The Privileged: Relationship With Natural Born Killers

For the past 100,000 years, or more, the Earth has been experiencing the
warming effects of the Laurentide Ice Sheet that once covered one third of
the United States before it melted and receded north across Canada to the
Arctic. Before you ‘go off’ believing we can control or inhibit nature’s
unbridled fury unleashed by wind and rain storms, or halt or even slow
down the warming effects from the last Ice Age on Earth; weather and
climate is nature’s eternal, never-ending search for a ‘balance’ that it
cannot possibly achieve because of the very design of Mother Nature’s
This design, based on the ‘natural search for balance’ that can never be
reached, is based on the ‘laws of motion’ in the atmosphere, known as the
Navier-Stokes equations. These unpredictable equations have a property
known as ‘non-linearity’. Non-linearity, by its very name and nature, is at
best ‘unpredictable’ making the only ‘constant is change’ thus making the
earth’s nature unpredictable and unable to be tamed.
The laws of motion cannot accurately be predicted or solved because of
the countless, ever-changing variables. The only thing constant in the laws
of motion in the atmosphere is change that is forever changing over time
and cannot be predicted. These constantly changing variables depend on
each other and can never be explained in any terms that equate to anything
more than non-transparent approximations.
Approximations are estimates and projections. In scientific research,
approximations end with invalid and unreliable results. You can never put a
man on the moon with approximations. Climate change policy being made
today worldwide is all based on approximations.
The sovereignty of a culture or civilization put into a mathematical equation
is ‘capability’ times the ‘will of the people’ determines ‘outcome’. Today, in
America, the political and corporate privileged, and the privileged born and

raised around them, too often ‘advocate for that which will not have a direct
effect on them’. This is ‘virtue signaling’. The egregious side of human
nature is willing to trade away ‘safety, security and freedom for all’ just to
be able to continue living its own privileged, safe, secure lifestyle.
Tax the rich. Feed the poor. Population keeps breeding. We need money.
Bleed the rich monopoly. No rich no more. Go nuclear…world pollution no
For thousands of years in every civilization the underclass eventually
strikes. By the year 2050, the ‘trick’ (realization) to TRULY reach financial
equity and equitable privileges for the underclass in America who earn
$40,000 a year or less in 2021 dollars, those advocating for government,
socially engineered privileges and TRUE income equality for the
underclass; the privileged will pay its ‘fair share’, which is a minimum 20%
surtax every year on everyone in America earning $75,000 or more a year.
This 20% surtax will be paid ‘on top’ of what the $75,000 and up earners are
already paying in taxes every year. Furthermore, every mid-size to large
corporation will give back and spread equally 33% of its ‘gross income’
every year to every one of its corporate employees no matter if a
corporation’s accounting books are ‘cooked’ to make them look profitable
or unprofitable each year. In America nearly half of all jobs are created by
mid-size to large corporations. The other half of all jobs comes from small
To demonstrate ‘capability’ and ’will’ you persuade before you act. To
persuade, you act superior and dismissive…superior in knowledge and/or
‘know-how’, and dismissive to distract and detract from having to answer
probing, provocative questioning. To dominate, ‘uncertainty breeds
anxiety’ so keep the public fearful. And always conceal your real intentions
from your enemies as espoused by German philosopher, Karl Marx.
Are you innocent, or are you a natural born killer? In America we obsess
condemning murder on a small scale while we, knowingly or unknowingly,
condone or commit murder on a grand scale. Species kill other species to
survive. The human species murders ALL species and calls it industry.
Industry, high finance and politicians spew, “String ‘em up. Put ‘em out of
their misery.”

