The attorney you hire from an advertisement the only expertise you readily know about is the attorney knows how to make an advertisement and place it on TV or elsewhere. Hiring an attorney based on what you saw, heard or read in an advertisement divulges nothing about his level of experience or competence in the legal field.

Personal injury attorneys who advertise on TV and elsewhere may possibly not be very good trial attorneys. This means that too many attorneys who advertise may rely mostly on settling their cases out of court for less money than you, the client, could possibly collect if the case had gone to trial.

Settling out of court for less money is easier and this way the attorney may not have to bring on more experienced trial attorneys for high-powered help which would force the attorney you hired to end up having to share with other attorneys the winnings or profits in your case.

The insurance companies pay out the huge awards for injury cases and they all know the high-powered trial attorneys that they do not like to fight in court. The insurance companies also know the attorneys that tend to settle for less money out of court. The insurance companies may determine how much they will pay to settle your injury case according to who your attorney is. If your attorney is a high-powered trial attorney the insurance company may tend to try and settle your injury case for more money rather than fight the case in court. However, if your attorney tends to settle injury cases without going to court then those cases will tend to be settled for less money, meaning less money for you or a loved one that received the injury award.

Remember, those personal injury attorneys you see doing any kind of advertising may too often be the attorneys who will settle for less money for injury cases just so they do not have to fight the case in court. High-powered personal injury attorneys typically do not advertise. They tend to get their cases through word of mouth.