Come Tomorrow…The Order Of Assassins

Hallucinogens…she changes the shapes of things before his eyes…makes
him wise…and despise. The way he looks at her is the way every woman
wants to be looked at. As pop art artist, Andy Warhol, exclaimed, “So
cool…so cool.”
Come tomorrow…will be older.
Come tomorrow…may be wiser, bolder than today.
Come tomorrow…may be a soldier.
Never underestimate the power of denial. Power corrupts and absolute
power corrupts absolutely the ‘goodness’ put forth in the name of the
collective. What did you expect? We essentially just walked out of the
woods 150 years ago knuckles still dragging the ground, riding to success
on the backs of our ancestors who fought, bled, sacrificed and died doing
all the really hard work for us; along with the few innovators we have
latched on to parasitically for our subsequent decadent yet lucrative ride
up to the stars.
Ancient philosopher, Machiavelli said, “Everyone sees what you appear to
be but few experience what you really are”, like being at a big party where
there is so much privacy, but at a small party there is no privacy at all.
Machiavelli asked the question, “Is it better to be loved or feared?” Love is
unsustainable just like the earth’s resources for human consumption, and
like all the earth’s species, including humanity, eventually will go extinct.
To control the earth’s subjects/people…fear rules.
Only fear through cunning maintains order. For example, Machiavelli said
you only give your subjects just enough so they do not hate you but not so
much that they do not need you.

Through cunning you control your subjects. The game is to ‘sell it’ don’t
tell it’. Charm and manipulation sells it and the bestsellers could sell
bubble gum to nuns in the lockjaw ward at an insane asylum.
However, if you are perceived ‘not’ to be acting in the interest of your
subjects for the common good of the collective or democracy then you will
be disliked creating distrust among your subjects. The elites in control are

so cunning that they will be perceived to be just as naïve as the average
person…your subjects. However, if the elites ever disclose their skills at
executing cunning their subjects will perceive them as dishonest, evil
monsters to be exterminated through violent or non-violent assassination.
Ideally, for the elites in control cunning must be ‘perceived’ as trustworthy,
kind, honest, believable, generous and courageous. Machiavellian
principles of cunning are practiced by the elites in control and are used to
acquire and maintain power at any cost. ‘Perception’, not truth, is reality in
the world of power politics, and due to the inherent corrupt nature of
humanity, those espousing altruistic collective goals and/or democratic
goals for all, first and foremost the elites in control will instinctively
Self-preservation includes looking out first for self, family, friends,
associates, interests, obligations, debts all of which almost always precede
any decisions made for any ‘altruistic collective goals’ or what is right for
the greater good of all people. Whatever is left over for all people after self-
preservation needs are met goes toward the stated group/collective
altruistic goals. However, the rhetoric from the elites in control and with
influence is always, “I’m all-in” for the ‘altruistic collective goals’ because if
self-preservation by the elites is perceived by the subjects under the elite’s
control would call for violent or non-violent assassination of the corrupted
elites. You see. ‘Cunning’ is the key to control and influence.
Women have evolved to be more cunning than men because men have
always relied on brute strength to control, influence and dominate while
women, to attain power, have come to rely more on skills of charm and
Ancient philosopher, Thomas Hobbes, said the truly free person is the one
who does not ‘rock the boat’ and ‘goes along to get along’ with those in
power. However, Hobbes also said the elite’s subjects will overthrow and
assassinate, violently or non-violently, those elites that no longer are
‘perceived’ to support the elite’s subjects which is why cunning is so
crucial to control and influence.
Cunning is exemplified in recorded history in no better place than with the
‘altruistic collective goals’ sought by the Order of Assassins. Famed and
feared by Muslim and Crusader leaders alike, the Order of Assassins,
‘claiming’ to act for the greater good of all people, managed to murder or
force into exile a great number of very important and powerful men in the
two centuries in which ‘the Order’ ruled the Middle East from 1090 A.D to
1273 A.D.  

