Is science threatening to destroy our ties to the spiritual? In the Middle Ages people relied on religion to set them free. The peasant stood in awe of the holy priest. The priest was the only one that could even read. Today, too many of us may be standing in awe of science.

Governments issue decrees and bans on products and services based on the results of scientific research, research which isolates mathematics and language at the expense of detail. The idea that scientific researchers always act in good faith may too often not even be questioned by their ignorant followers, the news media, the government and the public. All that is needed is a consensus or acceptance by the majority and results based on scientific inquiry becomes fact and law.

The problem is not with science but with the mental laziness that brings on this acceptance. It is just easier to be spoon fed information or find someone or something you can or want to trust. Especially when it comes to disputing scientific research which would require the mastery of scientific language that is difficult to grasp and understand to begin with.

Just as the Medieval Church grew rich in power and wealth from its supremacy of thought control during the Middle Ages, is the scientific community today following the same course by essentially winning control of the hearts and minds of the masses through science and scientific research?

Remember, as much as science has contributed to mankind, scientific thought is inherently unable to conceive of the realm of the spirit and soul where all numbers and time are meaningless and insignificant. Religion cannot breakdown the elements and atoms of the natural world and put it under a microscope but science cannot describe the spiritual either. Beware of praying to science and scientists. They are neither our priests nor our confessors and they are not god-like as some in the scientific community, as well as some of science’s loyal followers, may like to believe.