The following is not for the squeamish or the sensitive, thin-skinned minds that could be teetering on collapse or borderline implosions, so if you are ‘one of those’ then skip the following eleven paragraphs and go on to the less offensive discourse starting in paragraph twelve.

Here is a paraphrased rant with a talk radio audience from a liberal, confrontational, radio talk show host during the 1980s which is somewhat prophetic considering the mind set of millennials today, so if you dare…beware:

Follow you? You reap what you sow. A day will come and there will be a reckoning. Those who turned away…will be turned upon. Nobody cares what your story is.

Nothing makes sense. Makes perfect sense to you. You’re a hypocrite. You’re insincere. You lie. You denounce the system as you embrace it. You want money, power and prestige. You want an audience. Then you want a bigger audience and success and you don’t give a damn about the world while you say you do. That’s the truth.

You’re sorry. Nobody cares. It’s all for the audience. They’re like a pack of wolves. You can’t stand to face what you are.

It’s war. You’ll be shot to hell and we’re all ‘goners’. The world is ‘screwed up’ and you like it that way because it makes you feel better about your own pathetic life.

You’re fascinated by gory details. You’re mesmerized by your own fear and it’ll get you. Your mind stays in the gutter. You revel in cancer, distractions, blood, car accidents, and unstoppable diseases. You’re happiest when others are in pain but you won’t admit it.

You lead others by the hand through the dark forest of your own anger, hatred and humiliation. You consider yourself a valuable service but you’re like a child under the covers at night, afraid of the ‘boogie man’ and you can’t live without his overwhelming presence and danger. Your fear becomes your entertainment.

Marvelous technology is at your disposal but instead of using it to reach up to new heights, you use it to see how far down you can go; how deep into the mud and muck you can immerse yourself.

What do you want to talk about? Baseball scores? Pimping? Pandering? Orgasms? Pathetic. You despise everyone not like you. You are nothing…absolutely nothing. No brain, no power, no future, no hope, no god, you do not believe in anything.

You say what you believe. You tell everyone what THEY are. You’re not afraid to. You have no choice. You pillage. You plunder. You get cut down. You get abused, insulted and you keep coming back for more.

Stop talking. Go away. You are a bunch of yellow bellied, spineless, bigoted, quivering, drunken, paranoid, disgusting, perverted, voyeuristic, obscene insomniacs. You’re afraid. Stupid. You don’t get it. It’s all wasted on you…(dead silence)…’Ya know?…We’re a perfect fit. We deserve each other.

And on the day of reckoning we’ll be held responsible and there will be no confusion. The trial will be short and necks will get stretched. Confess…or whips will strip our backs bare to the bone and our children will cry as they’re slaughtered before our eyes. The bodies will be hung out over the streets and buried in piles in the holes they dug….The day will come.

You were warned of the intoxicated ranting and raving. Organized Western society and its political culture fears the “psychedelic mind” because psychedelic consciousness can change life as we know it. Yet, nothing can be more revolutionary and necessary as it censures the status quo and is considered taboo by the mainstream, corporate conglomerate, political parties and their supporting news media puppets.

The “explorers” in the psychedelic realm, the “psychonauts”, grow their minds, expand their awareness as well as explore the imagination. However, psychedelic experimentation, practiced as scholarly research, is banned, taboo, even outlawed.

In the West we may never learn how to cope with or learn from our mind’s “inner space.” For example, Western culture cynics, the fault finders, dismiss the explorers, the psychonauts, as the “lunatic fringe” just so the psychedelic mind will never be taken seriously by the public. If you are mainstream, the worst case you may be labeled ‘controversial’ but still welcomed. However, if you are anywhere on the edges, or fringes, of mainstream thoughts and ideas you are labeled a ‘lunatic’ and ostracized.

As usual the ‘bad publicity’ leaves out the other side of the story so the public can be led to believe something else entirely by those controlling the medium and the message. Dismissing the psychonauts and psychedelic exploration, the cynical fault finders lead the public to see only the “negatives” and not the “positives” of psychoactive exploration.

The “lunatic fringe”, described by a cynic in a positive way, would be labeled instead as the “fringe culture” and described positively as follows: Since nothing but mediocrity only ever really happens in the center, all innovative change and powerful ideas seem to happen out on the “edges”, on the fringes, where sparks fly and opposing edges meet like those who envisioned computers and cell phones.

For example, if you travel into outer space at or near the speed of light,
Albert Einstein’s theory of ‘special relativity’ says that approaching the speed of light, a person inside a spaceship would age much slower than his twin at home on Earth, so when you return to Earth all those who remained on Earth for that time would be older than you.

