Disavow, humiliate and shame the current, prevailing ruling class to bring down the current society and culture with all its corrupt past leaders, activists, statues, songs, books, images, symbols, beliefs and thoughts to erase and cancel its corrupt history, so we can start with a clean slate with no historical reminders to reference; especially in the interest of our impressionable, young minds. And it begins with the young in grade schools everywhere, and the younger the better. These newly created minds will grow up to fill the ever-growing ranks of young activists everywhere and carry on the new mantra, ‘lawfully’ unopposed, and without corrupt historical references to impede progress.

Control academia, the news media and with the help of political activists, we, the newly created minds, will have disdain for anything and anyone representing the corrupt, past national history with all its deceiving, pillaging and plundering historical events, acts and values passed down from generation to generation for centuries.

Gin up mass irrational fear and hysteria through a complicit news media to promote the new prevailing attitudes as correct and true, and anyone who defies the new narrative will be criminalized. The first sign of success that the hysteria is working is certain specialized goods will start to disappear off store shelves, everything from toilet paper to soap to canned goods. Fear and hysteria (irrationality) forces the masses to focus on self-preservation at the expense of freedom and individualism, and thus they start getting used to relying on a central government for goods and services.

Take to the streets by the thousands, liberating and burning, and if no one stops us then the self-serving, self-preservation instincts of human nature of the politicians in charge of law and order will, eventually, wear down and/or change law enforcement to join the cause of liberation to bring down the current system with ‘new’ law enforcement initiatives put in place to enforce the new social order of the newly created minds.

Consequently, if you voice differing opinions from the newly created minds you will be shunned and attacked. The newly created minds know that ‘shouting down’ and shutting down differing points of view by any means necessary, by ‘hook or by crook’, intimidates through fear of harm. And the end we want to accomplish is justified by any means necessary.

Most people around the world are peaceful by nature and want pretty much nothing more than to be left alone to live in peace, raise a family and raise a good crop, or earn enough wages to raise and protect the family. We, the newly created minds, driven by self-chosen principles, know this, and know the ‘silent majority’ consensus of opinion will submit to our protests and scare tactics out of fear and self-preservation.

Once indoctrination to the new mantra is accomplished on the submissive masses, the actual ‘takeover’ starts by using political acts and/or actual events to get the shameful corporate conglomerates to contribute funds to ‘the cause’ so corrupted corporations can try and maintain their sacred, capitalist, corporate profits from getting targeted for boycott. We know corporations most always submit rather than risk a boycott. Corporate management will drop to their knees rather than risk their corporate ‘brand’ getting singled out by protesters holding up damning signs for boycott.

Simultaneously, we then bring down, burn, and virtually cancel from sight any visible, questionable historical landmarks, signs and symbols by simply painting over them with graffiti promoting new slogans and/or political ‘slurs’ about the corrupt historical past. Furthermore, change the names of cities, states, streets, buildings, and so on, to cancel any references to the corrupt history.

The newly created minds now in charge of the news media and the social media corporate conglomerates will impede and/or not allow freedom of speech, and instead censor speech in the name of ‘fact checking’ and truth…as we see it. The more bias the uninformed masses see and hear, the more they will eventually not see bias and then will accept bias as normal and acceptable.

We will shame and humiliate you, the wealthy, privileged classes, for your ill-gotten gains and eventually we will take the property you gained illegitimately…and your wealth. Empty the prisons and the jails because those jailed were the ‘original liberators’ for ‘the cause’ against the corrupt history. Abolish the death penalty because no one deserves to die in the new world order no matter what crime is committed. The unspoken, unwritten rule of order is that the corrupt law enforcement of the past was driven by the political imperatives of how the ruling class values perceived ‘equality under the law’, which was, in fact, ‘inequality under the law’, and those in favor of those values have ‘not’ been for equal justice for all for centuries…and now we will remedy this.

By holding the current ruling class accountable and responsible, in the name of nationalism for the cause of the collective, those in power, ruling at the top of the collective for ‘the cause’ will, rightfully, take more benefits for themselves and their own families, in return as a reward for their sacrifice and dedication to ‘the cause’. By comparison, the benefits received by the dedicated ‘followers’ of ‘the cause’ will amount to less benefits received than the benefits received by those ruling at the top of the collective…and rightfully so. This is the right thing to do.

We promise security and abundance…free benefits for all but, in return, we, the ruling class of the collective, will control the choices made available to you of who you can vote for to ensure the new, collective, ruling class stays in power. Political promises of free education is a promise that young people will form newly created minds to carry on and believe in ‘the collective cause’. Many decades ago in America, two in three university teachers were considered liberal. Today, liberal, progressive university teachers outnumber constitutional conservative university teachers fourteen to one, literally squashing the free flow of opposing ideas…and this is a good thing in the name of ‘the cause’.

