The LA Times newspaper recently published the following statistics and commentator, Lou Dobbs, reported this on CNN. This type reporting supposedly cost him his job on CNN. Of the 10.2 million people in Los Angeles, California 40% of all workers in LA are working for cash and not paying taxes! 95% of the warrants for murder and 75% of the people on the most wanted list of criminals in LA are illegal aliens.

Over 2/3 of all births in LA are to illegal aliens and on Medi-Cal welfare being paid for by taxpayers. Nearly 35% of all prison inmates in California and 29% of the inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in LA are living in garages. The FBI reports half of all gang members in LA are illegal aliens.

Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD welfare properties are illegal aliens. 21 radio stations in LA are Spanish speaking stations. In LA 50% the population speaks English and 40% speaks Spanish. Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking crops but 29% of the illegal aliens are on welfare.

Many state of California legislators depend on the poor to elect and re-elect them to public office so they desperately need illegal aliens to become voters. Also helpful to enlist taxpayers to continue paying for services for the poor would be the proposed legislation that would add new taxes on retirement income and stock market profits.

So how will the new tax dollars be spent? The goal would be to raise the standard of living for the poor, unemployed and minorities by giving what others have earned to those who have not worked and earned it. The end result too often turns out to be nothing more than free, unaccountable government handouts in return for votes.

State of California legislators want to work toward the goal of equalizing income and at the same time limiting the amount of money the public has left over to invest. You can also find these type ideas in the teachings of Karl Marx.