A ‘Must Read’ For Police Officers & Military Soldiers In America

Americans of all ethnicities are racist and the American culture is systemically racist so why should any police officer or anyone in the military risk their life for racist American citizens who hate other ethnicities and citizens just like themselves? Why risk your life to protect, serve and defend an American culture that is systemically racist?

When ‘good’ police officers and ‘selfless’ military patriots no longer devote their lives to protecting and serving America, subsequently, for the most part, only the ‘mediocre at best’ people will be willing to wear a uniform that stands for protecting and serving the America citizenry, similar to the Mexican police who are notoriously known for taking bribes then looking the other way when crimes are committed.

For decades El Salvador was known for being the murder capital of the world but not anymore. In May 2021, the President of El Salvador said the only way to fight crime is to get tough on crime. Today, the cities of Baltimore, St. Louis, Chicago, Knoxville and many others in the U.S. have higher murder rates per capita than San Salvador and Guatemala City. There is blood in the streets of many American cities and, today, they are actually more dangerous to live in than many 3rd World countries because the American police in too many cities are no longer allowed to enforce law and order.

This in essence somewhat leaves the public on its own to defend itself, so, like Israel has been doing for decades, all ‘soft targets’ where people congregate need to be made into ‘hardened targets’ with trained, long rifle- toting armed security ready, willing and legally able to defend small to large groups of people in all settings. No amount of laws outlawing and/or confiscating all guns and ammo, and everything in between from knives to automobiles in America that can be used to kill people, will stop ‘bad guys’ from getting or making weapons and ammo or figuring out sadistic ways to kill the helpless, innocent or vulnerable. Any attempt to outlaw or confiscate all possible weaponry, like they did when marijuana was illegal, will just make weaponry even more expensive to get hold of so only wealthier people will have access to personal protection devices or services. It took 9/11 and thousands of people to die in New York City to get commercial airliners to acknowledge it may be a good idea now to put locks on cockpit doors. This is incomprehensible. Hardening all soft targets is the cost of doing business these days. If life was not so cheap in America soft targets would already be hardened especially all schools.

Today, many police and military recruits in America are rejected because of not being able to pass drug testing and background checks. This standard will soon be dropped so you will not have to pass a drug test or background check just so we can get enough people to put on a uniform in law enforcement and the military making our forces suspect at best.

As this takes place fewer and fewer American soldiers will ever again fight a war, much less an endless war, started anywhere on the planet by politicians unless maybe soldiers feel their own existence is being threatened.

What do you expect? Remember, it was just 150 years ago that mankind virtually walked out of the woods and into the information/automation age knuckles virtually still dragging the ground.  We are all riding on the backs of the success, and above all the sacrifice, of our ancestors, as well as the great advancements bestowed upon us by the few, while the rest of us are still basically the same weak, vulnerable and easily manipulated ‘deplorables’. 

In 64 AD Nero and his successors fiddled while Rome burned to the ground over the course of a few centuries. America is on the same course of action, fiddling for selfish political power and/or egregious profits while the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has already built the world’s largest Navy to take the South China Sea. Furthermore, the CCP is using biotechnology and DNA to turn their military fighters into more masculine, stronger, larger men with stamina like the Nazis wanted for their ‘Aryan master race’. Currently, the CCP thinks their fighting forces are too feminine.  

Meanwhile, America is making their military fighting forces more feminine, weak and afraid to ‘speak their minds’ obliterating the lines between the biological sexes for a more neutral gender identity. Emasculating our forces, meekness and hesitancy does not win battles or wars. 

For America’s weakening law enforcement and military forces, the only likely hope is, as an ancient Greek military leader wished for during times of peace and happiness in 700 BC, “May the gods keep the wolves in the hills and the women in our beds.” However, less than a year later, during a time of war the same ancient Greek said, “The gods only protect the strong.”