The first U.S. president, George Washington, said the problem with political parties is they care more about winning than solving problems. Moreover, if they ever do solve specific problems, many of those working in government will find themselves out of a job, so there is no incentive to really fix anything as long as taxpayers keep paying them and re-electing them with no term limits. The founding fathers of America intended for politicians to serve a term for their country and go home. Career politicians get rich off U.S. taxpayers enjoying cushy, indoor jobs with no heavy lifting. They should serve a term in office then go home and work for a living and then they would know what working class Americans have to do to survive.

No matter if we live in a communist, socialist or capitalist culture, the politicians, no matter which political parties they represent, it is all about manipulation and conformity to the ‘prevailing ruling attitude’ to control the population by any means necessary through power politics, while the voters are the pawns in their game for control over the population and public opinion.

However, first and foremost in the process, politicians are in the game to line their pockets with taxpayer dollars for themselves and their families first, and helping the public they serve second. This is one reason why wage earners’ wages have not advanced in decades.

Remember, like too many politicians, the prison system houses too many people who chose to honor the wrong values and who recklessly followed those who espouse misleading values. Your best bet as an American voter is assume nothing and trust… but verify.