One thing that has never been explained in great detail to American voters is who and what actually counts the national vote? Why not? An educated voter is the biggest threat to the ruling classes maintaining their power in American politics. Since 2005 in America, it has been common knowledge, among Democrats and Republicans alike, that voting by mail using absentee voting ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.

Those critical of the whole political process in America jokingly say, “Why even vote, you only encourage the politicians.” Our job as voters seems to be one of picking between the liars. However, it may be worse than we thought, something that is unheard of. The vote may be stolen!

American voters cannot even begin to believe that their votes could be stolen. This suggests the unthinkable….the stealing of America! The computers used to count the votes can be programmed to select certain candidates and leave no paper trail just like casino slot machines are programmed to win or lose with no luck required. With the advent of computers, for years now, the American vote has been subject to possible electronic theft.

The news media may be nothing more than pawns in the process, duped into believing the so-called vote count, the vote counters, as well as how the results are tabulated and verified. What used to be called The News Election Service (NES), an unofficial private corporation, had reportedly for years been in charge of the physical control of vote counting, yet the NES never did demonstrate how vote counting is done in any detail. Making matters worse, today, no one knows what the official name is of those officially in charge of counting the national vote. Why not?

This is similar to broadcast TV ratings services which refuse to give in-depth details to the public on exactly how they collect and compute data concerning just who is watching what programs on TV. To uncover and expose any corruption could undermine the public’s trust and the system’s credibility. Who and what counts the U.S. national vote, or the NES, like the TV ratings services, has never voluntarily opened themselves up to inspection in any great detail, or for any length of time, conceivably fearing the possible loss of their almighty ‘credability’ that their vote counting acts are based upon.

In the past the NES always remained tight-lipped about operating procedures which, as far as anyone knows, may have allowed deep state, establishment thieves to steal votes for their own vested interests. Today, do Americans still always trust the Department Of Justice, the Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the U.S. Supreme Court, just to name a few, from being politically biased and potentially corrupt?

If there are or have been any “votescams”, whoever is in charge of counting the national vote, like reportedly the NES in the past, they cannot even publicize the mere possibility of corruption fearing chaos. In this respect, chaos must be controlled and is forbidden. Critics charge, under the thin layer of perceived order lies chaos. Similar to the idea that the only thing constant is change, political chaos theory proposes that political chaos is made to look orderly in order to rule the masses. The public deserves to know exactly how the vote gathering process works inside and out IF it is to be upheld as truly credible, valid and reliable.