We, the silent majority, are FINALLY mounting an offensive to stop the madness!

When communicating with friends, family, associates and others YOU MUST TAKE CONTROL…or otherwise submit.

CAN YOU TRUST Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest and all the other big tech, billionaire oligarchs and their loyal, partisan border guards that staff their ‘machine’ of programmed partisan algorithms…can you trust them NOT to be eavesdropping on you 24 hours a day no matter where you are? Are they conceivably watching you like ‘peeping toms’ 24/7? Are they censoring the content you send? Are they tracking your every move? DO YOU TRUST THEM?

Before we get into the ‘meat of the matter’ on the EASY and FREE WAY OUT how to STOP THEM so you TAKE CONTROL, we feel compelled to give you some necessary background on the UNHEARD OF SECRETS they don’t want you to know that CHANGES EVERYTHING.

Is the following document fearmongering, rumor and/or conspiracy theory…or fact…or some of both? So, you decide. This document is what followers of freeWAYOUT.com and scamEDITORS.com, as well as what some other free-thinking, serious writers are reporting and publishing.

Aside from what has already been written about, reported on and sourced outside of this document, and consequently compiled in this document, everything else here that has been reported to us by whistleblowers, ‘OFF THE RECORD’, was always stated to us by the whistleblowers in a ‘matter of fact’ tone. However, for liability purposes and fairness to the partisan, big tech, billionaire oligarchs, like Facebook, Twitter, Google and others, by the way, all of which are ultimately going to be held accountable here, we have chosen, ‘ON THE RECORD’, to ‘tone down’ the whistleblowers’ incendiary opinions being reported here. However, even ‘toned down’, the impact and suspicion in what has been reported and published by others, as well as written about here and reported to us by whistleblowers in the following document, it is still overwhelming and downright disturbing as you shall see. So yes, what is currently being published on this subject, as well as reported by whistleblowers here may possibly already be much worse than what is being expressed here.

The big tech, billionaire oligarchs and their ‘comrades’, the high finance Wall Street billionaires, to say nothing of all their loyal followers, like the power-hungry, political globalists and activists, as well as the partisan border guard elites in academia and the news media in America and worldwide; as a group, this ‘elite partisan machine’ has several goals that will cost working, middle class, American taxpayers more and more money and offer Americans fewer and fewer freedoms. One of the elite partisan ‘machine’s’ goals is to address universal good worldwide and “income inequality” all in the name of a ‘more broadly shared prosperity’, unfortunately, odds are, the ‘machine’s’ achievements may end up helping ONLY SOME OF US in need…but NOT ALL OF US in need.

To help achieve their goals, this rich, elite group of oligarchs and self-described ‘do-gooder’ activists and ‘disruptors’, making up the upper echelon of the partisan ‘machine’, need the unsuspecting masses to help them accomplish their goals and do the elite partisan machine’s ‘dirty work’. Consequently, to sway and employ the passionate, fickle masses to ‘take up the mantle’ of the elite partisan ‘machine’, this ‘machine’ attracts and fuels loyal followers by employing, repeating and replicating ‘social justice’ memes under the new definition of ‘social justice’ in America whipping up the ire of their loyal followers to use retribution, revenge, anger, destruction, empathy…and guilt…especially guilt against the status quo.

The new tyranny and fanaticism of ‘social justice’ in America in 2020 is driven primarily by guilt espousing that we ‘do what’s right’ for everyone without the self-righteous, ‘Bible-thumping’ theme of the past. This new tyranny will be expedited via, not ethics and morality, but instead via selfish situational ethics and selective morality. Under the ‘jaundiced eye’ (prejudiced) of situational ethics and selective morality, this new morality may end up helping and selecting those of us based on who and what we look like instead of who we are, as well as based on our gender and race instead of based on our ideas and experience and NOT based on the content of our character, totally UNLIKE the unselfish, non-violent traditional ethics and morality that the spiritual, humanist leader, Martin Luther King, sought to achieve for America in the 1960s. However, in America, while we are getting fanatical about ‘social justice’, simultaneously, the ‘social justice’ fanatics in America are, unfortunately, hypocritical, turning a blind eye to the starvation and torture of innocent people worldwide by other tyrannical, fanatical social orders.