However, if scientists did not acknowledge Einstein’s theory to be a fact, and if only the cynics’ negative perceptions of this theory of time and space were allowed to be adopted and reported before it was ever adopted by the likes of Einstein and accepted by scientists everywhere, this theory would likely have been dismissed as just another invalid and unreliable idea from the lunatic fringe.

This brings us to intoxication which is most often portrayed as a negative state of mind. However, the positive side of the story rarely, if ever, gets told because it does not suit those in control of the information the public is allowed to ponder on a regular basis, day in and day out.

For example, people like accessing altered states of consciousness for intellectual, scientific, psychic, psychological, exotic, euphoric, as well as self-help reasons. We feel intoxication helps us to discover our true hidden self, to understand dreams and to heighten our artistic perceptions.

Of course, some of us just like to hallucinate and experience visions just for the fun of it. Unlike what you may be led to believe, intoxication may produce, in some of us, some kind of happiness IF the user is not an abuser and uses self-control and moderation in the process. We were born with the innate impulse to experiment and alter our mind to learn and innovate.

So beware of those who write history, it may be but a fable agreed upon, warped and written by the victors to suit the fears and prejudices of those who control the information disseminated to the public. Consider the very little “authentic” history that may even exist with all the coloring, conjecturing and spewing of opinion as if it is fact. Most histories may be but lies immortalized leaving us with a flawed view of posterity and there is no end in sight in the abuse of historical accuracy.

Truth is radical honesty that few of us ever get confronted with which keeps us relatively content yet in the dark about many things we may need to know about if only we could handle truth and honesty.

Psychologically, too many of us are frail, overly sensitive and just plain ‘mental midgets’ when it comes to intellectually discovering then dealing honestly with the truth. Many of us would rather go through life with blinders on, so to speak, seeing only what is right in front of us instead of what is all around us.

Today, for many of us, perception IS reality or better known as ‘misperception’. Too often we see and believe only what we want which supports our core convictions and prejudices. We wish it is so, we hope it is so, therefore it is. We too easily, too often convince ourselves of that which may be questionable.

Logical thinking is useful but to claim it is the only way to reason things out is arrogant, making creative thinking less likely. Creative problem solving uses experience, common sense, passion and intuition which tempers logic’s rigidity and, in turn, expands the bounds of logical thinking.

To wrap up this intoxicated, pathetic (or prophetic) rant into inconvenient truths, here are a few paraphrased ‘in your face’ quotes from some famous and some not so famous people:

To hold sovereign and exclusive ownership of one’s own conscious mind, to explore freely and without boundary, is surely the most fundamental of human rights. Third party intrusion from the state or anyone else into this wholly personal territory is a grievous breach of our inalienable rights and freedom as human beings.–Dominic Milton Trott, explorer of psychoactive botanicals

Freedom is just one generation (approximately 7 years) away from extinction.—Ronald Reagan, U.S. President from 1981-1989

He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.—Napolean Bonaparte, French General and Emperor

Fortune does not change men it only unmasks them.–Marie-Jeanne Riccoboni, French Novelist

Among mortals, second thoughts are wisest.–Erasmus, Dutch Humanist and Theologian

One is never more on trial than in the moment of good fortune.–Lew Wallace, Union General during the American Civil War of the 1860s and Author of the book, “Ben Hur”

Power corrupts the few; weakness corrupts the multitude.–Eric Hoffer, American Moral and Social Philosopher

A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have.–anonymous

Real knowledge is to know one’s own ignorance.–Confucious, Chinese Philosopher

They say moderation is the key to a longer life but living in moderation only adds maybe three extra months to your life which doesn’t sound like much, but try and tell that to an eighty year old.–anonymous

A nice way to call someone a liar is to say they are speaking in ‘terminological

History is never what it appears to be. The truth may be stranger than fiction– anonymous

Over sixty million lives in America, twenty million of them African American, have been lost to legal abortion. Black lives matter? Black lives matter. The unwanted…the despised…the unimportant…GONE. It’s genocide and nobody really cares. Loss of precious life makes me cry. Worse are those that don’t cry. We’re all emotional about it but no one is held accountable–Kanye West, American Rapper

The central government and/or state, is now the highest authority in 2020 America…and has officially replaced God. And you WILL kneel to the state or you and your loved ones will suffer the consequences. Without a majority rule, democratic vote, the state alone now decides if and when you are allowed to move freely, or congregate, or get educated, or learn traditional American history or learn English grammar, or defend yourself, or have private property rights. The ‘big tech’ censors, the ‘mouthpieces’ for the state, now decide what information is biased and gets disseminated.–anonymous