The influencers and killers that ‘the Order’ trained essentially shaped the
modern conception of ‘terror’ using expert assassins: masters of stealth,
disguise, persuasion and when necessary weaponry, all used individually
or in combination, and absolutely devoted toward a singular goal…the
elimination or control of a target. The Order of Assassins was extremely
capable using influencers, tacticians, strategists, leaders and terrorists to
intimidate…spread suspicion and fear.
For almost two centuries, from 1090 until 1273 A.D., the Order of Assassins
played a singular and sinister role in the Middle East. However, the
Assassins were relatively few in number, geographically dispersed but
feared and despised by all those they intimidated and/or attacked. The
Assassins were so good at intimidation, spreading suspicion and fear, that
just a threat from ‘the Order’ was often enough to make Middle East leaders
surrender and leave their fiefdoms.
In America the Order of Assassins is alive and well, maybe call it the ‘New
Order’. For example, ‘woke’ cancel culture influences, controls and
assassinates the opposition/enemies generally non-violently; and ‘quiet
quitting’ employees non-violently, quietly assassinate their employers’
companies by only doing ‘the minimum’ amount of work possible for their
employers, doing just enough work to keep them from losing their jobs.
U.S. President Eisenhower said it best warning us during the 1950s that the
economical, political and spiritual cultural influence and control felt in
every city, state and through every politician, in combination with the
military and police state that we are becoming, we must guard against this
unwarranted influence and control. We must never let the weight of this
combination endanger our liberty or democratic process.
Examples of the ‘New Order’ in America uses centuries old suspicion, fear
and intimidation tactics to influence and control its subjects like, for
example, using ‘mass formation psychosis’. This takes just 10% to 30% of
a population, the vocal minority, to force the remaining 70%, silent majority,
to ‘go along to get along’ and not ‘rock the boat’, roll over and submit to the
vocal minority, a minority that is ‘convinced’ it is on the side of what is right
and good for all. However, never assume and never convince yourself
about that which is questionable.
The ‘don’t rock the boat’, silent majority in America do not want to be
freedom fighters and too often do not want to be innovators either. They
just want to make a quick and easy dollar. Rapper Notorious B.I.G. said it
best. Either you sling crack rock or have a wicked jump shot. Nobody
wants to work for it anymore. There is no honor in taking that after school
job at McDonald’s. Honor to the dollar. The ‘go along to get along’ silent

majority, for the most part, just wants to make a quick and easy dollar like,
for example, many of those working on Wall Street.
A Wall Street stockbroker’s job is to move their client-investors’ ‘dumb
money’ into the stockbroker’s pocket. Nobody knows if a stock is going up,
down or sideways least of all stockbrokers. Stockbrokers do not create or
build anything.
If a stockbroker’s client-investor gets a sizable gain in a stock purchase
you do not offer to let them ‘cash out’ and take a profit. You get the client
interested in another brilliant idea, a special idea. You get them interested
in another stock to reinvest the earnings the client just made, maybe invest
even more money. The ‘dumb money’ client will most likely go for it every
time because they get addicted to earning more again and again and again.
Meanwhile, the client-investors think they are getting wealthy and they
are…on paper but the stockbrokers are taking home cold, hard cash via
commissions no matter if the client wins or loses money. The
stockbroker’s job is to keep the client on the stock market Ferris wheel 24/7
365 days a year every damn decade.
These Wall Street culture assassins are leeches on society sucking the
blood out of society for big profits. For example, these assassins do not
tend to recommend investing in preventive health care companies that
prevent sickness, or promote already existing companies that make simple,
low cost remedies because there is no money in this. In the health care and
pharmaceutical industries, the only REAL money is made in treating people
who are already sick, with little if any interest in preventing people from
getting sick in first place which would only kill the ’cash cow’.
Compare the ‘go along to get along’ stockbrokers’ existence today to that
of the real, truly free cowboys of the American wild, wild West of the 1800s.
Real cowboys were basically farmers on horseback; rugged individualists
pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps free to think for themselves
with ‘no fear’ of retaliation or intimidation from any culture assassins’
prevailing attitudes, groups or the elites in charge.

