People expect too much from other people these days meaning, in essence, in the overall scheme of the Earth’s existence for millions and millions of years, 21st Century man only started walking upright maybe five minutes ago compared to the age of the Earth so how can we possibly expect much more from people than sub-human nature? If man had truly “arrived”, so to speak, meaning if mankind was truly human there would be no hate and no war and mankind would only exist to help every other human on the planet.

However, this would include having to control the size of the population for what the Earth can handle and sustain for the health of the Earth as well as the health of the Earth’s population. Since this is nowhere near the case, consequently, the resulting behavior of 21st Century man could therefore be categorized as sub-human.

Even though mankind really and truly generally thinks of itself as an advanced culture and all-knowing which, again, in the overall scheme of time, is nowhere near the case in light of the fact that the species of man has only been on the planet for 5 minutes, so to speak. 21st Century man could then be termed nothing more than barely walking upright and simply connected by the tiny wires of technology, wires which provide information overload for most of the population.

Moreover, mankind is a population that has given up trying to make sense of complex issues and instead looks for the easy, non-thinking ways of figuring out that which is complex. Mankind, by and large, prefers to be spoon-fed information which results in the general, non-thinking population being told how to think and how to act instead of it trying to figure out complex issues for themselves.

Admittedly, many issues are way to complex to figure out these days so it is understandable why much of mankind prefers the information to be spoon-fed. This is not a “knock” against your friends’ and neighbors’ abilities to figure out complex issues but this is more of a realization or “reality check” pure and simple.