Society’s Revenge For Flawed Judgment: The ‘Ultimate’ Accountability

At a ‘big tech’ conference in Palo Alto, California, one Google worker spoke up and asked, “What self-respecting individual really wants to live in a world created by us at Google?” 

What emotions are most destructive? Hate, fear, worry, madness, distrust, betrayal, jealousy, hopelessness just to name a few. However, the most destructive is no emotion at all when you succumb to numb…being numb to everything going on around you…apathy…carelessness. 

It is important to avoid excessive certainty. The worst are those who depend on and trust a single model, answer or idea. Consider a full range of possibilities and ALWAYS be suspect of the message and the messenger of what is being presented as ‘what is’ or ‘what should be’. Trust but verify.

Now. Come and testify but please forgive my laughter. I have a medical condition that results in sudden, frequent, uncontrollable laughter that does not match how I really feel…(belly laugh like that by Robert De Niro at the card game in the movie Goodfellas). So, what’s so funny? You wouldn’t get it…Where are the clowns?…Send in the clowns! We are being besieged with rats……but that’s life.

The smartest people still make bad decisions based on flawed judgment. Somewhat like the Earth’s revenge on its inhabitants as the current Ice Age ends and the Earth inevitably warms up as a result. When will public outcry exact its revenge and demand the ‘ultimate’ accountability for society’s leaders’ and influencers’ flawed judgment while consequently allowing them to get ‘filthy rich’, and worst of all, allowing them to flaunt it?

Have you heard the spreading rumors rumbling, rambling through the grapevine with no one accepting responsibility for spreading the rumors? It is like the firing squad of seven marksmen but there is only one live round of ammunition so no one really knows for sure who is responsible for the ‘kill shot’. The overt ‘bitch slap’ at the 2022 Hollywood Academy Awards presentation exposed ‘succumb to numb’ and what is really going on in society below the surface.

Rumor has it that assassinations, maiming and/or kidnappings of Western civilization society’s leaders, influencers and their families may be planned and executed. Why? Flawed judgment.

Due to the flawed judgment of society’s leaders and influencers during the Russia-Ukraine War/Conflict of 2022 allowing the massacre, starvation, war crimes possibly turning into genocide and displacement of millions of innocent men, women and children in Ukraine; not to mention many other recent events and ‘happenings’, like the black on black genocide taking place in many African countries; as well as the black on black genocide taking place on the streets every day in Chicago, Illinois, where countless innocent men, women and children are being sacrificed under the ‘falling knife’ of society’s leaders’ and influencers’ flawed judgment.

Like the Earth’s revenge, society may exact its revenge and exact the ‘ultimate’ accountability on its leaders and influencers for their flawed judgment in their reckless, careless display of opulent wealth, attacks on free speech and diversity of opinion, always talking about income inequality and supply shortages and doing nothing about it, retaliatory job loss, intimidation creating fear of job loss, and other acts of reprisal, divisiveness, as well as stoking hatred of others.

Does the U.S. President, and former U.S. Presidents and their families have anything to fear for the Presidents’ flawed judgments and the accumulation of vast wealth? Does Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Jack Dorsey (Twitter), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), and numerous others and their families, have anything to fear for their flawed judgment transforming the entire society toward more and more dependency and divisiveness so society can more easily be controlled through a handful of portals. 

Ownership by a few corporate conglomerates offering flexible working hours, attractive benefits and ‘perks’ equals inequity and thus makes it seemingly impossible for small business owners to get or be able to hold on to employees. In America, the world’s richest country, today, no one should have to work if they do not want to. Instead, live your life without leaving your comfort zone. Subscribe now to the Slothful Living And Entitlement Monthly. 

You now have permission to ditch everything and re-evaluate what society has taught you in the past about hard work. Opt-out for anti-work, anti-employer, anti-wealth, pro-rights concepts. Productivity is way over-valued and out of style just like ‘Superman’. 

The cartoon character Superman was for Truth, Justice and the American way. Instead ‘color’ everything with discrimination, segregation, intimidation and tribalism manipulating people to fear saying the wrong thing, and if they do then ‘label’ them thus making them afraid of being perceived as a ‘bad person’, in concert with an orchestrated effort to re-program (transform) the public into thinking prosperity equals moral poverty, free speech equals misinformation, individual achievement equals systemic racism, ambition equals privilege, dissent or protest equals terrorism and noble lies equals science for the greater good.

During the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020-2021, in 2022 the U.S. government’s leaders at the Center For Disease Control (CDC) finally admitted and posted on the CDC web site that only around 9000 people actually died ‘from’ Covid-19 and 75% of those deaths were people over 65 years of age. The rest of the 600,000 people who died during the Covid-19 pandemic in America died ‘with’ Covid-19 meaning they had compromised immune systems exhibiting one to four co-morbidities contributing to their death when they contracted Covid-19. 