Even though we are going back in history about real cowboys, we are still
talking about issues relevant today. Going back to the days of England’s
first king, King Arthur and his noble, chivalrous Knights of the Round Table
like Sir Lancelot, the American cowboy on a horse is equivalent to
England’s knights that lived by a code from chivalrous to ruthless. In the
Old West American culture during the 1800s the man on a horse can be
hero or villain or both. The Old West cowboy is almost always seen on his
horse and that makes him the American version of the heroes and villains
like those handed down to us from Greek mythology.
Notwithstanding the fact the Old West American cowboy, by his very
nature, like the gods from Greek mythology, makes the cowboy follow
standards of behavior…independent…self-reliant…what every American
can aspire to be creating America’s most enduring legends. The Russians
have Chekov. The British have Shakespeare and America has the cowboy
stepping into the middle of the street ready for a showdown, a romanticism
ingrained in all Americans as a symbol of freedom and might makes right.
And there is only one rule. You got to be tough and when it is time…you go.
Unlike the gods in Greek mythology, the historical references to the
American cowboy you can say, “The cowboys really did that.”
The culture assassins rule America today, for example, intimidating law
enforcement officers into hesitating and ‘second guessing’ their ‘let’s go’
instincts forcing cops to ‘opt out’ of protect and serve and ‘opt in’ for self-
preservation, safety, security, protecting and serving their own interests,
first and foremost, over and above those they are hired to protect and
For this you can thank today’s small number of, but high-powered
American culture assassins. The Uvalde, Texas children school massacre
in 2022 exemplifies this. Do not blame the mostly young, inexperienced
cops on the scene in Uvalde. Blame yourself for allowing America’s culture
assassins to eliminate the American mantra of the ‘git ‘r done’, ‘let’s go’
American cowboy spirit that is likely gone forever in most all corners of
American society.
In 1300 A.D. what and who ended the rule and Order of the Assassins? It
was not the ‘turn the other cheek’ Christians because they were ‘devilishly

divided’ into a plethora of small number denominations and thus too weak
to act in unison. ‘The Order’s’ rule ended when the Mongols from China,
with their strength in numbers and unwavering, strong, steady, courageous
and confident discipline invaded the Middle East from the East
overwhelming and easily exterminating the once feared Order of
Assassins. The majority defeats the minority if it is intended to be.
Today, the prevailing attitude of the culture assassins in America is use any
means necessary no matter how morally/ethically wrong the means is to
get the desired end which totally goes against the ‘integrity’ of doing what
is best for the collective ideal we seek and wish for all. Unfortunately, the
collective, ‘head-in-the-clouds idealists’ coming of age during the 1960s
and ‘70s, at every turn, have been ‘bitch slapped’ with the ‘reality on the
ground’ due to the inherent greedy, corrupt nature of humanity that always
seeks to exalt the privileged few in the collective up and over everyone else
in the collective.
This usurps the struggle to reach a collective utopia, a utopia that has yet
to materialize in any significant, meaningful way in history. In fact, on every
level over time the whole sought after collective ideal has become more
and more fragmented rather than binding together.
The use of force and fear is the only way to achieve the collective ideal like
that used in the Japanese justice system that employ centrally controlled,
partisan border guards called ‘judges’ instead of ‘juries of your peers’ to
mete out justice for criminal behavior. Japan’s judges boast of a 90%
conviction rate so do not go against order or the justice assassins there.
Moreover, Japan’s justice system wants to make it criminal behavior if you
say anything ‘toxic’ about anyone online punishable by one year in jail.
Toxic language will be defined by the judges…not the people. For better or
worse assassination here would quell toxic language online.
Similarly, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and fascist dictators around
the world use force and fear to create what is best for their subjects. As
always, the collective’s privileged few at the top always still gets way more
privileges, safety, security and wealth than those in the ranks of the
collective they control/dominate due to the inherent corrupt, greedy nature
of humanity.

