‘Culture jammers’ have been around for centuries. Today, they are a global collective of poets, punks and philosophers implementing radical design and media strategies to shake up complacent, consumptive cultures. They are aiming at the stale systems suffocating society: the power-hungry forces that leave people, social norms, law and order and the environment in disarray; aiming at the toxic capitalism, socialism, communism and nihilism that creeps into our bodies and imaginations.

Order out of chaos is the ultimate recipe for a drastic change in a particular society and is made as follows: (1) An event causes chaos and panic. (2) A solution surfaces which also happens to advance the agenda of the political, social, academic, financial elites and activists. (3) Society changes without resistance…at least temporarily until those being manipulated figure out they are being manipulated, used and abused; or until they get ‘suckered’ into the next event that causes chaos and panic whereby the process starts all over again in the eventual ‘beat down’ of the public into ultimate submission.

This is the recipe if, in the process, it does not get overcooked or burns up in the oven. And after the masses submit to order out of chaos, the bigger question always remains the same. Does the new order make the lives better of the masses being subjugated to the new order? Or is the new order just another inherent chaotic system promoted as orderly, replacing the prior chaotic system for the benefit of the current political rulers ruling and/or winning over the minds of the masses?

In this day and age, the ultimate goal of the elites is to create social control through power-hungry politics, while cornering as much social capital as possible, thus keeping the masses subdued, afraid to act and monitored through police-state tactics. The so-called “solutions” to the 2020 pandemic virus crisis represented big steps in that direction. This is why the elites and activists welcome chaos. Chaos brings opportunities. While the masses suffer and weaken, the elite gains power and control resulting in concrete social engineering.

And, since symbols rule, ‘order out of chaos’ is celebrated all over popular culture through symbolism. For example, today, fashion models wear color coordinated, personal protection, face masks matching their fashion outfits. And fashion models adorning magazine covers, all covering one eye, symbolizes that Covid-19 awareness, fear, submission and obeyance is the new normal especially among our more impressionable, vulnerable and less thoughtful young people.

Or symbols like we are witnessing today in the USA where you will kneel in unison, or lock arms in unison, or verbally acknowledge your new master and social order or pay the price for not doing so. Or like former superstar, American basketball player, Charles Barkley, noted recently where in effect he said, defund law and order for safer, improved, reformed law and order in non-white, impoverished neighborhoods is nonsense and we will only end up with even more black on black crime like we are already witnessing due to fearful, demoralized law enforcement’s lackluster patrolling and response in our poor, inner-city neighborhoods.

Today, what the submissive masses are missing is the ‘climate change code’ of The New World Order to maintain humanity on Earth under 500 million people so the planet can sustain perpetual balance with nature as soon as possible by any means necessary. As you can see work needs to be done by climate change activists to achieve this ultimate goal via whatever diseases or disasters are necessary to keep the masses “on a leash”, like a dog. The pompous, know-it-all elites and activists around the world say being led on a leash is what the masses want…even if they don’t even know they want it. Regardless, the know-it-alls say it is all for their own good in the name of achieving the planet’s perpetual balance with nature.

In “welcoming” a major crisis and chaos to usher in a New World Order, the concept of ‘predictive programming’ tells us that, once the masses are exposed to a shocking idea, they are less shocked and more accepting when it actually happens. Second, if the masses are properly warned and if they willingly accept what is happening, the elite feels superior and thus sanctioned to go even further if necessary…sooner or later.

The ‘working class’ inherently knows it must intervene independently of both ruling political parties in America, and the ‘woke’ corporate, financial and academic elite, and take matters into its own hands and, in too many cases, fight for their very existence.

Most people in America do not realize that if you drive 20 minutes away from Portland, Oregon, you are in the home of American patriots, people who will never give up on America. For example, homeowners outside Portland in the state of Oregon have issued warnings for those who seek to loot and/or damage property amid the recent wildfire evacuations in Oregon by posting signs that state they will shoot and kill those who dare destroy their property. “You loot, we shoot,” read one hand painted sign outside of a home which was captured by a KPTV-TV Portland news journalist as he covered the destruction from wildfires. Another sign found posted said, “Looters will be shot and we won’t call your family. Your body will never be found! Bang! Bang!”

The KPTV-TV news journalist said the idea here that was being promoted by the radical ‘right-wingers’ was that “right-wing Americans do live in Oregon, they just don’t live or go to Portland or Salem often.” Another threatening touch to one of these signs noted by the journalist said “and any survivors will be shot again.”

Reportedly, the same thing applies in the state of Washington. Chop out Seattle and King County and it is a right-wing state. Supposedly, now in 2020 it is even more so as a direct result of the Seattle police and local Seattle prosecutors abdicating their power to the left-wing mob.

One Washingtonian outside Seattle posted this online. “Buy a Kel Tec KSG 12. It is a multi-barrel 12 gauge shotgun that is much easier to fire compared to others, plus it gives you more than a dozen shots before you need to reload; and after the first three shots are fired in rapid succession, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!, then the punks robbing another place 2 houses down the street will already start to run away scared during the echoing BOOOOOMS thinking you are coming for them next.”

