The old news going back to the 1990s that everyone already knows is crime-ridden areas in America have its roots in poverty, as well as weakened, revolving door, ‘catch and release’ laws, and leadership and law enforcement that is demoralized, and a criminal justice system that is too often ineffective and inefficient. Historically, with the deterioration of the social fabric and lackluster law and order in particular communities in countries around the world, extermination groups or ‘death squads’ start to appear, hell-bent on cleaning up crime-plagued areas to slowly but surely, ‘weed out the bad apples’ one by one like they do nuisance stray dogs out in the back country boondocks.

Death squads have been at work for years in countries around the world. And now, in crime-ridden communities in America, ‘the whisper’ is law abiding and not-so-law abiding citizens are banning together ‘under the radar’ to rid their communities of habitual criminals. So do not act surprised when dead bodies of low-level criminals are discovered more and more and the crimes, for the most part, go unsolved. The ‘whisper’ is ‘leave them where you find them’…it sends a bolder message to habitual criminals seeing their dead comrades lying dead in the streets.

The problem for the ‘social sympathizers’ against the extermination of low-level criminals is, to date, no matter which country is experiencing ‘death squads’, hardly anyone is being brought to justice for exterminating criminals, so the only ones ‘paying the price’, so to speak, it seems are the victims, meaning the neighborhood low-level criminals, who ‘put food on their tables’ by victimizing others.

Even though no matter which country where death squads are investigated, the best guess so far of who is organizing and/ or ‘paying for’ the death squads is it could be
disgruntled, small local merchants banding together or going solo, driven to desperation by robberies and looting, tired of getting ‘ripped off’ by local thugs.

Or it could be local gangs and local merchants, both banding together taking the law into their own hands to rid the area of pesky low-level criminals…criminals of all ages because the last thing local gangs want to see is national government Army intervention into their gang controlled territories which would destroy or inhibit the current neighborhood drug trade.

In some slums around the world, gangs exterminate low level local criminals at the behest of local merchants, killing robbers and thieves plaguing local merchants. Furthermore, gangs fight one another, too, and sometimes kill their own people for violating strict codes of loyalty and secrecy.

Another possible source organizing death squads could be local gangs protecting their own drug dealing ‘turfs’, which helps thwart possible overwhelming national government Army intervention invading the gangs’ territory doing the job that local law enforcement is too slow or incapable of doing.

Another possibility of who may be organizing extermination groups is the claim that national government intelligence agencies around the world covertly create and operate some extermination groups to rid some crime-ridden areas of low-level criminals.

Interestingly, nobody really knows for sure who organizes death squads anywhere around the world. It is like who actually assassinated President John F. Kennedy? Fifty years later and no one still really knows for sure who killed a President of the United States totally unlike any other assassination of other U.S. Presidents.

Too often it is hard to say who is behind a death squad killing…a gang or an extermination group or a combination of the two. Regardless, everywhere that has experienced death squads, local law enforcement has almost always ‘looked the other way’ possibly because death squads do the ‘dirty work’ that most every law abiding citizen wants done to rid the communities they live in of criminal elements terrorizing the streets endangering innocent neighborhood residents.

Nowadays in America, a mainstream political party, as well as extreme ‘right’ and ‘left’ radical activists, elite professional sports superstars and their sports team owners, Ivy League academia professors, ‘A-list’ Hollywood entertainers, along with a complicit mainstream news media, all consequently, consciously or unconsciously, are encouraging free-willed radicals and sympathizers on the streets to take action against law enforcement. This constant narrative being spewed from so many mouths creates a toxic, dangerous environment for law enforcement officers most everywhere in America. Police union leadership will eventually have to start demanding, mandating in high crime areas that all cops start traveling/policing in groups of six or more to protect themselves from randomly being assassinated by whoever wants them dead; which these days could be anyone from those that are poverty stricken or mentally ill, to someone with ‘an axe to grind’, to someone privileged and highly educated coming from wealthy, influential suburbanite families just to name a few.

Police traveling around during their work shifts in squads of six to ten officers each will cut down on cop presence in areas where they may be needed more on any given day which justifies, in the law abiding public’s mind, the okay for extermination groups to ‘pick up the slack’ where the cops leave off to do the necessary ‘dirty work’ to clean up crime-ridden neighborhoods or ‘hoods’.

How many cops need to be assassinated before police unions, in charge of protecting cops’ lives, learn that larger groups of police need to be patrolling the streets in certain crime-ridden areas even if it means underserving other areas if no budget allows growing the number of cops on the force so that all crime-ridden areas are well-served at all times. Police safety has to come first and foremost or you will no longer have any honest Black, Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Native Americans or any race of people willing to risk their lives every day as a cop, meaning you will be left with what is called ‘Mexican police’ protecting and serving American communities. Mexican cops is a term used to label police officers that can at least pass a drug test to get on an American police force but who can also be bought and bribed to ‘look the other way’ like we too often may find policing the streets in Mexico.

And no one will be left to protect American citizens when the civil unrest of a ‘color revolution’ hits the streets of America resulting in mob violence, burning, looting, death and destruction supposedly caused for whatever convenient reason, for example, something like the rejection of election results, violence encouraged by social and mainstream news media. There will not be an army large enough to protect the citizenry if too many cities across America erupt all at once into violent protests which has already been predicted. Wake up people! ‘Lock and load’. When the ‘color revolution’ hits the streets of America it will be every man for himself to protect his life, liberty, property and loved ones.