This means the ‘overreaction’ to Covid-19 with lockdowns, fearmongering, business shutdowns and bankruptcies, vaccine mandates, psychological ‘beat down’ masking our young school children, the CDC getting ‘in bed’ with America’s teachers’ union to keep schools shut down, the resulting thousands of suicides, cases of child abuse and drug overdoses, as well as the trillions of dollars printed by the Federal Reserve Bank for Covid relief potentially bankrupting America, were all unnecessary and now we know we only really needed to try and protect the vulnerable while the rest of the healthy population could have gone on with life ‘uninterrupted’ as normal like we did prior to the pandemic. Sweden neither shut down at all during the pandemic nor mandated masks for school children and they did not suffer any more deaths than any other country per capita and suffered few, if any, of the consequences as those listed above.

Consequently, the errant advice from the leaders of the CDC, and the leaders following the CDC’s advice, and following Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Health (NIH) advice, all based on suspect, unproven scientific research during the Covid-19 pandemic, do these leaders need to suffer society’s revenge and face the ‘ultimate’ accountability?

Similarly, for the past 10 years, society’s leaders and influencers convinced the public to shut down America’s fossil fuel independence and its world fossil fuel energy dominance starting in 2020 by overregulating and underfunding America’s energy industry with government policy.  Simultaneously society’s leaders and influencers shamed banks and investors from investing in America’s oil, gas, coal and nuclear industries in favor of a ‘green energy’ industry that is still a decade or more away from making a dent in the world’s adoption of clean energy. Basically, inhibiting and shutting down America’s fossil fuel industry through federal government policy in 2020 contributed to rampant inflation and shortages the world will suffer from for the foreseeable future punishing the poor and financially ‘tapped out’ lower and middle classes. Now in 2022 we must enrich dictators and royal family tribes who will now supply the free world’s fossil fuel energy needs.

Society’s leaders and influencers are responsible for the flawed judgment of getting off proven, cost-efficient fossil fuels way too early in the quest for clean ‘green energy’, so do they need to suffer society’s revenge and face the ‘ultimate’ accountability?

This all harkens back to the 1970’s when the Pentagon Papers were ‘leaked’ to the Washington Post Newspaper exposing that the U.S. government knew for decades, going back to the 1940’s, that communism could not be stopped from spreading throughout Southeast Asia. The Pentagon Papers also exposed the U.S. government knew that fighting any war in Vietnam or Southeast Asia was ‘unwinnable’. However, U.S. government leaders sent 500,000 American soldiers to Vietnam anyway during the 1960s through the early 1970s and over 50,000 U.S. soldiers were killed during the Vietnam War. Countless American soldiers were also seriously injured, not to mention the thousands of North and South Vietnamese killed and injured during the war. Furthermore, over one million South Vietnamese died after the Americans were ‘run out’ of South Vietnam in the early 1970s when the North Vietnamese came in and took over South Vietnam.

The Pentagon Papers exposed the U.S.  government’s admission that 70% of the American soldiers who died during the Vietnam War died because the U.S. government simply wanted to ‘save face’ rather than be humiliated and admit on the world stage that America had been defeated in Vietnam. Should have society’s leaders and influencers at the time have had to suffer society’s revenge for their flawed judgment and faced the ‘ultimate’ accountability?

President Bush’s Iraq War and President Obama’s Afghanistan War during the 20th and 21st Centuries killed and injured thousands of American soldiers and countless Arabs. Just think of all the past flawed judgments throughout history made by society’s leaders and influencers. Should they have suffered society’s revenge and faced the ‘ultimate’ accountability?

Moreover, American ‘Black Muslims’ have been saying for decades that white political activists ‘pushing’ the pro-abortion movement have committed genocide of African Americans for 50 over years now that has killed as many unborn African Americans as the total number of African Americans alive and living in the USA today!

A capitalist about to be hanged will sell you the rope used to hang the capitalist. In the western cowboy movie, Tombstone, set in the late 19th Century, when a cowboy exhibited flawed judgment and killed a man, the townspeople gathered in the town square and said, “String him up!” In military operations nothing ever goes according to plan. In the dangerous, death-defying sport of drag racing…sometimes…you never get out of the car.

Society’s leaders and influencers reap the benefits of accumulating vast wealth but too often never face the ‘ultimate’ accountability for their flawed judgment that resulted in bad decisions adversely affecting unsuspecting, innocent peoples’ lives…sometimes millions of lives.

Do something. 

Do something meaningful. Contribute thought and ideas instead of concentrating on your self-centered, overly sensitive outlook, crying about getting your feelings hurt and foolishly striving to be ‘somebody’. Nobody cares…nobody cares.