According to a Tampa Bay, Florida TV news reporter, a Florida sheriff recommended that homeowners shoot any looters who attempt to break into their homes. “I would tell them, if you value your life, looters probably shouldn’t do that in our county. The people of our county like guns, they have guns, I encourage them to own guns, and they’re going to be in their homes with their guns loaded. And if you break in and enter their homes I highly recommend the residents blow you home invaders back out of the house with their guns. So, leave our communities alone.”

Supposedly, left-wing rioters floated the idea that before their left-wing comrades go out burning and looting they should disguise themselves as right-wing supporters by wearing Make America Great Again (MAGA) hats and carry and/or wear U.S. flags, or even wear a “convincing” police uniform to deceive police and the news media into thinking right-wing supporters, and not left-wingers like Antifa, were doing the rioting.

Since the Covid-19 lockdown of 2020, more than 420,000 residents of Manhattan in New York City have already moved out of Manhattan as it is becoming more and more evident that it is just too dangerous to remain in the city due to the virus pandemic and lack of law and order, as well as high taxes and now lack of freedoms and lackluster lifestyles due to ill-advised, misguided political rules and regulations.

Newspaper USA Today found that 1/3 of Americans were considering moving out of the cities lacking law and order. Some of the attraction to move out was because of the cheaper cost of living and bigger spaces to live in elsewhere after being stuck indoors for months due to Covid-19. And who knows what new pandemic is lurking in the wings to force subsequent lockdowns, so why live in crowded cities where lockdowns are severe? What drew people to the cities in the first place was entertainment, restaurants, professional sports, schools, ‘live and let live’ political views and so on, but that is now all but gone with stay-at-home orders brought about by the virus of 2020 and the seemingly never ending curfews instituted after the riots which also seem never ending and part of the new normal way of life in what seemingly is becoming lawless cities.

“People will be much more cautious about living in high-density areas with so many people nearby, after what has gone on in 2020”, said chief economist at the National Association of Realtors. Furthermore, staying in the city could give businesses a higher chance of having to close their doors permanently because of upcoming pandemics and senseless, out of control riots. Those in control forget that riots with burning and looting deeply damages cities for decades. A Forbes Magazine writer wrote, “Those who are left behind after the riots will find themselves living in grimy, crime-infested places, plagued with possible future virus outbreaks and violence.” He went on to say this will also push even more people to leave, creating a downward spiral for the viability and habitation of many cities, and increase the populations of states that offer a safer, lower cost, higher quality of life.

Due to censorship from the likes of the ‘woke’ capitalist, billionaire oligarchs who run Facebook, Twitter, Google and others, for those seeking uncensored web content, or those seeking to post content online which will not be unduly censored by the billionaire oligarchs for whatever financial and/or political reasons, then go to the deep dark web. Google does not provide dark web content that they, or their algorithms, do not approve of, consequently, only 4% of all internet content is accessible to the general public and the remaining 96% is hidden behind the veil on the deep dark web hidden internally in the ‘Tor’ network which guarantees security and privacy. On the deep dark web you are not tracked, traced and your data is not collected and compiled on you and stored forever in ‘the cloud’ totally unlike when you use the ‘woke’ capitalist billionaire oligarchs’ platforms like Google, Facebook, Twitter and others.

Some of Tor’s Dark Web Search Engines are:
Not Evil
Memex Deep Web Search Engine

Here are some research tools found in the deep dark web WWW Virtual Library Collection:

‘Woke’ American capitalist, oligarch billionaires, now having succumbed to left-wing ‘identity politics’, collect personal, private data on everyone in America who uses the oligarchs’ social media platforms and cell phones, and they and others accessing this information can use this data to keep those of you, not aligned politically with the oligarchs’ and others’ views and values, from getting hired for certain jobs, advancing in a job, keeping a job, getting pay raises and/or promoted up the corporate ladder, as well as keep your kids from getting admitted to prestigious universities; while at the same time, the same ‘woke’ capitalist, billionaire oligarchs have aided and abetted in contributing to addicting you and your loved ones, to comfort.

Addiction to comfort, with no real suffering required or necessary to achieve the comfortable surroundings you now crave, makes it much easier to control and manipulate you and your loved ones. This control is called ‘soft totalitarianism’ which takes place slowly and incrementally for years so you do not necessarily feel yourself submit to it because you are too comfortable and thus complacent. If and when you realize you are addicted…it is too late because by then the ‘big brother’ oligarchs have already collected and compiled all the information they need on you to help keep you addicted and ‘on the teat’ so to speak.

But forget the self-righteous, ‘woke’ elites and activists noted above who control you. They are only temporary. On the brighter side, albeit ruthless, life for most people on planet Earth is ruthless, and to achieve anything truly meaningful in life requires time, commitment, persistence and work, in other words, it requires suffering. Suffering is, generally, not something those addicted to comfort in America have endured to achieve the comfort they have become so well accustomed to. This is where the ‘futurist’ social scientists emerge in the New World Order that want a new vanguard, a new wave of kids to emerge out of the chaos. The role of a futurist is to honor the past, inhabit the present and engage the future.

