Do Not Trust Anyone Over The Age Of 40: Confiscate The Wealth

We, the rebellious children of the unwashed, huddled masses, in the name of the ‘Third Force’ new world order, are coming for you…to ‘liberate’ your wealth.

Today, in America and worldwide, a convergence of human-made problems has brought us right to the brink of utter chaos. This is such a humungous, overwhelming, shit-in-the-gears, existential crisis that we cannot see it for what it is. Sometimes it takes a metaphor to explain it. Go back to animal behaviorist Dr. John Calhoun’s mouse experiments from the mid-20th Century. To explain animal behavior, one day he built a metal pen in a neighbor’s yard in suburban Maryland, USA, not far from the National Institute of Mental Health (better known as an insane asylum) where he worked. He plopped four pairs of breeding mice inside the metal pen.

At first the mice thrived. But then as their numbers grew and grew, in that finite space, they started acting strange. They turned on each other. Dominant males formed roving gangs that attacked others. Mothers abandoned their pups. The weaker mice stopped eating and died. Others turned into cannibals, feasting on the dead. And the surviving mice were never quite right again. Something had happened to them. They weren’t really mice anymore. The ones that hadn’t died in body had died “in spirit,” Dr. Calhoun said.

We are those mice. All eight billion of us and counting, in an experimental pen called Planet Earth.

Ecosystems are crashing. Rain forests are disappearing. Oceans are being overfished and polluted. Social structures are breaking down. We’ve polarized into ferociously opposing camps. Gangs roam in a growing number of failed states worldwide and cities across America and everyone worldwide wants a piece of America’s rich, ‘easy action’. A mad rush is on for what remains of the planet’s resources. And lately we see brutal, crazy stuff, the rise of all forms of evil: cancel culture, bullying, extortion, cyber attacks, surveillance, riots, arson, human smuggling/trafficking, ‘doxing’, senseless mass murder, home invasions, car-jacking, rape, terrorism and torture. Also, gangland, guerilla ‘hit and run’ tactics are now used as weapons of war in American cities and worldwide from group shoplifting assaults to ‘drive-by’ shootings.

We are plummeting into a dire, might-is-right kind of future. Perpetuate crises. Collect data. Abolish privacy. Privacy impedes progress. Corporate and government policy in the name of ESG  (environment, social, governance) means sacrificing freedom for ESG. Control communication and movement through fear and/or self-preservation but make the majority feel like willing participants and not ‘duped’ or tricked. Regulate income. Regulate and control profit.

Some say World War III has already started, invisibly in some places, but everywhere in the form of skirmishes, greater impoverishment, economic scandals, shortages, riots. The number of failed states will double sooner than later. Refugees by the millions will first beg and then fight their way into every corner of the rich world, especially America where all the money is…or, as time will tell…was.

And then in a geopolitical moment of truth, a conflict will escalate out of control like China taking Taiwan and all of the South China Sea as its own territory. Or Israel will suddenly take out Iran’s nuclear facilities. Or Pakistan prevents access to the Ganges and will launch a nuclear attack on India. Russia may have to ‘pick sides’ and possibly launch a wave of ‘first strike’ nuclear destruction. Or drones attack Tel-Aviv in Israel from Iran. Or Pakistan just ‘nuked’ India at the behest and protection of Russia and China. God I’m getting lonely.

 ‘Rage against the machine’, and those who keep it greased and functioning, will ignite even in the most tranquil minds. Control? What control? There is no clarity of mind to even see it, or even worse, speak it for fear of getting ostracized and ‘cancelled’ or jailed or killed for what comes across as yelling, “Fire!” in a crowded theater. Billions may perish in a global die-off from some supposedly unknown origin and those who remain will slip into a dark age.

World famous heavyweight boxing champion, Muhammad Ali, during the 1960s, once said on camera anyone that goes against the Black Muslim, Nation of Islam will be killed. Not too long after this, after Malcolm X had a falling out with the Nation of Islam’s leader, Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X was assassinated and no one was ever charged with the crime. You can run but you cannot hide. In America today, flee and you will be tracked down. As they say on the street, “We’re gonna tax that ass”.