And furthermore, to persuade the unsuspecting, fickle masses to do the elite partisan ‘machine’s’ ‘dirty work’, the ‘machine’ is also using ‘climate change’ hysteria to get the fickle masses to ‘take up the mantle’ of the ‘machine’. This hysteria is based on debunked, ‘alarmist’ myths surrounding global warming predictions that are still faithfully believed by many people to be ‘facts’ and not ‘myths’. Under the guise of ‘social justice’ and ‘climate change’, the elite partisan ‘machine’ is using ‘social justice’ and ‘climate change’ hysteria to persuade and/or ‘trick’ all the impressionable, generally younger, more passionate than thoughtful, minds to help the rich elites, and ‘do-gooder’ activists, achieve the ‘machine’s’ goals and subsequently takeover public and political policies worldwide.

These rich, globalist elites, and the loyal, partisan border guard activists who follow them, believe the American working middle class is rich compared to the rest of the world…and yes, they are very rich by comparison. However, this big money, elite ruling class knows that whatever wealth it has to give up to achieve its goals, as described above, the elites’ riches, in large part, will not be lost to achieve these goals. The achievement of the ‘machine’s’ goals to address universal good worldwide and ‘income inequality’, in effect however, will ‘reset capitalism’.

As former U.S. Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, said in 2015, we need to work to “reset capitalism” as described above. Translated, this means that the rich, globalist elites, and their activist followers, in effect, to achieve this ‘reset’, many working, middle class American will unwillingly have to relinquish their own middle class standing in America and, unfortunately in the process, will get pushed back down into the lower class socio-economic strata in America from whence they generally came from. However, the ‘lower class’, by American standards, is a much higher socio-economic class than lower class standards elsewhere worldwide. When the elite partisan ‘machine’ dupes working, middle class Americans to give up their undeserved wealth as perceived by the ‘machine’, then working, lower class individuals, in countries somewhere on the other side of the world, will gain entry into a country’s working middle class which will address the partisan ‘machine’s’ goal of universal good worldwide and ‘income inequality”.

However, simultaneously, the same working, middle class Americans are being persuaded, deceived or ‘tricked’, and misled by the elite partisan ‘machine’ and its sycophant political legislators in America, and worldwide, into erroneously believing that addressing “income inequality” means working, middle class Americans will be earning more money, not less money; and in the process rich American elites will be giving up more and more of their own wealth and giving it to working, middle class Americans to address ‘income equality’ that has eluded the working, middle class for decades in America.

However, NOT SO. NOT EVEN CLOSE! Addressing ‘income inequality’, as described above, unfortunately, too many working, middle class Americans will already have been ‘duped’ and ‘tricked’, meaning they will NOT achieve ‘income equality’ that was promised by the wealthy elites and activists. Unfortunately, this disturbing reality will ‘bitch slap’ working, middle class Americans years later, at which time, it may be too late to stop the stampede toward addressing universal good worldwide and ‘income inequality’ because, by that time, ‘the horse will already be out of the barn’ as the elite partisan ‘machine’s’ takeover of political and public policies worldwide for the massive transfer of wealth and other lofty goals will have already been achieved.

DO YOU TRUST THAT THE F___K__G ‘RICH MAN’ ELITES, AND THEIR ACTIVIST FOLLOWERS, HAVE EVER HAD WORKING, MIDDLE CLASS AMERICANS’ BEST INTERESTS AT HEART? Probably not. Too often the elites and activists feel that any wealth accumulated by working, middle class Americans can be sacrificed to ‘bring along’ the working, lower classes in other poorer countries worldwide, but only as long as the riches of the ‘elites’, in large part, can always be relatively preserved and stay in the hands of the ‘elites’. The rich elites and activists feel that working, middle class Americans are still way too rich and have been rich way too long by comparison to the rest of the world’s working lower classes, basically saying to working, middle class Americans, “Give it up middle class America! Share the wealth and don’t be so greedy.” Oftentimes great wealth makes you feel virtuous to want to give back to society…generally, as long as you don’t have to give up too much of your own wealth and lose your standard of wealthy living in the process.

