History may be but a fable agreed upon, warped and written by the victors to suit the fears and prejudices of the public. Consider the very little “authentic” history that may even exist with all the coloring, conjecturing and spewing of opinion as if it is fact. Most histories may be but lies immortalized leaving us with a flawed view of posterity and there is no end in sight in the abuse of historical accuracy.

Concerning truth we too often cannot handle the truth, also known as radical honesty. Few of us ever get confronted with the truth or honesty which keeps us relatively content yet in the dark about many things we may need to know about if only we could handle truth and honesty.

Psychologically, too many of us are frail, overly sensitive and just plain mental midgets when it comes to intellectually discovering then dealing honestly with the truth. Many of us would rather go through life with blinders on, so to speak, seeing only what is right in front of us instead of what is all around us.

Today, for many of us perception is reality or better known as misperception. Too often we may see only what we want to see and believe only what we want to believe or believe in that which supports our core convictions and prejudices. We wish it is so, we hope it is so, therefore it is so “before” we know it is so! Most every day we convince ourselves of that which may be questionable.
Logical thinking is useful but to claim it is the only way to reason things out is arrogant making creative thinking less likely. Creative problem solving uses experience, common sense, passion, perception and intuition which temper’s logic’s rigidity and, in turn, expands the bounds of logical, “thought out” thinking.