Honest “Abe” Lincoln only won 35% of the popular vote when he first ran for
president of the U.S. so if he had not won the vote in the Electoral College slavery
could have continued existing for many, many more years after 1865.
If Abe had not been a prisoner of his own time in history and knowing how he felt
about inequality, surely he would have wanted to address income inequality as well
at the time when he freed the slaves. For example, a 90% wealth tax placed on those
who obtain a certain amount of wealth, like it could also be applied today as well,
would address income inequality.
The way a 90% wealth tax could work is for each year 30% of the wealthy owners’
profits would go to capital expansion of the companies they own which would boost
the economy. Another 30% would go straight to the government and 30% would be
distributed evenly and go back to each and every employee that works for the
owners. A certain percentage of the ten per cent leftover for the owners could go to
charitable causes if the owners so desire. Spreading the wealth equally this way and
middle class workers should also have to donate 10% of their income every year to
Bottom line? Without the Electoral College the U.S. would not have eliminated legal
slavery when it did in 1865. Consequently, voters should possibly consider re-
thinking amending the U.S. Constitution to eliminate votes from the Electoral
College to determine winners and losers if a political candidate did not win the
popular vote.
Constitutional scholars contend the votes of the Electoral College defines the U.S. as
a democratic republic made up of states, each with equal representation instead of a
U.S. raw democracy ruled by a single popular, mob vote. For example, a vote of one
to rule the citizenry is a despot. A vote of a few to rule is an oligarchy.
The vote of a popular mob to rule is raw democracy and too easily, potentially takes
away the U.S. Constitution’s guaranteed rights of every citizen and all minorities of
each and every state to pursue life, liberty and happiness. This is why the U.S.
Founding Fathers created, not a raw democracy ruled by a single, popular, mob
vote, but instead opted for a democratic republic.
A democratic republic, through a single, popular vote backed up with votes from
the Electoral College, guarantees the rights and fair representation of all states
including those states with high concentrations of voters as well as the majority of
not-so-populated states.

Be careful what you believe, true wisdom is to know the EXTENT of what you know
and what you do not know. Trust your own mind to think things through because
popular public opinion is most often nothing more than a chaos of misinformation,
prejudice and superstition.
The prevailing attitude of public opinion using so-called facts is nothing more than a
consensus of opinion. Too often these facts, based more so in opinion and not truth,
are used to spoon feed a consensus of opinions to the vulnerable masses, which in
turn, are used to persuade and rule them. Rely on your own critical thinking skills
to reach a fair judgment and good decision making to wade through conflicting
public opinion of emotion and illogical reasoning of the popular mob’s group think.
Critical thinking skills to reach a fair judgment and good decision making is
achieved using experience, reason, perspective, intuition, imagination as well as, for
lack of words…vibes.