If you do not trust these elites and activists and their partisan ‘machine’, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. So we have to protect ourselves from the elite partisan ‘machine’ and START SOMEWHERE that we can easily control. Too many of us, the users of the big tech, billionaire oligarchs’ online social network platforms, like Facebook and Twitter, and online search engine platforms, like Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft’s Bing, too often we feel like big tech may be constantly spying on us…maybe even following our every move ALL DAY EVERY DAY!

If you’re feeling used, abused and manipulated by the big tech oligarchs and their partisan ‘machine’, WE’LL TELL YOU THE EASY, ‘FREE WAY OUT’ TO STOP THEM!

Like too many of us already believe, are our social online accounts getting hacked? If you’re feeling spied on and thus abused by the online social media platforms, like Facebook and others, and/or the online search engines, like Google and others, it’s FREE of charge to stop big tech from spying on you, as well as stop the ‘cancel culture’ that spews attacks against you from the partisan ‘machine’s’ patrons who launch their reputation-destroying, ‘slings and arrows’ against you that may be used to ostracize you at work, keep you from advancing at your job, and even used to get your boss to fire you. Nowadays, if you misspeak and/or mis-gender someone, the partisan patrons of ‘cancel culture’ may get you attacked, ostracized, and they may mount an attack against you that could cost you your job…even possibly cost you your life in some cases.

Wake up! Your enemies, both known and unknown to you, as well as the elite partisan ‘machine’ may compile then archive the online social network posts you put on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere, and they may also compile and archive your online searches on Google, Bing and Yahoo. This also includes collecting and archiving ALL the activity you conduct on your cell phone!

All this archived data can be used to form an ‘enemy hit list’ of sorts. Sooner or later, could you even get ‘doxed’? Getting ‘doxed’ by the partisan ‘machine’s’ patrons means that all this collected and archived data would be made public for anyone and everyone to see. Getting ‘doxed’ is the physical equivalent to getting ‘butt raped’.

So could getting ‘doxed’, and this ‘hit list’ of your social media posts and searches possibly be used against you at work or maybe where you apply for jobs? Or possibly used against you where you apply to go to school or maybe where you seek credit? Or possibly used to expose your sexual and political preferences? Or possibly used to expose where you live so your enemies can ‘make you famous’ (which is the politically correct way of saying ‘harass and/or hurt you’)…wherever and whenever you may least expect it?

One very influential, current member of the 2020 U.S. Congress House of Representatives, as well as one 2020 U.S. Presidential candidate, and even one former U.S. President have ALL already alluded to, with one of them actually putting it in writing, that their political enemies should be put on an ‘enemy hit list’. And the one member of the 2020 U.S. Congress House of Representatives, cited here, even published that ‘political enemies’ should also have their online social network posts collected and archived to be used against political enemies when they seek employment and seek to earn a living for their families, basically trying to humiliate, ostracize and ‘starve out’ their political enemies.

During the 1860s in America, President Abraham Lincoln, right or wrong, had his own way of dealing with enemies by declaring them to be spies and enemies of the state. His remedy was to ‘string ‘em up’ (death by hanging), then after hanging them, and to make a lasting impression to anyone else considering becoming an ‘enemy’, he ordered the dead bodies of the enemies to literally be ‘drawn and quartered’. The age-old definition of ‘drawn and quartered’ is the condemned ‘enemy’ was fastened to a hurdle, or wooden panel, and ‘drawn’ by horse to the place of execution, where he was then hanged, emasculated, disemboweled, beheaded, and ‘quartered’…meaning cut into pieces! The remains would then often be displayed to the public in prominent places to dissuade others from even possibly thinking about doing anything that could get them labeled ‘the enemy’.

Nowadays, are any of us, the ‘unwashed masses’, NOT ‘fair game’ to be targeted for simply expressing our opinions? Or targeted for a chosen lifestyle, or for a chosen job type, or for a particular company we chose to work at, or for a certain neighborhood we chose to live in? Today, everything and everyone is ‘fair game’ if your known and unknown enemies choose to target and come for you.