Nonchalantly put…it’s just murder. So who or what deserves to die, be
sacrificed or disappear? Fate is the messenger.
Murdered species die and fall to the ground. Death brings forth much fruit
from the earth. The predator wolf does not know why it is a wolf. Every
action, reaction, everything in Mother Nature has a purpose.
Thomas Reilly, aka ‘Brother Love’, the leader of the ganja-smoking Zion
Coptic Church founded and located on Star Island in Miami Beach, Florida
during the 1970s said, “God let the earth bring forth grass yielding seed,
and the herb the seeds yield is given to us by the grace of God”. In 1981
Brother Love was imprisoned for 12 years in federal prison for marijuana
related offenses. Upon release from prison Brother Love said, “The young
people neither support ‘the system’ the old people have asked young
people to inherit, nor do they trust it. Trust must be earned. The system is
corrupt and the old people destroyed the credibility in the American
system.” ‘The system’ the young are being asked to inherit today ‘takes no
prisoners’ meaning it is unforgiving. ‘The system’ makes huge mistakes
and condones predators.
As Wall Street ‘ape’ investors have said today to their Wall Street
stockbrokers, “No one trusts you. NO ONE trusts you! Give me my money
back…you motherf____r.” Corporate predators, save-the-planet-profiteer
predators, military nuclear power predators are all demonic. Demonic acts
breed hate…‘sell’ us on hate. Demons prey on weakness and fears. Hate
rapes, pillages and plunders. Murder cannot…will not stop. Only the
vicious survive. Run with ‘the darkness’ of hate and the solution to kill
those that choose to run with ‘the darkness’ will become apparent…later.
The story goes a young girl finds a sick and dying poisonous snake in the
woods. She picks it up and nurses it back to health. Then when the snake
is well it bites the girl on her cheek releasing its deadly venom. As the girl
is dying she asks the snake, “Why would you bite me after I saved you
from a sure death?” The snake said, “Bitch…you knew I was a snake.”

Madness, murder and death become what you are. Life is self-deception,
false belief and false perception… all illusions with realization. The moment
of self-realization is worth a thousand prayers. Murder is bold, daring,
uninhibited, without restraint, not clear-eyed or thinking clearly. Nineteenth
Century American writer, Mark Twain, once said, “Nothing focuses the mind
like the prospect of a hanging.” Life is extreme…dark…light…made up of
matter. Murder is pure…evolved. An instant of purity is worth a lifetime of
lies. No one is truly innocent of evil thought and/or action.
A natural born killer has ‘a calling’ that many cultures have made dark,
impure, demonic…made into the ‘buying and selling’ of fears. The solution
is apparent. Not love, but true love murders a demon. Mere love can be
deceiving and loaded with false hope. The human mind cannot tell love
from true love. True love comes from the soul, cannot be willed…comes
Figure it out. Many of us are born to be weak, complacent and
wanting…wanting an authority to tell us how to value things. Too often we
choose this authority, ‘not’ based on valid and reliable facts and results,
but based on what ‘seems’ authoritative and ‘familiar’ to us which is
suspect, dishonest even potentially fraudulent. When we get the answer we
‘like’, human nature can be hypocritical and too often fails to question the
dubious answer convincing ourselves of that which is questionable. For
thousands of years fraud and shortsighted thinking has never worked out
in the long run.
A corporate conglomerate hires news media journalists to ‘act’
authoritative. As a journalist you have to ask yourself, are you a ‘source’ or
a ‘friend’, meaning are you a dependent friend to the authority or an
independent source for authority? You have to choose one or the other
because if you do not hold accountable the newsmakers, events and
subjects you are reporting on…then who will? Ethically there is only one
In 1971, the top secret, classified ‘Pentagon Papers’ project that was leaked
to the news media exposed that the American public had been lied to for 30
years by the U.S. government. On the record, to persuade the gullible

public the government was saying it was always ‘making progress’ in the
war against communism in Southeast Asia.
However, off the record and in private amongst themselves the government
was saying little, if any, progress was being made and that a war against
communism in Southeast Asia was known to be ‘unwinnable’ for decades
before 1965, which was the year when America officially started sending
troops to fight and die in Vietnam in an ‘unwinnable’ war.
Before 1971, Americans were never made aware what the North Vietnamese
leadership, backed by China and Russia, had already told the U.S.
government about the level of punishment the North Vietnamese were
willing to endure in order to expel America from Southeast Asia. The North
Vietnamese leadership said, “The North Vietnamese may lose 10 men to
every man the U.S. loses but the U.S. will be the first to tire and walk off the
Similarly, for twenty years between 2001 and 2021 the U.S. government told
journalists, working for the news media corporate conglomerates, that the
U.S. government was ‘making progress’ in building a ‘stand up’ democratic
government in Afghanistan that would have a formidable 300,000 man
National Afghan Army. After losing tens of thousands of innocent lives in
Vietnam and Afghanistan, now we know that ‘making progress’ is ‘code’ for
projecting the ‘illusion’ of progress even when there is little or no progress
being made just to save face for America’s government on the world
stage…and all the people directly, or indirectly, involved be damned.
During the Kennedy and Johnson years in the U.S. White House from the
1960s until 1971, two of the most credible, most read newspapers in the
USA at that time were the New York Times and Washington Post. The news
media journalists, and the executive editors in-charge, working for these 2
newspapers had unwittingly become dependent ‘friends’ with the
authorities in the U.S. government instead of independent ‘sources’ for
authority. Consequently, for the most part, these journalists stopped
investigating and asking provocative questions about military decisions
being made in Southeast Asia, especially those made during the Vietnam
War from 1965 until 1971.