Culture assassins are influencers in control and convinced they are acting
on behalf of the greater good for all. Today, the new ‘religious zealots and
crusaders’ are climate activist warriors inhabiting the ranks of big
business, Wall Street, government, academia and social media influencers
spawning and legislating big spending, corporate and taxpayer subsidized
programs contributing to out-of-control energy prices, inflation, war and
civil unrest. Meanwhile, the culture assassins in charge of the mainstream
news media and social media tech giants in the USA, to date, are censoring
as much as possible about the resulting civil unrest currently going on
around the world that is responding to high prices and food shortages.
The culture assassins in America are also ‘in bed’ with the climate culture
assassins all of whom neglect to debate the root cause of inflation which is
big government tax and spend and regulation policies, as well as high
energy costs. The 12 U.S. Federal Reserve Bank’s bankers all concur that
we will not lower the cost of inflation until we reign in government
spending which devalues the U.S. dollar, as well as flood the market with
oil and gas to lower the cost of energy since it takes oil and natural gas to
power, move and manufacture all goods worldwide.
When the culture assassins in charge of the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) decide to invade Taiwan, they will strike when America and Europe
are perceived weak. Taiwan manufactures 80% of the world’s
semiconductors. Taking Taiwan will cripple every nation’s military and
manufacturing machines and ‘crash’ stock markets worldwide actually
creating a buying opportunity of stock in solid growth companies when the
S&P reaches somewhere around 2500 to 3200. However, before a
successful ‘takeover’ of Taiwan takes place, the Taiwanese anti-CCP
separatists are already, on record, declaring they will literally ‘blow up’ all
semiconductor manufacturing plants, and the infrastructure supporting
them, so everyone everywhere loses.
However, the CCP, like the ‘woke’ assassins in America, has mastered the
use of mass formation psychosis for decades now re-educating the
Taiwanese population through suspicion, intimidation and fear to be CCP
Similarly, the Russians are planning to re-populate Ukraine with Russian
sympathizers some day while simultaneously the U.S. drains its strategic
petroleum reserves, and drains its own stockpiled ammunition and land
war weaponry by sending so much of it to defend Ukraine, not counting all

the weaponry erroneously left behind in Afghanistan further depleting U.S.
armament stockpiles even more than the U.S. government’s culture
assassins are willing to even acknowledge.

Meanwhile, only 30% of all the munitions and armament being sent to
Ukraine has been accounted for by the U.S. Pentagon, with 70%
unaccounted for being considered as ‘leakage’ (corruption) going to ‘black
opps’ (black operations) thus falling into the hands of mercenary arms
dealers on the worldwide underground black market for terrorists
everywhere to acquire ultimately to be used against the American infidels
and devils elsewhere here and abroad.
Remember when the U.S. government culture assassins said it would
reevaluate the effectiveness of sanctions against Russia after 30 days?
Well, to date, it has been over 6 months now and the rest of the world is
suffering from the Russian sanctions but not Russia by comparison. This
is just another in the long line of examples of flawed political judgments by
culture assassins and the helpless, downtrodden masses and taxpayers
paying the ‘ultimate price’.
In China, due to the CCP’s Belt and Road Project to dominate the world is
‘not’ proving to be economically viable for China these days, and making
matters worse, China’s prosperity is also tied to the very expensive U.S.
‘King dollar’ if they want to trade worldwide. Consequently, today, CCP
culture assassin practices and policies are causing wealthier Chinese
people to try and get their wealth out of China but if they are caught doing
this their wealth will be confiscated and these wealthy Chinese families will
all disappear.
Furthermore, the CCP culture assassins ‘are not’ having luck getting older
Chinese citizens vaccinated against Covid-19. Only 20% of those over age
65 are vaccinated in China, to date, because all vaccination drugs made
anywhere, including those of Chinese origin, are ‘synthetic’ remedies.
Older Chinese people have only ever really believed in ‘natural’ remedies.
Maybe the ‘oldsters’ there know something we do not know since the
experimental, synthetic Covid-19 vaccinations made by Pfizer and Moderna
in the USA have proven ‘not’ to prevent the spread of Covid-19, ‘unlike’
what too many culture assassins in the corporate, medical and political
world are convinced of and continue trying to convince the rest of us of.
Consequently, you will NOT find the culture assassins in mainstream news
media investigating the big pharmaceutical companies, critics charge,
because ‘big pharma’ spends ‘big bucks’ on all the mainstream broadcast