Are you concerned about protecting your privacy and the social networks’ online possibly tracking every move you make? Are you concerned about your online posts possibly getting censored? Are you concerned about the possible hacking of your social online accounts? Then consider using alternative social networks, like Parler.com and Mewe.com which, to date as of 2020, reportedly respect your privacy and supposedly do not spy on you. However, this idea may not be totally secure and private. We will tell you about a possible better way to secure privacy.

Are you concerned about protecting the privacy, safety and security for yourself, your loved ones and your associates? Are you concerned about online social networks and online search engines possibly tracking every move you make? Then consider using alternative online search engines found on the Deep Dark Web like DuckDuckGo.com and others that reportedly, to date, respect your privacy and supposedly do not track your online searches.

Critics charge, too many people feel that online search engines, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft’s Bing, may be tracking their online searches, so do you trust the search engine oligarchs and their partisan ‘machine’? Do you trust that your online searches on these search engines will not be used against you someday in some way? Are you concerned that your online searches may be used to contribute to keeping you from being hired? Or may contribute to getting you fired at a job, not to mention other social, psychological and/or physical atrocities that may possibly be heaped upon you? Consequently, for viewing videos consider using Rumble.com instead of YouTube.com because, reportedly, Rumble respects your privacy and may not track you, totally unlike how too many people may feel about what Google owned, YouTube, may possibly be doing with your online search data and online search history.

So, like gangsters say when determining whether or not to ‘get rid of’ someone, “Why take a chance?” Rather than always worry about what certain online social networks and certain online search engines are possibly doing behind your back, protect yourself as much as possible and take control of your online social and search destiny.

If you’re so inclined, feel free to still get your news and information from whatever online sources and online social networks you like, but you may want to beware of EVER communicating with others using their platforms, or EVER talking on or even casually talking NEARBY your cell phones. Are they always possibly eavesdropping on you? Can the partisan, big tech, billionaire oligarch ‘machine’, and its patrons, be trusted NOT to eavesdrop, spy, censor, track, hack and/or expose you?

Are the partisan, big tech, billionaire oligarchs themselves possibly wary that they’re own privacy may be compromised? Are they themselves possibly suspicious of being eavesdropped on and spied upon by THEIR OWN elite partisan ‘machine’ and its patrons?

For example, reportedly, Facebook founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, supposedly keeps pieces of tape covering the cameras and mouthpieces of every computer and cell phone in his private offices! Does he fear, like too many of us may also fear, that the computers and cell phones we are using are possibly always being used to eavesdrop on and watch us, peeping in on us EVERY moment of EVERY day by the partisan border guard ‘machine’ that the big tech oligarchs themselves created? Is the elite partisan ‘machine’ possibly gathering and archiving everything we do in our personal, private lives, and if they so desire, including inside and outside our bedrooms? And do you trust them NOT to EVER use your personal behavior and information against you that they may have gathered and archived from your online and cell phone activities? Before you answer this…continue reading further then answer that question.

In this day and age of partisan, big tech social and search dominance by very few players, everywhere you turn nowadays it seems that everyone may be lying to you to push their own agenda or narrative, so who do you trust? And right or wrong, fear, brought on by the 2020 pandemic coming out of China resulted in China possibly becoming the world’s ‘new number one’ superpower. Fear is the theme for 2020 that has proven the ‘free world’ is weak and vulnerable. Consequently, nowadays everything is possibly a threat, or toxic, or contaminated, or compromised or all of the above, so who do I trust or touch? What do I trust or touch? WHY TRUST OR TOUCH ANYONE OR ANYTHING?

Being motivated by fear is ALWAYS, in the end, a losing strategy. You have life temporarily, you have pain temporarily then eventually you may continue the journey into the hereafter once the temporal has passed. Not knowing is what makes the American public…the American public, so never assume, and never convince yourself about that which may be questionable.

Today, in 2020, the current generation is treated somewhat like guinea pigs used for social and political experimentation by the big tech, billionaire oligarchs and the elite partisan ‘machine’ of Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft, Apple and others which too many people believe may possibly be used to control, track, censor and spy on them.

