With slow wage growth for decades in America, slowly but surely the poor will overtake the rich through the vote and right now anyone with $100k net worth are, considered rich by the poor and slowly but surely the wealth of the rich will be confiscated by the poor once past and recent generations, worldwide, have bankrupted all governments.

No one can really come out and talk about worldwide financial collapse for fear of causing panic in the streets so when the collapse officially takes place, it will like most stock market crashes, happen over the course of a couple months, coming quickly at first over a few days, then slowly but surely the stock market will keep going down for a couple more months until it reaches the bottom, whatever the bottom for stock market prices becomes.

However, of course for those with any money left it will be a great stock market “buy signal” when we reach the bottom of a bigger than ever before stock market crash because some things companies make will always be necessary like utilities, water, garbage collection, energy, addictions like tobacco, cannabis, chocolate, pharmaceutical drugs, hospitals and any necessities in life may be good investments, as well as companies that are cash rich and not in debt when worldwide financial collapse occurs. However, getting to that low point you have to have something left to invest that did not go to zero or did not get confiscated by the government.

The next worldwide financial collapse will be bigger than 2008 because currently the banks are filled up with ‘phony’ money printed by all the central banks of governments worldwide, without any real value collateral backing up all the money that has been printed and given to the central banks worldwide, ‘phony’ money that consequently flooded into the stock market from the central banks since 2008. Once governments start going bankrupt and are unable to pay the guarantees of payment promised by governments worldwide then no money held by any bank or institution will be safe and secure.

Most people day to day typically go on with their lives unsuspectingly until they get whacked by an employer, or their skill set becomes obsolete through technology, or their job goes off-shore or elsewhere, or a financial crisis occurs. A worldwide financial crisis has already been in the making in 3rd world countries for decades but, typically, these cash poor countries are run by dictators so, generally, no one in the rest of the world really cares about the actual people living there in despair.

For example, the richest woman in Africa, a billionaire, is the daughter of a dictator. Of course, she did not get the money from hard work or innovation. She got the money from her daddy dictator protecting his wealth by putting it under her name outside his own country for safe keeping in case he ever gets removed from power so no one can take his illicit riches or find the stolen funds by those claiming he stole his nation’s wealth. Everyone knows he got his daughter’s wealth skimming off the top the financial aid from wealthy nations and big business investments that come into his country; financial aid and business investments that was supposed to go to help the people of his country.

The history from whence we came since 2008 when the worldwide financial system literally collapsed, governments worldwide had 2 choices. Option #1, let it bottom out making many politicians and bankers look corrupt and possibly go to prison, which they should have, or option #2 was to kick the can down the road and protect the politicians and bankers and start a grand, UNPRECEDENTED financial experiment of printing more and more money backed only by the financial guarantee and good faith of governments worldwide.

So when you hear the pundits, politicians and business leaders say things like “historically”, well, guess what? History will have no bearing on what will happen in the grand, unprecedented, worldwide central banking experiment we are currently in, meaning generations now and those to come are the guinea pigs for the grand, high finance experiment, and the history learned from this will help future generations after most of us have deceased. However, in the meantime, using history to foretell the future will not help those of us alive today since we are the guinea pigs being used in this unprecedented financial experiment.

Since option #1 of letting everything financially collapse to true value and start over with the masses having to live through panic in the streets, a collapsed stock market, 30%-50% unemployment more or less, ATMs not having any money and the possible social lynching of politicians and bankers, so option #2 was instead adopted.

Option #2 will keep printing money until hyper-inflation kicks in if governments and big business cannot ‘grow’ the economy enough to start paying down the debt of governments worldwide. If they cannot grow the economy and hyper-inflation takes place then the only thing left is government confiscation of the population’s wealth and all their assets of value to the government, because the government will do whatever it has to do to survive day to day, as well as put down any and all rebellions that take place. At that time the poor voters will have no choice but to vote into office those who help the poor survive day to day.

When slavery was around in America, why didn’t the 100s of slaves on a typical plantation simply overwhelm and kill the 5 to 6 overseers on their own plantation? The point is, today…they would. So watch out politicians, bankers and the privileged few.

Critics say it is always better to be safe than sorry and we already know there are very few people whose judgment we can trust that will act in our and our families’ best interest, so basically justice is ‘just us’. It is up to us to protect ourselves and put food on the table for our family…nothing else matters or deserves our loyalty. The government and big business does not deserve our loyalty because when there is a worldwide financial collapse the governments’ and big business survival will always come first before your own survival.