The ‘median’ average household income for students going to Ivy League schools in America is $175,000 per household. Most of these students come from Caucasian families which means mostly only privileged ‘rich kids’ are getting Ivy League educations and, in return, Ivy League universities have accumulated billions of dollars over the past 100 years from donations from alumni and other benefactors, funds that subsequently were invested in the stock market and elsewhere. Moreover, these universities are exempt from being taxed by the U.S. government.

To truly promote equality and equity as the universities say they do, then no ‘rich kids’ should even be allowed to go to Ivy League schools. For the most part, the ‘rich kids’ will do nothing but continue their lives of white privilege and entitlement once they graduate so ONLY poor kids of all colors should even be allowed to go to Ivy League schools IF these schools were truly concerned about equality, equity and fairness in learning.

The international corporate conglomerate, Salesforce, built the tallest building in San Francisco, California, critics charge, as a self-idolizing monument to itself and its billionaire founders while its rich, white man founders pledged to give back to the planet by literally taking it upon themselves to plant ‘one trillion’ trees. The self-idolizing monument building has been built for years but nothing else much is being said about the planting of one trillion trees to help save the Earth’s rain forests. Classic ‘haves’ vs. ‘have-nots.’ So ‘tax that ass’. The children under the age of 40, or rebels with a cause, will confiscate the wealth (CTW) of the f__king rich man.

A f__king rich man’s private jet spews a four times larger carbon footprint than a commercial airliner but the current U.S. administration’s 2021 so-called ‘climate czar’, John Kerry, a privileged white man that married into a widow’s billionaire wealth and fortune of the Heinz ketchup family without himself earning a dime of his wealth; this privileged white man and climate czar primarily only travels by private jet. Rebels! Tax that ass! CTW! For every mile flown by any fossil fuel aircraft by anyone will be taxed enough to plant one or more trees for every mile flown. Furthermore, any home over 7,000 square feet will be taxed to plant one or more trees every year for every square foot. All tree planting must be supervised by save-the-planet activists made up only of ‘rebels’ under age 40, and absolutely NOT managed by the typically ‘paid-off, ‘on the take to look-the-other-way’ adults over age 40 who the rebellious children know cannot be trusted.

Furthermore, before the ‘f___king rich man’ is allowed to take other rich people for trips into outer space, before the ‘the rich’ will ever be allowed to leave the planet, ‘tax that ass’. Mandate that the rich, space-exploring capitalists simultaneously spend the same amount of money they spent learning to fly into outer space and spend that same amount figuring out how to grow crops in deserts worldwide to feed the world’s poor. So many of the world’s poor have been killed, maimed and/or impoverished by conflicts, wars and aggressions started by the greed and delusional ideals of capitalists, socialists, communists, dictators and colonizing monarchs. So ‘tax that ass’ of every rich man for the ‘true cost’ of  success, sacrifice and freedom only made possible by ALL our ancestors going all the way back through ancient history if necessary = true cost reparations.

However, without private and corporate spending and job creation, government spending, taxation and government job creation is not fiscally sustainable long term.

For example, has any U.S. government spending policy EVER correctly predicted what the U.S. and world economy would be like in 10-20-30 years from this point in time based on government spending policy, and the subsequent consequences of this policy, being put in place today? For example, for the foreseeable future electric power will still mostly come from ‘dirty’ coal with no clean coal even close to being put in place. Cheaper fossil fuels will still power and produce most everything countries make, and producing solar and wind power grids and equipment needing replacement every few years creates as much of a carbon footprint as it eliminates. Hysterical, ‘the sky is falling’, climate change hand-wringing is being used to enrich those who financially invest in it or who can benefit politically from it by preying on the fears of voters and consumers.

This much we do know historically about massive government spending = higher taxes = unaffordable higher prices = barely decent wages to cover higher prices = dependence on government while the political and power elites at the top reap the most benefits, rewards and perks that working people only dream about, while the power elite persuades they will take care of working people during all crises and promises to deliver the undeliverable: redistribution of wealth for fairness and equity…all to calm the masses = less savings = bank mergers so in a worldwide financial crisis, real or unreal, nationalization and confiscation of wealth is easier all in the name of the common good = stressed out, angry masses = violence and ‘rage against the machine’ as the unavoidable by-product. 

