“Rock” logic is argumentative, sophisticated whereby the end always justifies the means and is destructive by nature. Sophisticated used here is not a positive term considering that a sophist is one who will say or do anything to try and convince you he is right no matter what!

Also, “rock” logic is NOT just a young adult syndrome as it may sound. Older

people use “rock” logic too, especially politicians out of favor, out of power or those seeking power. “Rock” logic is based on “one-liner” point scoring and a “pigeonholing” mentality as well as promoting emotional “absolutist” ideas, where opposition ideas are simply labeled with a negative political “spin” or as “all or nothing” or either absolutely all black or all white with no grays in between when, in fact, many things MUST be seen in “grays”, meaning seen in relative terms, not absolute terms.

“Rock” logic is not constructive by nature at all and may not even seek to solve problems or create a better world. The opposite of “rock” logic is “constructive” thinking which requires creativity, perception, intuition and common sense.