In the end, as exposed by the ‘Pentagon Papers’, the news media ‘not’
holding the U.S. government accountable led to hundreds of thousands of
American soldiers, North and South Vietnamese being killed and wounded
‘needlessly’, with millions of South Vietnamese being killed and wounded
by the North Vietnamese ‘after’ America left Vietnam in 1975. In the
‘unwinnable war’ in Southeast Asia, the top American news media
journalists compromised their ethics opting to become ‘friends’ to
government authority instead of becoming ‘sources’ for authority which is
the exact same demonic act they performed from 2001 through 2021 during
America’s war in Afghanistan, as well as what will likely happen to all those
mistakenly left behind once the U.S. government leaves Afghanistan in
As soon as the lucrative ‘paychecks’ from the USA stopped flowing into the
hands of the National Afghan Army at the close of the Afghanistan War in
2021, the so-called Afghan Army literally just dropped their weapons and
surrendered to the Taliban. For 20 years the American public had been told
the U.S. government had been ‘making progress’ fighting the Pakistani-
Taliban fighters. For 20 years U.S. military intelligence had known that too
many Afghan soldiers were illiterate and not motivated to fight but were
only motivated to show up for a paycheck in U.S. dollars. Making matters
worse, there were never 300,000 Afghan soldiers trained to fight. Afghan
leaders inflated the numbers of enlisted Afghan soldiers because for every
soldier Afghan tribe leaders said they had enlisted in the National Afghan
Army, ‘on paper’, meant another paycheck from U.S. taxpayers no matter if
the solder really existed or not.
True story. A young news reporter walks on a used car lot that was actually
named ‘Caveat Emptor’, which in Latin means ‘buyer beware’. The reporter
asked the used car lot owner, “How can anyone have confidence in the
cars you’re selling that are being sold under the name buyer beware?” The
owner said, “We don’t sell confidence.”
The Cardinal Rule when selling used cars is used car dealers do not
‘knock’ (belittle) other used car dealers because if they did this insinuates
all used car dealers are corrupt and dishonest. This applies to anyone

dealing in public trust, everyone from law enforcement to religion and
everyone in between. Break this rule and no one wins public trust.
During the pandemic of 2020 even science and medicine lost the public’s
trust by using the virus to exercise power, authority and influence like ‘a
kid that just found the father’s gun’, and in America it started in early 2020
with such statements like: it’s just a short lockdown…it’s just 15 days to
slow the spread…it’s just temporary masking…it’s just 6 feet apart…it’s
just a temporary furlough…it’s just a few layoffs…it’s just the non-
essentials…it’s just temporarily closing your small business…It’s just
closing down your church…it’s just to protect yourself…it’s just to protect
others…it’s just online learning for a semester, well, maybe 2
semesters…it’s just mandatory masking so kids can go back to
school…it’s just virtual weddings and birthdays…it’s just one lonely
thanksgiving or Christmas maybe Easter…it’s just until there’s a
vaccine…it’s just until everyone is vaccinated…it’s just a few people
getting sick from the jab…it’s just until the variant is under control…it’s
just until you get the booster…it’s just until all children everywhere get
vaccinated…it’s just unpredicted long term effects…it’s just life…just give
it a generation or two and for all intents and purposes it will be forgotten.
After 100 years of runaway industry, corporations and politics ending with
the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020, now buyer beware and no confidence
‘officially’ applies to all walks of life.
Big government and corporations ‘trust’ that taxpayers and consumers will
always be forced to ‘bail out’ and ‘foot the bill’ for mistakes made by
government and ‘too big to fail’ corporations, both of which continue
implementing higher taxes and costs leading to higher prices on goods
and services. Taxpayers and consumers were forced to ‘bail out’ the bad
financial decisions made by governments, banks and corporations
worldwide in 2008. If taxpayers and consumers had not provided a ‘bail out’
then there would have been a worldwide financial collapse. This ‘bail out’ is
an unprecedented worldwide financial experiment that still continues today
through 2021 and beyond. And guess what? After a generation or two has
passed, approximately 14 to 20 years later, most all will be forgotten by the
‘leftover’ taxpayers and consumers that survived all of the government and
corporate mistakes, and the process and mistakes start all over again,
generation after generation, as has happened for a century now since 1929.