The aforementioned is how socialism, Marxism and/or communism gains control. Eventually freedom-seekers will revolt with work stoppages and rebels will organize and mobilize taking up arms and revolt if necessary. 

Anyone who gained their wealth through marriage, divorce, inheritance or state lottery and did not ‘earn’ their wealth, the children rebels will ‘tax that ass’ and CTW leaving you with 1% of your ill-gotten gain thus incentivizing industriousness and ambition because if you do not work you will not eat in the upcoming New World Order (NWO) of ‘true-cost’ pricing making sure you pay your fair share.  Ambition and industriousness will not fade away like capitalists are always threatening will happen whenever CTW is mentioned because the fabric of society and humanity is ‘all in’ for the common good IF and only IF the common good is accomplished.  

Anyone who earned their wealth the rebel children will treat you like heroes for the common good, ‘tax that ass’ and CTW leaving you with no more than 10 million dollars to live on but, in return, will give you access to unlimited public capital for projects of your choice. Ninety per cent of the profits accrued from these projects/businesses will be distributed between the employees of these projects, capital expenditures (capex) for improvements, and to be used on projects to help people and/or help save the planet basically under the umbrella of spreading the wealth for the common good among all living inhabitants worldwide. 

In the ‘hood’ (neighborhood) to live and prosper there, the rebel children will ‘tax that ass’ and confiscate the wealth (CTW). You may think you can run but you cannot hide your wealth because the children of the NWO will track it down literally, even electronically if necessary. Either way you will ‘give it up’ for the common good, the planet and its living inhabitants and you will still lead a well-to-do lifestyle by ‘common good’ standards, whatever those standards turn out to be defined as.

World leaders, both corporate and political, always talk about being on the ‘right side of history’. The problem is there is no way to actually know the right side of history until many years later after history, and the decisions made by its leaders, can be evaluated and judged. Forty million Germans thought they were on the right side of history during World War II; and the Southern U.S. states thought they were on the right side of history when they seceded from the Union in the American Civil War in the 1860s. Presidents Bush and Obama thought they were on the right side of history when they killed, maimed and impoverished thousands of Americans, Iraqis and Afghans during the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. All of the above leaders were terribly wrong and paid or must pay for their careless, incompetent, deadly decisions.

World leaders who led their citizens into wars or any military actions costing lives and impoverishing families will not be allowed to stay rich or get rich and will be stripped of their wealth. They will not be allowed to profit from their mistakes and dangerous egos that killed, maimed and/or impoverished the people of their own country or any countries worldwide. Instead of being allowed to enrich themselves at the expense of the people who put them in charge to lead, they will be brought before a court of their peers and charged with war crimes. And like any murder there will be no statute of limitations so they could be charged for crimes they committed decades ago. 

America has two former U.S. Presidents who already qualify for war crimes against the people, one for killing and maiming over 15,000 Americans and countless Iraqis in the so-called Iraq War, and the other for killing over 2900 American soldiers and countless Afghans in the so-called Afghanistan War. 

Infiltrate ideas of unbridled fairness, equity and equal distribution for all Americans and this indoctrination begins in pre-school. Law and order is to be re-defined. Persuade children and adults to ‘fade out’ seeing any lines of distinction between all people, history and cultures. Social engineering rules the day. Mom and dad are wrong. Government and academia are right. Squash philosophical diversity and ideological diversity. Promote complete conformity. Over time no one will notice if done gradually because greater loss of freedoms in America has been taking place for decades. 

The tipping point on Planet Earth may not be when the heat or cold is unbearable or when the ecosystems or financial systems collapse, but when political, governmental and social induced fear wields control over the masses contributing and causing unnecessary neurosis in the body politic, then the noise in our own heads becomes unbearable and we implode psychologically with mood disorders, distraction and psychosis until we cannot think clearly anymore and we descend into anarchy, like so many have suggested, and ambivalence…we simply will no longer care. Then, too often, vengeance will be taken out on the innocent.