This is all a matter of common sense that too many elected politicians have too little of. For example, former U.S. Presidents Bush Jr. and Obama needlessly cost American families the lives of nearly 8000 U.S. soldiers, with well over 10,000 injured, needlessly dying and/or maimed for life in Iraq and Afghanistan, endless wars that have gone on for decades now. Over 5000 American soldiers’ lives were carelessly and needlessly lost under U.S. President Bush Jr. in Iraq, and over 2900 American soldiers’ lives were carelessly and needlessly lost under U.S. President Obama in Afghanistan, and neither President ever figured out or learned how to fight and save American soldiers’ lives in those two countries. If they had any leadership or military skills, and/or military leaders with ‘know-how’, so much American blood would not have been spilled so carelessly and needlessly in both countries. The same exact thing happened in the Vietnam police action of the 1960s and 70s that carelessly and needlessly cost over 50,000 American soldiers’ lives.

American Presidents, and their military leaders, who waste American soldiers’ lives should be held accountable, at best they should be banished, exiled to some deserted island like they did to French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte in the early 1800s, or worst case dealt some sort of vigilante justice. Otherwise future U.S. Presidents may continue making the same mistakes. Fear of consequences makes for good decision making.

Hopefully, American police unions will not be as careless as former U.S. Presidents, Bush Jr. and Obama, were in learning how to protect the lives of cops from random assassinations and needless injuries.

Concerning death squads, most people are too frightened to even talk about how a death squad works. Here is how one of the ‘hunted ones’, a low-level local robber, thief and drug addict, has described the situation. You are located by death squad killers and you get shot in the face and head, often multiple times, ‘execution style’, making your body harder to identify by your loved ones or law enforcement. Before you are killed you may be told who your killers work for. The social sympathizers speaking up for the protection of low-level criminals say death squads are a “terrible problem and the number of deaths by death squads is increasing”

Regardless, whoever it is organizing death squads, they may also be hired to eliminate robbers, thieves, muggers, pickpockets and the like to protect lucrative tourist districts. Death squad killers around the world are silently being applauded by the law abiding citizenry because they say the bandits are out of control and nothing else can be done with them.

Official statistics on death squad eliminations are generally imprecise and incomplete, but several recent studies show that a significant number of low level criminals are being killed and that death by death squad is spreading.

In the words of one anonymous, so-called former death squad killer, “Nobody on a death squad asks the low level criminal he is going to kill for any identification papers. A bandit is a bandit, whether he is 10, 15 or 40 years old.” So, yes, innocent people may also unfortunately be getting eliminated which are considered the unintended consequences of the war on crime and a broken justice system functioning as a revolving doors for criminals. If the justice system was working properly with community and political will and leadership, there would likely be little to no need for death squads and people taking the law into their own hands fighting for victims’ rights. Victims victimized by low level criminals feel like there is no ‘justice’…it is ‘just us’.

As one public prosecutor said, who wishes to remain anonymous, “death squads serve as a brutal form of control over a chaotic social environment. When you kill a street criminal, you take out the worst ones first, and this acts as an example to the others to hopefully help control other criminals and keep them in line.” She concluded with, “You are exercising social control through fear and we may never find out who did it.” In the district of this particular prosecutor, in one year no one was ever charged in 688 of the 919 homicide cases registered in her district for that year. “Death-squad convictions are rare,” she said. “Witnesses to death squad murders are even threatened and sometimes killed.”

Furthermore, once death squads take hold in crime-ridden areas, she said, “The judges in the justice system are also susceptible to pressures”. She showed a news reporter documents relating to one case that charged three men with a death squad slaying and she asked a criminal court judge to order their arrest. However, the presiding judge refused. He said that “the seriousness of the crime, in itself, does not give rise to the necessity of preventive imprisonment.” This is an example of unintended consequences when death squads take hold. As already noted, witnesses to death squad killings also fear for their life in death squad cases. People are afraid to come forward with information on death squad killings for fear of being killed themselves.

Death squads go unpunished because the justice system is slow, inefficient and easily influenced, while “exaggerated formalism” in local criminal codes ties the hands of investigators and prosecutors. You have to blame the whole legal system. When death squads take hold in crime-ridden areas, by then legislation and legislators are considered by the law abiding citizenry as ‘a joke’, so why not resort to death squads?

Oftentimes in the beginning, extermination groups are sought out by those seeking protection from criminality in the areas where they live and work, but once death squads take hold usually the death squads get bolder and start to seek out those who need protection from rampant criminal activity.

Rampant criminal activity is the result of social and economic misery that turns society’s hopeless and abandoned into criminals. Since local and national governments are not providing a solution, people then seek another solution, which is violence, the law of the strongest, and as long as new bandits appear death squads will flourish.

Settling human problems through violence is human nature. The earliest human remains on earth were found with spearheads in their rib cages.

On a grander scale, where there is a will…there is a weapon. Today, the biggest merchants of death supplying the world with arms, in essence supplying a ‘catalog of carnage’ going unchecked spreading fear, mayhem and death worldwide, are China, Russia and the USA…so in effect what is the big deal with death squads taking care of ‘local business’ for a little peace of mind for ‘the locals’ in problem, crime-ridden communities? Evil prevails when good people fail to act…or…maybe better said…evil prevails. Action by good people may be a necessary evil to achieve and preserve law and order in a fractured, chaotic, morally crumbling society and culture.

Who will inherit the earth? Arms dealers…because eventually everyone else will be too busy killing each other. The secret for a society to survive? Never let things get so bad that you have to resort to violence to solve problems.