The uninformed too often thinks Medicare for all is free health care for all but it is not. Medicaid for all would be free health care for all while Medicare has never been free. Medicare pays only 60% of your health care bills and the patient pays the remaining 40% of the bill. This is where supplemental health insurance comes in paying the 40%, but you, the patient, pay a somewhat costly monthly premium for supplemental health insurance.

Health insurance premiums, like supplemental health insurance premiums, typically cost more and more every year especially as you get older and more likely to need costly health care. If and when there is Medicare for all, most people will not be able to afford the costly supplemental health care premiums to cover 40% of their health care bills that Medicare will not pay. Subsequently, like today, many health care costs will just end up uncollectable in collections court making everyone else’s supplemental health insurance premiums cost more and more, passing the cost on to those that can pay the more and more costly premiums to cover the cost of all those unable to pay.

Also, like so many countries with socialized medicine have already discovered, with Medicare for all the citizenry will end up with less experienced doctors who get paid less and less who end up treating more and more patients and, in turn, patients will have to wait longer and longer for critical care and end up having to pay more and more for overall worse and worse care. Rather than drastically cutting the pay of hospitals and doctors in a socialized medicine system of Medicare for all, what we should be doing is figuring out ways to pay doctors and hospitals more money for their coveted lifesaving services while at the same time giving patients better and cheaper overall care. No one wants cut-rate doctor and hospital critical care for themselves and their loved ones.

In England’s and Canada’s socialized medicine system it takes 40 minutes to get an lifesaving ambulance to respond and it takes 3 months to get an MRI x-ray test. Delayed response and testing ends up with loved ones that too often die while waiting which is why half the population in state run health care countries pay big fees for private health insurance and opt out of Medicare-like health care because state run health care functions so poorly. You have never heard of patients trying to get into England or Canada for critically needed health care but you do hear of patients coming to America for critically needed health care because, to date, critical care in America is not rationed and there is no waiting in line for critical care in America.

As always the uninformed should really investigate major issues being pitched to them by the power broker politicians who posture in the abstract without focusing on specifics, only acting like they care about their voting constituents. Politicians enacted laws that pay themselves a paycheck from taxpayers for the rest of the politicians’ lives after they leave their elected office plus benefits. These exclusive benefits include getting the best health care available ‘free’ for themselves and their families from the best doctors and hospitals with no waiting. However, the poor and low wage earners in America too often end up having to rely on free Medicaid health care services that make them wait longer for worse care from less experienced doctors and lackluster hospitals.

Politicians too often only want votes to gain more power for their egregious political party while the too often the ‘holier than thou’ politicians promote themselves every chance they get as virtuous, similar to the “Painos” (planet activists in name only). Painos, like movie stars, green activists and politicians too often, in turn, invest their money in ‘green’ capitalist ventures that they can monetarily profit from if their followers ‘go green’. This dignifies the Painos as virtuous and all-knowing and they expect their followers to follow along in lockstep.

However, the Painos’ actions show their true colors as they take taxis and private jets while the rest of their constituents and true-believer followers take the subway and commercial flights. For example, just one flight in a private jet from New York to Los Angeles makes a carbon footprint on the planet equal to what one fossil fuel automobile imprints on the planet over the course of one full year. Moreover, electric vehicles still rely on dirty coal for their primary energy source so electric is not saving the planet unlike what many believe, and, to date, there are no functioning truly ‘clean coal’ plants.

You rarely ever hear or see anything the Painos are doing specifically to protect the environment other than vocally spewing incendiary abstract claims and comments that do little more than create awareness, yet most of us today are already aware. If the Painos were REALLY concerned about the environment, instead of constantly slumping over, hanging their heads face down ‘tweeting’, selfishly mesmerized, staring at their mobile phones most all day while lazily, for the most part, just flapping their gums (talking) about climate change and not really doing much of anything about it, the least they could do is plant trees!

Everyone knows trees produce an effect in the atmosphere that combats the carbon footprint being spewed out by use of fossil fuels. If the Painos planted a tree for EVERY mile they fly in their private jets, and EVERY time they flapped their gums about how the rest of us should endlessly worry about saving the planet, this would help start ridding the planet of the carbon footprint from the use of fossil fuels.

Bottom line? Who really wins in the Medicare for all debate? The politicians who can be elected over and over for life with no threat of term limits from Democrats or Republicans. Next on the list for ‘do-gooder’ politicians and activists to achieve is repealing the U.S. Constitution to take away all guns from the citizenry in the name of protecting the children like socialist leader Chavez did years ago in Venezuela. Today, you see Venezuelan citizens revolting against the politicians’ partisan border guards with nothing more than rock throwing, like the Palestinians unsuccessfully did and died fighting the Israelis for decades in the past.