Originating from what could be called ‘bands of mercy’ and raising violence today in America to ‘unheard of levels’ of destruction and harm to capitalists, especially international capitalists, is somewhat reminiscent of the past when The Students For A Democratic Society (SDS) of the 1960s, and the Environmental Liberation Movement (ELF) of the 1990s, and the Animal Liberation Movement (ALF) of the 1970s, as well as other eco-warriors and culture-jammers who believed in the violent overthrow of government and capitalism by any means necessary. So what happened?

 Resistance is what people feel when they just cannot face what needs to be done. Something important is right in front of them, but it is so hairy, so scary in its implications on their life, their cozy way of keeping on keeping on, that they cannot deal with it. They resist. The more fear, the more resistance. The more they know deep down that this needs to happen, the more they resist. Resistance grips us when our very soul recognizes just how much is on the line.

The best case made for all of the above is it could go either way…basically a coin toss on which way. 

However, “resistance” has another meaning, a more positive one. This second kind of resistance is a social movement thought of in the context of war or struggle by a significant portion of the civil population to oppose that which has become intolerable.  The “resistance” is a groundswell of rebels who scheme and fight to overthrow an occupying military power – think like when the French underground used ‘hit and run’ guerilla tactics against the Nazi occupiers of France during World War II.

The current authority figures and systems of power in countries worldwide have shown, by their corruption and/or incompetence, or by the grievous harm they have done, that they have lost any right to that authority. When the resistance that topples the paradigm is nonviolent, it is a devilish bit of judo. Everyone comes out alive, but changed.

Today we are witnessing the birth of a new kind of resistance, a movement that operates completely outside of geographic borders and political structures. A Third Force.

People are coming together online to craft new ways of influencing policy, wielding power and governing ourselves. We are moving beyond any domestic political paradigm and starting to think and act as a global community.

We are the ass-kickers and care-givers and culture jammers. The ones who took the shit and waited on hold, on our own dime. We trekked up the mountain, ate the mushrooms, dangled from the bridges, leafleted the neighborhoods and volleyed the tear-gas canisters back at the ‘goons’ in uniform . 

We are the artists, the poets, the philosophers and punks…the “deplorables” who come to mind when the poet said: Everyone dies, but not everyone lives.

The Third Force is the most diverse, truly democratic voice the world has ever heard – really the only one that speaks for everyone’s interests. It is the music of no one in particular but of the planet and its inhabitants in general.

The rebel children are not a political party. Nobody voted for us. We do not identify as Left or Right.

Like any real breakthrough has to be, we are a synthesis of opposites. From now on, politics will no longer be the usual slugfest between ideological shadow-selves of everyone standing on opposite banks along the same stream, voting and getting basically nowhere decade after decade. A third player with a radical new agenda has joined the fray and elected governments will have to deal with this unsilenceable, new voice demanding systemic transformations on multiple fronts.

When we, the ‘low people’, feel our elected leaders are not paying attention, not handling things right, veering off course; when the gap between the rich and poor grows too wide; when corporations become too arrogant, Wall Street too greedy, secrecy too pervasive, surveillance too invasive and debt-collectors too f__king rude; when the norms, values and precepts that underlie our way of life are violated . . . that’s when we come together as one and set things right.

Our power is in our numbers. Get enough people aligned — the low and the downtrodden, their feet swollen from standing all day — their shouts become a ‘flocking’ signal like the spasm response triggered by a massive insult to the planet and its inhabitants.

Revolution is a negative force. The Third Force is a new positive…an “evolutionary cluster,” a group that forms, when historical conditions are right, because it has to, to accelerate change and give ALL humanity a chance. The difference this time is it is not done with insurgents but with ‘resurgents’ who are reviving, rising from the bottom. And we ‘revivers’ possess a new tool, the worldwide jungle telegraph…the internet.

Social media is now a third arm of democracy outside of government law and order able to get, millions of people ‘all at once’ to converge on hundreds of activist websites like, enough to launch massive boycotts bringing wayward corporations to their knees and able to organize global big-bang moments when people swarm their cities demanding systemic change. We, the resurgents, will poke our noses into every debate, election, decision and conflict so no more endless wars and/or occupations, or shifting paradigms, or reversing money flows, thus triggering reformations and preventing wars, conflicts, aggressions and transgressions.