TV and cable TV news networks including mainstream newspapers and
magazines. For example, you will not see an investigation by the
mainstream news media into the correlation between most all the recent
and past mass shootings in America and the mass shooters’ using
commonly prescribed psychological, ‘mind altering’ drugs some of which
are made by Pfizer. If you watch any of the mainstream media news shows
on CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and FOX you will find that Pfizer
‘sponsors’, as well as advertises on, TV news shows. No TV network, or TV
station for that matter, will do investigative reporting of any significance on
ANY of their major advertisers. No TV network will ever bite the hand that
feeds them and, instead, will ‘sell out’ the health and well-being of their
viewers for the almighty profit.

Too few news media outlets are ever held accountable for what they cover
or do not cover as news because the corporate conglomerate news media
that reports and investigates has not been unbiased, ‘independent’ sources
of information for decades. All the news media, both right leaning and left
leaning, are all ‘in bed’ with our corporate conglomerate leaders. The
reporters/investigators/pundits hired to report and investigate since the
1980s have tasted the wealth the corporate media has bestowed upon them
making news media reporters/investigators/pundits, knowingly or
unknowingly, complicit in the corruption of keeping the lower and middle
income, working classes in the dark for decades.
This is unlike the 1960s and 1970s when news media people were poor and
relatively poorly paid so they identified more with the lower and middle
class income people, consequently ‘looking out’ for the poor and middle
class because they themselves generally earned income that made them
still rank as poor or middle class. However, this all changed in the1980s
when news reporters/investigators/pundits became relatively well-paid by
comparison to those that came before them.
However, CCP culture assassins ‘are’ having luck in America. China told
the U.S. government in 2021 that if America goes forward with investigating
the Wuhan lab as the origination of Covid-19 then China would halt exports
of prescription drug ingredients to the USA. China manufactures 80% of
the USA’s prescription drug ingredients. Consequently, the U.S.
government halted the investigation.

Similarly, due to sanctions against Russia for the 2022 Ukraine War, Europe
will collapse when Russia cuts off oil and gas exports to Europe creating
civil unrest across the ‘free world’ that is already happening but not being
widely reported by the mainstream news media.
Flawed judgment has plagued EVERY U.S. Congress (House of
Representatives and Senate) controlled by the ‘tax and spend’ Democrat
Party since before the Great Depression of 1929 ending in 1997 during U.S.
President’s Clinton’s 2 nd term in office when the Republican Party took back
the House of Representatives for the first time since 1952. And flawed
judgment has plagued EVERY U.S. President since President Clinton
erroneously trusted that Communist China would adopt democratic
reforms when Clinton got China admitted into the World Trade Organization
(WTO) in 2001 allowing cheaper Chinese manufactured goods to flood the
world for greedy capitalists and politicians alike for the past 21 years.
Flawed political and capitalist judgment for the past 90 years and
‘irresponsibly accumulating’ an exorbitant national debt, and not resolving
this debt since the financial crisis in 2008 has led us to the hyper-
inflationary times we find ourselves suffering from today; just like it did
during the hyper-inflationary times during the 1970s sparked by high
energy prices, tax and spend government policy, U.S. government going off
the gold standard, and misguided U.S. Federal Reserve Bank policy. The
same thing happened from 2008 through 2022, however, today, we also face
threats from armed nuclear superpowers that could terrorize, even spark
WWIII ending the world as we know it in just 60 seconds if nuclear arsenals
are unleashed!
Meanwhile, as usual, the culture assassins in America are taking their ‘eye
off the ball’ focusing on smaller ‘fish to fry’. For example, the culture
assassins within the public school teachers unions in the U.S. talk and
teach the transparency of equity and diversity. Yet they will not allow
camera surveillance in public school classrooms, and will rarely ever fire
poor performing teachers, and do not believe in ‘school choice’.
Consequently, students living in poor performing public school districts
cannot seek schools outside the poor performing districts they are
assigned to. School choice could create more competition among public
schools the citizenry can choose from to educate their children.