Future generations may look back on the 2020 generation and say, “You mean you let the big tech oligarchs and their ‘machine’ use, abuse, control, manipulate and censor you like that? What? Are you stupid?”

Nothing says you cannot use Facebook and other social networks to find friends, family and associates but once you make contact, take control of your online social destiny. If you have any doubt that any online social network may possibly be spying, tracking, hacking and censoring your communications with friends, family and associates, then why not form your very own private email community?

There is another, way more complicated way to stop Facebook, Google and others from spying on you but if you’re not a ‘techie’, meaning not technically inclined, then it’s not so easy to stop them; plus even using this more complicated, ‘techie’ way to stop them from spying on you, all your online activity may still possibly be compromised at some point down the road, and then you’re back to square one, so ‘why take a chance’? Here’s a more thorough way to stop the big tech oligarchs, its partisan ‘machine’ and its patrons from possibly tracking, hacking, censoring and ‘doxing’ you.

Simply set up all your friends’, family and associates’ email contacts into one large email group, as well as numerous smaller email sub-groups, as you see fit to classify and divide up all your email contacts into large and small email groups of your choosing, then when you send out emails with whatever information, messages, links, videos, pictures and attachments etc., you’re sending them out with privacy and in bulk with one simple click with, generally, no fear of being tracked, hacked, censored or ‘doxed’.

Of course it would be wise and recommended to never, ever email any messages, pictures, videos, etc. that are illegal. Also, there are more secure email services that provide the ultimate privacy protection and security if you so desire. For example, Tutanota and Countermail are email services which supposedly offer ‘free’ and highly secure versions of email services. However, for most people, simply wanting to email messages, links, video, etc. back and forth among a community of friends, family and associates of their own choosing, then the typical, free email services, most everyone already uses, may suffice.

Creating a group or list of email contacts to form your very own private community online allows you to escape the bloody talons of the big tech, billionaire oligarchs and their loyal, partisan border guards and their partisan ‘machine’. And the EXTRA ADDED BENEFIT is no intrusive ads from social network advertisers following, tracking, virtually stalking you like you may possibly feel when you use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others; PLUS it stops any unwanted friends trying to ‘friend you’ like you may too often get bombarded with when using Facebook.

At some point you may even want to set up a web site for all your contacts to visit and communicate through, however, a public web site, unfortunately, also opens the door to scrutiny and hacking by your known and unknown enemies.

Are you one of those that may feel Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft, Apple and others operate in the realm of ‘soft totalitarianism’? This is all about shutting down dissent against the ‘prevailing attitude’ of the minority who always seems to end up ruling the majority. Then, too often those in the minority with the loudest, most obtrusive voices, end up trying to force the majority to conform to their arbitrary, self-righteous, one big tent, global, community rules.

Elitist, globalist views of the world and the goals the elites want to achieve too often fall short for too many people because one size does NOT fit all. The world, for the most part, is a mixture of hundreds of thousands, conceivably millions, of smaller, diverse communities made up of relatively ‘like-minded’ people who inhabit each and every one of those communities.

The question these days by many people is, how do you know when you are being told the truth? Some say the truth is being told when Facebook ‘blocks’ it, Twitter ‘deletes’ it, Google ‘hides’ it, YouTube ‘bans’ it, your government ‘forbids’ it, and the mainstream news media ‘brands’ it as a conspiracy theory.

Now, before you categorically reject the following statement, wait until you read to the end of this document before you make up your mind. If you do NOT want to go to the trouble to create your very own private, social, online community of somewhat like-minded people to avoid what too many people are feeling nowadays that they’re possibly being tracked, hacked, censored, cancelled, ‘doxed’, ‘dissed’ (disrespected), exposed, and ostracized by the big tech, billionaire oligarchs and their partisan border guards and its partisan ‘machine…well, then maybe consider learning to speak the main Chinese language…called Mandarin Chinese. No, we’re not joking. We’re serious.

