’ in America into what the disruptors and troublemakers feel would be a change for the better and in the best interest of the American people.

Donald J. Trump and anyone who is associated with or supports the ‘Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement is next. Hopefully Donald Trump stays alive long enough to expose to the world everything he knows about the Deep State Establishment in America.

Currently, both Deep State Democrats and Deep State neo-conservative and rino (Republicans in name only) Republicans are trying to cancel Trump and his MAGA movement that got elected in 2016. The Deep State swamp in Washington D.C. is much deeper and deadlier than anyone had ever expected. The Deep State in the U.S. wants to take back the power they lost in 2016, power that they have wielded over the American people and every branch of the U.S. government, including U.S. Presidents, as well as prospered from the past fifty years in America before Trump ever got into politics. Trump was the first U.S. president ever to make a concerted effort to expose and ‘blow the whistle’ on the Deep State.

To think Trump cannot be trusted to impart valid and reliable ‘insider’, Deep State information to the uninformed American public is like saying that a prostitute who has perfect eyesight and is eyewitness to a murder, her eyesight cannot be trusted because she is a prostitute. Or similarly that the wise proverb ‘happiness is making a life instead of making a living’ is automatically a corrupt, bad idea to be cancelled and disregarded because it was widely promoted by Chairman Mao Zedong, founder of the CCP, who reportedly starved to death one million of his own people so the rest of the Chinese people would accept, submit and obey his brand of communism. Is conservative thought in America the next thing to be starved to death followed by the starvation of the conservative population to get the rest of the population in the U.S. to submit and obey?

The best way to expose America’s Deep State is for Donald J. Trump ‘NOT’ to ever run again for political office. Instead he will turn to enlightening the public, as well as current and future American politicians, with ideas and ways to change the American Deep State Establishment to work more for ‘working men and women’ instead of the Deep State being allowed to cancel and/or eliminate political disobedience, whistleblowers and others; while at the same time figuring out how to stop those in the Deep State from prospering and ‘getting rich’ at the expense of all American taxpayers. Now as a former U.S. President and Deep State ‘insider’, if Trump can stay alive long enough he can blow the whistle on the Deep State unlike anyone has done in the past fifty years in American politics.

If Trump does not run for any political office ever again this way he is not beholden to any Democrats or Republicans needed to get elected and thus can expose all he knows about the Deep State as well as all the politicians by name that are associated with Deep State Establishment politics, potentially making Donald J. Trump America’s biggest ever whistleblower…IF he is allowed to stay alive long enough to do so.