In the meantime, U.S. corporate culture assassins virtue signal their ‘woke’
principles, but just go and try to build low to middle class income housing
in the rich neighborhoods of the superrich and powerful in the U.S., for
example, in Aspen, Colorado or Martha’s Vineyard. The high-powered elites
will fight to keep the underprivileged from moving into the superrich
communities claiming the super-rich will have to hire more security. Also,
having lower income classes of people living among the superrich and
powerful will diminish the lavish lifestyles of the rich and famous forcing
the super-rich to live amongst the underprivileged, ‘rubbing elbows’ with
the ‘have not’ population which they do not want to do unlike the virtue
they signal.
People everywhere share a ‘common everything’. We all inhabit this small
planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s futures.
We are all mortal.
One of the fallacies of the holocaust of World War II is the ‘myth of race’
which exists politically but does not exist ‘biologically’. We are all basically
the same ‘us’…the two-letter plural, lower case pronoun ‘us’. Regardless of
where we come from, our political persuasion, our sex, our wealth or race,
we always need to be reminded of the ‘us’ inherently in all of us, all the
intimacy of us, plus all the majesty of us, the complexities, the
contradictions, the controversies in all of ‘us’. We do not need to limit our
history and only talk of it in one way, or only teach the good points in our
history. We need a rich history that pulls back and reveals all the startling
and contradictory and not so pleasant things in the history of ‘us’.
The history of ‘us’ gives us perspective to see where the dangers are,
where the precedents are for all the dangerous situations we find ourselves
in again today. Too often Americans are blind to their own history.
One reason Americans have lost the cohesion of ‘us’ is we have forgotten
the glue that has held ‘us’ together. Not just in the patriotic ways or
emotional ways but in the very functional ways of how ‘we’ get things done
for all of ‘us’ on this planet for a shared common good for ALL of ‘us’,
enabling us to be able sit around the same table and cohere and let the
better angels reassert themselves. This is what most all people want in
their heart and soul. The divisions in ‘us’ are huge, massive, threatening
and have exposed the fragility of institutions worldwide, and the fragility of
the future of ‘us’ if we do not realize we, as ‘us’, share a common
 Is a democratic government and the republic of the USA, led by culture
assassins, worth preserving when it lies to the people? It becomes a
dangerous country when you cannot trust those in-charge and you cannot
tell the truth and you are afraid to speak up anymore. It can be scary

exposing the truth but if you do not, the ‘bad influencers’ (culture
assassins) take over and then everyone gets scared.

Follow your passion on what to do in life no matter if your passion is likely
understood by only a small number of people who hold a specialized
knowledge or interest. You want to wake up every day thinking I love what I
am doing.
Few of us have the extraordinary gift of ‘hope’, a gift found in too few
people and not likely to be found again considering the day and age we live
in. The culture assassin crowd is rotten and careless. They smash up
things and people then retreat back into their money and vast
carelessness. Possess the extraordinary gift of ‘hope’ and you are worth
more than the whole damn bunch of culture assassins put together.