These futurists say, “This is our birthright.” To these futurists, useless are the kids today on social media joking-not-joking about suicide, obsessed with over-consumption, social media, prices, capitalism, anxiety, depression, apathy and the ever-widening void of empathy as the endless cycle of information–once so wonderful—now, according to these nihilistic kids, life is meaningless and without morals. And on they go, over and over, stuck in a spiral.

What the New World Order futurists want are kids that really feel something – not cool apathy or wry detachment, and not this bizarre new strain of suicide banter. The new generation must be the best there ever was – to believe again in its own potential. The new futurists want kids to feel they are not lost, that they are not doomed, that they are simply a cohort born to an age that needs fixing.

Addressing the current epidemic in mental health – and there is one – will be no cinch. But it is achievable. How do futurists do it? In the reign of the futurists of the New World Order they will re-train, or weed out the degenerates, like Mother Nature routinely changes planet Earth, ruthlessly if necessary, making the ‘bad actors’ and ‘layabouts’ eventually disappear; thus altering the narratives to inform our collective existence with new stories and songs, cinema and TV, literature, video games, advertising and branding. Futurists will be using all of these fictional worlds to re-shape the way we look at our own, responsible for new narratives to replace the old narratives…the old narratives which have currently corkscrewed so badly.

Today, whenever a particular entertainment proves profitable, it is duplicated over and over until it is rinsed of meaning making it less than desirable or virtually useless in almost no time. Greed plus human nature equals the deletion of meaning. Once an idea is finally wrung dry, we all agree we are past, or post, that idea, for example, modernism to postmodernism then to post-postmodernism until it is ‘burned out’, soon rendering it undesirable, useless…meaningless.

How did Chairman Mao Zedong, Chinese communist leader from 1949 until he died in 1976, solve the huge drug problem in China? If you were caught doing drugs or sold drugs in China during Chairman Mao’s reign you would be executed on the spot without a trial. To the New World Order, ruthless, futurist collective, currently, too many kids are of questionable value to be allowed to continue spreading their DNA throughout the chain due to their destructive, impaired, spoiled, inefficient, barren ideas. Too many kids today look back on the past with high cynicism. They mock, they parody, they deride – they delight in the elegance of their own irony. And in so doing, they steadily avoid, escape, resist and drain the collectives’ lives of joy.

Why is the rock and roll band, Beatles, still considered maybe the greatest-ever pop band? Why do Van Gogh’s paintings still make people weep? It is not because they mugged for the camera and made fun of themselves and others on social media.

The new futurist collective wants not just a few, but all kids to become truly great artists – the ones that shape the prevailing attitudes and have bravery to take themselves seriously. Never irony – honesty will be the coin of their realm. The willingness to look a fool. The audacity to be earnest. The confidence to be vulnerable. Cynicism comes cheap in a new, upcoming postmodern era, but you get what you pay for.

The ‘sorry product’ being put out by too many kids today is a titanic defense mechanism that, clanking and heaving, disguises one sorry fact. Too many of them are flat out of ideas. Look at the cartoon TV show, The Simpsons, and tell the new futurist collective that they are wrong in their perception of American culture today. The great writers, artists, and musicians are those who eschew the ‘Trend Machine’ and take it upon themselves to create something courageous, honest, and new. It is a vocation that requires baring your soul – and risking failure.

Let them, then, the disillusioned, new futurist collective, claim the current generation for aspiration. By raising the current young generation’s sights to the classical values – hope, stoicism, belief in each other – the new futurist collective will take on the fight to rid society of the aforementioned degenerate youth, as well as the great moral fatigue that plagues the youth of today.

The New World Order futurist collective will be honest, vulnerable and will start anew. They will spin hope from that bare thread of despair, and in the process, weave a new and tender narrative for us all to inhabit because what greater, more meaningful thing to do with your life than raise children. Our youth today were now born and bred into a world of fear, narcissism and instant gratification. But fear – and hope – are choices made daily. Armed only with brisk and cheerful readiness, optimism and united in common purpose, the new futurists will form an impossible- to-overcome force. And should the jagged, old-school politicians, or the cobwebbed social, academic and financial institutions want to stop them? Just let them try.

Another thought from futurists about the coming decades, we will see the gradual transition from an Internet to a ‘brain-net’, in which thoughts, emotions, feelings, and memories might be transmitted instantly across the planet.

Futurist social scientists can now hook the brain to a computer and begin to decode some of our memories and thoughts from high-tech brain scans. This might eventually revolutionize communication and even entertainment. The movies of the future may be able to convey emotions and feelings, not just images on a silver screen. Kids will go crazy on social media, sending memories and sensations from their senior prom, their first date and so on. Historians and writers will be able to record events not just digitally, but also emotionally as well. Perhaps even tensions between people will diminish, as people begin to feel and experience each other’s pain.”