The Third Force will become the dominant political force burning its initials into the culture with its revolutionary tool — this mobile device of ‘holy fire’ that you are likely holding in the palm of your hand right now.

The internet can be a destructive quagmire that sucks you in, persuades you to submit to someone else’s agenda making you feel diminished. Used constructively the internet is the sword of resistance quickly whipping up social transformation.

Beneath the revolution algorithm layer at the top lay resurging trends, repeating patterns, systems, paradigms, forms, ‘cools’. The deeper you get to the root, the more leverage you have. It takes pressure applied at the bottom which is the level of our most ingrained values, assumptions and beliefs to bring about meaningful, lasting, revolutionary change at the top for ‘Good’.

Currently, the world runs on a handful of well-entrenched, largely unquestioned precepts. Unfortunately, too many of us take it for granted that those ‘in charge’ know what they are doing so everything is presented as business as usual and harmless, not toxic. Secrecy is the norm and cannot be stopped. No matter how heinous a crime a corporation or any leader or influencer commits against the planet and/or the people, those ‘in charge’ are untouchable.

The Third Force is a new operating system for Planet Earth to be deployed to crack open the global mind. Your data is part of your person on the Mental Liberation Front (MLF) taking back, by force if necessary, your mental space — hacking into the network and monkey-wrenching the algorithms that are manipulating you.

Ecologically the price of every product tells the ecological truth. We launch the mother of all boycotts against corporations in the world and if necessary wipe the egregious, unworthy ones off the face of the earth while also favoring the worthy private, ‘mom and pop’ smaller operations that the greedy corporations wiped out decades ago, as well as favoring those mom ‘n pops wiped out during Covid-19 in 2020. 

Once the mightiest, unworthy corporation has fallen, the rest will follow and a Corporate Charter Revocation Movement will be born. Employees and owner/operators will be rewarded with the corporate riches of the fallen. The corporate capitalists’ wealth will be confiscated by what today would be called the unwashed, lowly, deplorable rebels under age 40. And yes, ‘tax that ass’ of the privileged middle class too because every good person will want to participate in the resurgence and evolution for the common good IF it actually results in actions for the common good and not benefits and gives perks for those privileged few at the top as it has been ‘going down’ for centuries.

Subversive cells will invade universities disrupting classes with Kick It Over manifestoes making secrecy, privilege and privileged professor tenure taboo. National security will be priority number but no country will be occupied or invaded without the assent of the majority of the people.

The mind-twist of the Third Force vision is that as our ecosystems and financial systems crash, as our minds are muddled, as we start spiraling into a dark age, impending doom is oddly liberating, meaning we have nothing to lose and everything to win and anything and everything suddenly becomes possible, when all the homilies, precepts and paradigms we have taken for granted for centuries begin to heave.

Today, corporations rule the world. A corporation charter-revocation movement restores sanity and a rethink of capitalism begins.

When refugees start swarming around the world by the hundreds of millions, Us and Them become indistinguishable, and the fear of The Other subsides. When anxiety, mood disorders and depression reach epidemic proportions, a Mental Liberation Front (MLF) is born in a geopolitical power-shift moment.

The hierarchical, top-down power structures that have ruled the world for thousands of years are collapsing. After centuries of rule by kings, emperors, tyrants, mad men, fascists, communists, military dictatorships, capitalists, socialists and mega-corporations, we the ‘rebel street people’ have unprecedented sway and will start calling the shots from below.

If the leaders, politicians, intellectuals and pundits of the old world order refuse to listen, then armed with our metamemes, like ‘mothers of invention’ (as a muse see 1960s musician Frank Zappa), the Third Force rushes into the streets and by the sheer power of enraged swarms of humanity howling for deliverance from a future that does not compute, the Third Force takes back the streets. The question is: Are you ready for ‘the codes’? ‘The codes’ will set in motion the insurgent revolution algos at the top and this will lay the foundation for the resurgent evolution to take hold from the bottom.