Only fools, self-deceivers and those of us who are exceptionally fortunate think life has no meaning, no purpose and no goal…except the grave. Persecution is persecution. Torture is torture. Power is power. Power is not a means, it is an end.
Power in America is tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of the power elites own choosing.

The ruling class social order is a swindle and its beliefs mostly delusions. Bully-worship has become the universal religion greatest delusion/illusion. As each generation passes before us, every seven years or so, each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before, and wiser than the one that comes after it.

When the ruling class loses its ability to function it unleashes its subjects, the partisan border guards with all its notorious ‘jackboot’ imagery, to unwittingly ensure the ruling class can cling to power by any means necessary…by force, deception, distraction and fraud. Political language by the ruling class is designed to make lies sound like truth and make killing necessary…even respectable for the good of ‘the cause’.

The political language is filled with logical sounding fallacies to give an appearance of stability to the submissive masses, but the language always changes based on ‘which way the wind is blowing’ to attain and maintain power. For example, for some, the U.S. Constitution is considered to be a progressive ‘living document’ to be changed according to the whims of the current ruling class.

So, here is how we bring down America. Create and spread one or more highly contagious diseases and then tenaciously continue ‘hyping’ the fear that the masses may contract the ever-present, highly contagious diseases to keep the generally weakened, ‘spoiled rotten’ American public paralyzed and living in fear.

Place the submissive American subjects in quarantine. Count the number of dead every second of every day in every news media and social media headline so it keeps the damaged minds of Americans infected with constant fear. Close as many businesses as politically possible, bankrupting many of them and putting millions of average Americans out of work…many permanently.

Remove access for average, submissive Americans to assemble for discourse and you remove their ability to plot and mount a counter-attack. This is done by politically banning most venues of entertainment and assembly like parks, gyms, bars, restaurants, sporting events, churches and so on. Inhibit dating. Inhibit touching. Inhibit touching anything because of germs, Germs, GERMS!

Infect submissive minds with the idea that you may be infected and sick and not even know it. Masking people serves two purposes. It may or may not protect them from a highly contagious disease but, first and foremost, it dehumanizes them into the faceless subjects they need to be to submit to the edicts set down by the ruling classes. Close temples and churches where average, law abiding Americans congregate and exchange ideas and personal experience. Place all hope on a vaccine that may or may not ever materialize.

‘Pimp’ and pander fearmongering, ‘pandemic politics’ to possibly unnecessarily ‘shutdown’ much of the economy, as well as restrict basic freedoms in areas of the country with lesser effects of contagion from disease, especially during election years, forces people to rely more and more on government ‘handouts’ to survive which sustains government control and power over the people and, consequently, undermines saving livlihoods under the guise of saving lives…conceivably all for political gain.

Finally, when depression, anxiety and desperation sets in, ignite hatred, civil unrest and even talk of civil war. Empty the prisons because of the highly contagious diseases spreading through the streets to fill the streets with criminals. Send in the liberators to vandalize property and then treat the liberators in the news media and social media as if they are freedom fighters. Allow them to undermine the law. Loot. Attack law enforcement, but tell government leaders to order law enforcement to ‘stand-down’ so no one is afforded basic protections under the law.

Law-abiding Americans are being ‘baited’ by adversarial government leaders who want to transform America, who then turn around and blame all the country’s misfortune on ‘the opponents’ of the adversaries. If America’s adversaries cannot take America ‘head-on’ in a war then destroy it from within for political gain.

Americans are being conditioned, manipulated, and programmed by multiple agendas as never before. Do your own research to make up your own mind without being manipulated by the power brokers rather than voraciously eating everything being spoon-fed to you. Those in charge of the news media and social media are complicit in the revolution and will ‘look the other way’ when law-abiding Americans are assaulted and/or killed.

If you love America, the U.S. Constitution, and the Rule of Law you may be called upon to fight to preserve them similar to the U.S. Civil War of the 1860s. To most Americans during the 1860s, the Civil War was primarily a call to preserve and “Save the Union.”

Anarchy leads to re-imposing slavery by the new ruling class. You do not establish a ruling class in order to safeguard a revolution. You start a revolution to establish a new ruling class.

Start by changing names and the symbols they represent. For example, professional American sports teams and products must be re-named and/or boycotted. Sports teams like the ‘Patriots’ and ‘76er’s’ represent supremacists, nationalism (fascism), women not allowed to vote and slave owners. The ‘Vikings’ represent genocide. The ‘Raiders’ name and pirate logo represent bandit slavers and slave traders. The ‘Leprechauns’ offend little people. The Boston University mascot, a bulldog named ‘Rhett Butler’, taken from the lead character in the movie Gond With The Wind represents the slave trade. The ‘Nationals’ and ‘White Sox’ represent nationalism which represents fascism and supremacy. The ‘Indians’, ‘Braves’, ‘Blackhawks’ represent genocide. The ‘Rangers’ and ‘Wizards’ represent the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). The ‘Oilers’ are anti-environment. Any representations of a white Jesus anywhere on planet Earth represents white supremacy and must be shunned and changed. Nike must be boycotted for using Chinese slave labor in the past and continuing to make their sports apparel in China which for decades continues to violate human rights that has been denounced by the United Nations for decades. The National Basketball Association (NBA) must be boycotted for being funded by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that is making freedom protesters in Hong Kong disappear never to be heard from again by anyone including their families. The store, Hobby Lobby, must be boycotted for being anti-abortion making them anti-women’s rights. Fast food giant, Chick-fil-A, must be boycotted for their long delayed approval of gay rights.

The list is endless. All symbols, statues, images, logos, you name it must be changed. The ‘White House’ must be painted a different color and re-named. Cities, states, streets, names on buildings and names of anything offensive to the new ruling class during the revolution must be changed. Offensive names include anything associated with names like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Byrd and Forest are KKK, Columbus, Jackson, the list is endless and the history, no matter how many good things any leaders may have done in the past and no matter if they apologized for past mistakes or evolved and changed their ways, only their mistakes are what they represent and their names must be changed and forever seen as abhorrent in the eyes of the new ruling class and all its followers.

By preaching the doctrine that nothing historical is to be admired makes sure we have no outlet for surplus energy…except in hatred and worship of the new ruling class values and ideas. Threaten freedom of speech, writing and action, in effect, unless checked, unfortunately leads to a general disrespect for the rights of the submissive citizenry.

We foresee the future only when it coincides with our own perception and wishes, and any and all obvious facts can be ignored when they are unwelcome or perceived offensive. The ‘average Joe’ (the average person on the street) in America submits to the new ruling class values and ideas. The ruling class enforcers, the partisan border guards, will be unleashed to commit atrocities, attack objective truth and attack anyone who does not submit to the destiny of the ruling class…all in the name of ‘the cause’.

To control the past and the future we are all capable of believing things we know could be untrue. And when we find out we are wrong we twist the facts to make us feel we were right. Liberty means telling people what they do not want to hear.