Why? The goal of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ is to OFFICIALLY become recognized worldwide as the world’s number one superpower sometime between 2030 and 2050 and rule the world via central government authority and central government-run capitalism, similar to the goal of ‘progressive politics’ that’s currently taking hold in America. The China Belt and Road Initiative, ‘buys up’ poor and struggling countries’ debt then ‘builds out’ these same countries’ crumbling infrastructure, basically ‘setting up shop’ in and attempting to colonize EVERY possible financially struggling country, as well as, EVERY poor country worldwide that the CCP can get their bloody talons into. Currently, the ‘easy pickings’ so far for the CCP’s Belt and Road Initiative have been Asian, African and Caribbean countries. As of 2019, the CCP has ongoing projects for their Belt and Road Initiative in 138 countries and is associated with 30 international organizations. Ever wonder why the mainstream news media rarely, if ever, reports on worldwide news and seems to only concentrate on local and national news? Get your nose out of your cell phone, go offline and think about it and stop requiring to be ‘spoon fed’ what and how to think by the elite partisan ‘machine’. Think for yourself for a change. It can be quite eye-opening and invigorating.

In contrast, just like the Chinese people live with EVERY minute of EVERY day in China, when the CCP ‘sets up shop’ in a neighborhood near you, and as critics charge, with some very astute help from America’s own Google, the CCP eavesdrops on you, they spy on you, they track, hack, censor, ostracize, cancel, EVEN ELIMINATE YOU. When one million Chinese people protested in the streets of Beijing, China at Tiananmen Square against CCP corruption in 1989, one million protesters turned out and went ‘to the streets’ to fight for some democratic freedoms and CCP government transparency.

However, the revolt was put down violently by the CCP army and, reportedly, in the end, thousands of protesters died on the scene or were later hunted down and eliminated. One very memorable moment that happened at ‘the Square’ in 1989 was when a lone man, later nicknamed ‘tank man’, stood all alone in the middle of the street as a long line of Chinese military tanks approached to put down the revolt. The line of tanks did stop momentarily right in front of the lone man standing in defiance to the CCP until two men appeared and escorted the lone man away so the tanks could proceed to put down the revolt. Well…long story short, ‘tank man’ was never seen or heard from ever again…by anyone…including his family.

Since 1989 and the Tiananmen Square Massacre, the Chinese people have never ever tried to rise up again against the CCP to attain basic freedoms. If the ‘free world’ eliminates the CCP by whatever means necessary to free the Chinese people, the Chinese people would likely be dancing in the streets, just like the Iraqi people did when the U.S. rid Iraq of its ruthless, merciless dictator, Saddam Hussein. And consequently in 7 to 15 years, which in our lifespan is equivalent to 1 to 2 generations removed, no one would care what the ‘free world’ used to rid the world of CCP oppression to successfully cut off the ‘bloody talons’ of the CCP.

If you do not have a good ‘social credit’ score with the CCP, they may censor you and may literally restrict where you are allowed to go 24/7, as well as how far ‘up the ladder’ you can advance at your place of employment. The only Chinese that are allowed to step foot in America are ALL incredibly loyal to the CCP and possess high social credit scores with the CCP. Does this sound similar to how the big tech, billionaire oligarchs and their partisan border guard ‘machine’ may be leaning to control the citizens and non-citizens of America?

Spying on everything you are doing, talking about, searching for, and where you go EVERY moment of EVERY day of your life…until you decide to change that disturbing direction for your own friends, family and associates, in the meantime, you may want to learn Mandarin Chinese as a backup plan. Why?

Throughout history, in the world of espionage, spies are everywhere, especially in America. And because there is so much freedom in America, we have the most valuable and easiest-to-steal secrets which may be why many of the big tech, billionaire oligarchs, and elites everywhere in America, are having their own children learn to speak Mandarin Chinese. Do they possibly have some, conscious or unconscious, deep-seated feeling about what the future may hold for their children living in America?

In 2020, China boasted of winning the race in quantum computing by being the first ever to successfully build and implement a computer unmatched by any other country in the world including the USA. It is a quantum computer that figures out and solves problems 100 trillion times faster, yes, that’s 100 trillion times faster than any other computer on the planet and only China has it forcing every other country in the world ‘down on its knees’, making every nation subservient to China’s new, high-tech prowess.