The political collective promises to cancel all student college loan debt, promises guaranteed income to everyone no matter if you work or do not work, and free health care for all. In return you will work for the state in the future putting your trust in central government to solve your problems. In return you will commit your faith in ‘the cause’ and central government control by giving up personal freedoms, mobility, privacy and individualism, all of which are egregious freedoms in light of the goals of ‘the collective cause’.

‘The cause’ needs you to stop dwelling on unsustainable personal freedoms in light of the goals of the collective, as well as stop dwelling on unnecessary, greedy individualism, and instead, do what the ‘collective conscience’ prescribes. Despise who and what you are taught to disavow without question. Reject your corrupt history and cancel all those who disagree with the newly created minds in the name of the collective cause, group think.

The ‘collective cause’ is not open to debate and any attempts to debate unnecessary personal freedoms and greedy individualism against what is best for the goals of the collective, all those opposed to ‘the cause’ will be ‘shouted down’ and shutdown no matter how irrational the opposition will portray our protest.

The newly created minds will have ‘won’ once everyone sees what is happening and no one does much, if anything, about it and no one takes responsibility or is held accountable for what everyone sees is happening and going on around them. Take away the current ruling class, law and order mantra and, in general, also take away all attempts by the current ruling class for reform, and the irrationality imposed on the current ruling class by the newly created minds shows we are on our way to winning the battle against unnecessary personal freedoms and greedy, self-centered individualism.

For example, the newly created minds must seize the moment and commandeer the following being proposed today by African American business leaders. The African American vote in America has always been taken for granted by the Democrat ruling party for half a century now.

The Democrat Party in American politics has always assumed black Americans will automatically vote democrat even though everything put in place for them politically for decades, beginning with President Johnson’s Great Society of the 1960s, followed by school busing, affirmative action, affordable housing, welfare, food stamps, to name a few, has for the most part failed the majority of African Americans. All of these good-intentioned government programs, to date, have not adequately advanced the health, wealth and well-being of African Americans, covering everything from law and order on the streets to quality education pre-school through college. And for the past fifty years the Republican Party in America has, for the most part, not sought the black vote in America because it was always assumed they would vote democrat no matter what. The loser in all this, for the past fifty years, has been the majority of lower and middle class African Americans.

Based on all the broken promises to the black population by American political leaders in the past, free-thinking, African American black business leaders believe it is time for African Americans to unite and leverage their wants and needs to vote for political party candidates that, will not simply promise, but will guarantee change and improvement for the black population in America no matter what political party they represent. This way no political party will take the black vote for granted. So no more automatically voting for any particular political party. Voting as a block of approximately 15% of all voters in America can carry great sway in future American politics. To win we, the newly created minds, must deliver for all African Americans.

We, the newly created minds, will also succeed with help from abroad. Chinese Americans, that escaped mainland China, are not afraid to declare the coronavirus pandemic of 2020 was used by the Chi-Com ‘hardliners’ of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as a planned weapon forcing all world economies into never-ending, unprecedented debt, loss of jobs and a worldwide depression, greater than that of 1929, that will end freedom as we know it today. This forces the population of countries around the world to, instead, rely on centralized government control from ‘cradle to grave’.

Moreover, Chinese Americans exclaim that the Chi-Com ‘hardliners’ of the CCP, ruling China for over a half century now, today, would not hesitate to destroy millions of their own Chinese people in order to destroy all world economies; just as the founder of the CCP, Chairman Mao Zedong, killed over a million of his own Chinese people during the 20th Century for ‘the cause’ of the collective. This included starving to death a million innocent Chinese peasant farmers who helped put Chairman Mao in power, then eventually resisted the Chairman’s CCP collective cause for forcing the peasant farmers to work 18 hours a day, year in and year out, receiving little in return for all their backbreaking hard work for the Chairman’s collective cause. Chairman Mao also killed all other opponents, agitators and resistors to the Chinese Communist Party takeover, all in the name of what is best for the CCP collective population as a whole.

The blueprint noted above is what the newly created minds put to work during the 1900s in the Soviet Union and China. The centralized government’s broken promises of abundance and security for the people, mandated in the Communist Manifesto, bankrupted then toppled the Soviet Union by the 1970s.

The misguided ideals of the Communist Manifesto destroyed the personal freedoms and rugged individualism of the people of every country adopting the Communist Manifesto to date, including the Soviet Union, China, Cuba and Venezuela. The promise by the political progressives in America today states that, “We just need to ‘tweak’ the ideals of being ruled by a central government and learn from the failures in the past.” We say constitutional conservatism has failed us. We, the newly created minds, want a form of progressive socialism based on the Communist Manifesto.