The mysticism of scientists and researchers is that they like to think of themselves as objective in their search for valid and reliable information but mankind is inherently incapable of being totally objective about complex things, issues, events and/or reality. The human mind is loaded with preconceived ideas, agendas, bias both conscious and unconscious.

Our inherent subjective mind “fogs up” our ability to make a truly fair judgment. Even scientific experimentation, with all its built-in checks and balances, ends up making true objectivity virtually impossible yet scientific results are sold to the public every day as valid and reliable.

However, even scientists and researchers know their own built-in limitations. This is why they close every study and experiment with the small print, legal qualifier that states “more research should be done before drawing any conclusions from this research.” This one phrase noted in every research study and experiment is the scientists’ and researchers’ legal and scientific escape clause or loophole so the results they discover cannot be truly held accountable.

So forget true objectivity it will not happen and cannot happen. Facts are nothing more than a consensus of opinion. Only a semblance of objectivity will likely ever be possible. Reality and objectivity can only be described through the “subjective” mind and the result can neither be reality nor objectivity but it instead is some sort of omni-objectity just as our one mind is actually made up of multi-minds that are constantly and forever changing, even evolving minute to minute.

Making matters worse, highly respected, authoritative academic journals may be unwitting accomplices to scientific fraud. Scientists and researchers may not be the selfless seekers of valid and reliable results after all. The fame, notoriety, financial rewards and everything else that comes along with it may make cheating worth the danger of ever getting caught falsifying the results of scientific research studies and experiments.

Americans glorify science which possibly prevents the investigation and correction of scientific misconduct. For example, publishers of scientific research data may print unanalyzed, inconsistent and divisive opinions derived from questionable data. To find potential misconduct simply follow the money trail behind every research study and experiment. And who is going to investigate the scientific community, the journalists? Most all journalists are only mentally capable of spreading the distortions researchers spew out to the public as news rather than trying to discover any research inconsistencies and false results.

Influential scientific journals may be publishing “faked” scientific evidence, data and possibly even stolen words! Scientific misconduct strikes at the heart of the enterprise. The scientific community does not help matters much by “rehiring” those researchers and scientists who resign in disgrace for distorting scientific data and research results.

Concerning the myth of Darwinism, for over 100 years the most acceptable explanation for the formation of life on Earth may be based, like religion, more on faith than compelling scientific evidence. Darwinism has been considered to be based on hard facts, yet modern methods of dating the Earth and its fossils indicate that there may not have been enough time for complex life forms to have evolved from single cell organisms.

Scientists admit there may be even more missing links in the human evolutionary chain than there are fossils to back up Darwinism. Apply scientific method to Darwinism and Darwinism is exposed conceivably as more of an act of faith than a functioning science.