This is similar to the existential crisis of climate change, also known as
“safetyism” where the journalists, hired by news media corporate
conglomerates, become dependent ‘friends’ with government and ‘accept’
government, corporate and activist authority, rather than investigating and
doing due diligence themselves on their own to become independent
‘sources’ of valid and reliable authority. Consequently, rather than
becoming independent ‘sources’ for authority, journalists become
dependent ‘friends’ of authority, and then without much question
subsequently go around blaming fires, floods and windstorms on climate
change instead of blaming the U.S. government’s and corporations’
mismanagement of forests and flood zones, mismanaged mistakes that
contribute the most to devastating forest fires and floods. This also
includes the mismanagement of power lines on power grids that do not get
buried to reduce forest fires, as well as the shortsighted, overwhelming
reliance on ‘renewable’ fuels over more reliable ‘fossil’ fuels in the child-
like, instant gratification zeal to save the planet NOW in our lifetime which,
realistically, cannot and will not happen by 2050 as many promote must
Putting ‘safetyism’ first is like putting the cart before the horse which is
‘ass-backwards’ meaning, as noted above, you cannot save the planet
without first fixing, and thus saving, the ‘existing’ infrastructure and grids
currently in place which has always been used to further support research
and work on realistically saving planet Earth. Saving planet Earth may or
may not happen in our lifetime, or in the lifetime of our kids and grandkids,
and guess what? Odds are the planet and its inhabitants will find ways to
cope no matter how much we are ‘making progress’ or not making
progress because, no matter what, the authorities, and the dependent
friends of the authorities in the news media, will still claim we are ‘making
progress’ and more taxpayer money is needed to continue ‘making
Relentless, unrealistic ‘safetyism’ is everywhere in America in the
unrealistic search to reach zero Covid-19 cases and deaths, zero forest
fires, zero carbon emissions, zero flood damage from storms and so on.
For example, the belief that lower and middle class workers in America will

embrace the electric vehicle (EV) revolution is misguided and never even
investigated by the rich, privileged, news media and Wall Street ‘friends’ of
big government and corporations. The EV revolution may come to a
screeching halt once the working underclass ‘worldwide’ finds out how
much it costs to have maintenance repairs made to their EVs compared to
the much lower costs incurred repairing and maintaining their ‘good ole’
fossil fuel burning cars, trucks and motorcycles that they have grown to
rely on and trust in the past 100 years.
Furthermore, what happens when the power grid is attacked by a cyber
attack, or wind and rainstorms knock out the electric power grid and you
cannot charge your electric vehicles for possibly weeks? At least with
gasoline operated vehicles you can fill up gas tanks before a major storm
event arrives. EV technology will have to make great strides in battery
power storage and safety innovations to ever replace gas operated
vehicles and this may not happen at all for another 100 years, if at all. ‘Pie
in the sky’ technological EV innovation is worth the effort but ideal ‘pipe
dreams’ must take a back seat to the current reality on the ground.
Sweeping, grandiose statements about what the future holds in the realm
of technological innovation is too often ‘off’ or wrong or misses its
projected implementation date on the desired, massive grand scale by a
power of 10 times; and as usual, at 10 to 100 times the original cost
projected by corporations and especially government…all paid for by
taxpayers and consumers with higher prices for goods and services.
This much we do know. Most people in America live and die in the same
socio-economic class they were born in. Are we all in the same boat or is it
every person looking out for their own self interest? Generally, we are all
born equal but this is where equality ends. We start out thinking ideally we
are all in the same boat. Then we quickly realize it is every person looking
out for their own self interest. All we can really count on is, we all want the
best for our children, we all breathe the same air and we all are mortal.
A U.S. Constitution historian said, “America’s founding fathers wrote we
have created a republic IF you can keep it, but it was never intended to be
run by a bunch of corrupt civic and corporate leaders. Now we have to fight
corruption. Anyone who tries to take your rights away, for example, your

rights of privacy, of owning a weapon, of free speech and so on, you must
be willing to die fighting for your rights and freedoms guaranteed by the
Bill Of Rights and the U.S. Constitution just like our forefathers died
fighting for these rights and freedoms…principles we have been asked to
trust, inherit and live by.”