Making matters worse, China has already been caught illegally hacking into, as well as acquiring a financial interest in too many of America’s small biotechnology companies that research molecular biology like DNA genetics and RNA viruses. When you control DNA and RNA in humans, anything is possible to construct or destruct in the human body that can be unleashed on humanity in specific areas or worldwide. For example, the vaccine you get to protect yourself from one pandemic virus, with the arrival of a subsequent pandemic virus, this newest, latest virus may have evolved, or may have been fiendishly constructed, in such a way to cause a harmful, possibly deadly reaction in your body due to the vaccine you got to protect yourself from the first or preceding pandemic virus. As noted earlier, never assume and always be careful of convincing yourself about that which may be questionable. Not knowing is what makes us weak and vulnerable and the American public…the American public.

The ‘free world’ is too nice and too liberal compared to the rest of the world and we all know ‘nice guys finish last’. How many pandemics can the ‘free world’ endure before responding in like kind? Does the ‘free world’ even have the intestinal fortitude (guts), willpower and backbone to eliminate its powerful, formidable enemies, as well as erasing from memory and canceling into non-existence its enemies’ enablers and sycophants?

Ideally, the ‘pandemic spreader’ regimes should only hit the ‘free world’ with a pandemic once every couple of years after the last pandemic. This is about the time it takes for the ‘free world’ to put the last pandemic in the past and ‘reset’, at which time the ‘pandemic spreader’ regimes can proceed to ‘mess up the minds’ and drain the pocketbooks of those living in the ‘free world’ all over again with a new pandemic. Now that they have the free world’s ‘number’, so to speak, the ‘pandemic spreader’ regimes are easily able to create political division and mass hysteria in America and the rest of the ‘free world’ because the ‘free world’ is psychologically, socially and financially weaker and more vulnerable than ever before since the pandemic of 2020.

The real question becomes, how many pandemics can the ‘free world’ withstand before it implodes socially, psychologically and financially? The following age-old, time-tested strategy still applies when in a struggle. Strike first ‘while the iron is still hot’ and always, ALWAYS ‘get there firstest wth the mostest’! Regardless, whatever happens in the future, after the pandemic of 2020, the ‘free world’ will forever be changed…and many people believe…not for the better.

The way things are going nowadays in America…your best bet may be to have your children learn Mandarin Chinese because if you’re over 40 years of age it may already be too late for you. In China, if you’re over the age of 40, generally, you may be way too hard to re-train, therefore you are ‘an expendable’, meaning you’re of little significance or use to the community and the common good when compared to the overall purpose and goals of the minority who rule the majority, so therefore you’re able to be abandoned.

Like the old, somewhat ‘tongue in cheek’ saying goes for ruthless, merciless regimes, ‘They don’t take prisoners’. If you don’t choose to fight…then submit…and live like captive, caged, once-strong, proud zoo animals living out the rest of your life relatively secure, sheltered and fed for social, psychological and political experimentation by the elite partisan ‘machine’ in what some would call living a life of mediocrity and monotony, meaning living an uncomplicated life of relative sameness, boredom, repetitiveness, dullness and colorlessness…while the rest of us prefer to live free…or die. If you choose to submit rather than fight then, in the meantime, whatever work your hand finds, do it gladly because there is no work, no love, no knowledge in the grave.

The toxic culture in the 21st Century of self-love and self-loathing is some of what happens when we decide to define our own truth. Socially and psychologically people’s opinions and judgment do not make good gods. Politically, people have proven themselves to only be good at tyranny. To escape tyranny people eventually realize they are fallible and are not very good at being reliably self-sufficient, reliably trustworthy, reliably merciful and/or reliably compassionate. In the grand scheme of things it is a relief we do not have to carry “the burden” of determining our own truth, worshipping others or ourselves and relying upon our own self-sufficiency. Tyrannical control, corruption, deceptive academic mind games and/or ‘spin’ by the few over the many ALWAYS loses in the end because at some point it is no match for confidence, conviction and common sense…which may only come in time.