Get Your Cheapest, Best Deals At ‘Pop-Up’ Markets

Like any extended period of success, we win today in America but we may
not win tomorrow. Guess you could say we have it coming…well…at some
point, we all have it coming. We conspire. We cancel. We kill. American
political leaders have got away with killing thousands of Americans, Iraqis
and Afghans and got rich doing it with absolutely no consequences. It is a
hell of a thing to kill someone…realizing you are taking everything they
have, and consequently realizing you are taking everything they are EVER
going to have.
John Dillinger, the famous 1930s bank robber in the U.S., robbed the rich.
He robbed the rich, who got rich robbing the poor. During America’s Great
Depression in the 1930s banks got rich foreclosing on homeowners, similar
to what happened in the worldwide financial collapse during the housing
bubble/burst of 2008 which was caused by government neglect,
incompetence and bank greed. Subsequently, during the collapse in 2008,
taxpayer dollars from the U.S. government made banks richer instead of
letting the banks go broke so the burden was put on homeowners to go
broke instead. This is one reason why lower socio-economic Americans
glorify thieves like Dillinger.
Liberation may relieve unnecessary stress and friction. Access and
convenience, brought on by liberation, may reduce this stress and friction.
However, give up liberty for peace and you deserve neither. In life, most of
us search for happiness but we do not find it. Instead, what we find most is
the spirit, illusion, elusive nature of happiness.
The political arrogance and concerted effort of re-imaging U.S. law
enforcement and the U.S. military in 2021 controls and manages the troops
by demoralizing, weeding out, ‘cancelling’ and chasing away the troops
America currently has in place and do so by any means necessary. This is
done by vilifying, nullifying and ‘cancelling’ enlisted nationalists in law
enforcement and the military. Furthermore, forcing the troops to accept
critical race theory (CRT) training works to change the face of the troops,

so those in charge can recruit and re-brand the troops with their own brand
and version of loyalists that will enforce the prevailing political will.
Remember, the USA is essentially the last standing country with a
constitutional Bill Of Rights guaranteeing its citizens personal freedoms
and rights like free speech, the right to bear arms and a justice system
using a jury of our peers to mete out justice, all primarily formulated by the
U.S. Constitution’s founding fathers to fight against government overreach
and absolution. The U.S. Bill Of Rights cannot stand long term due to
political will and must be whittled away and eventually end in order to be
able to manage and control the masses for political good.
We, the people, of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) Revolution of 2011 in New
York City did not succeed, but we, the people, of the Take Wall Street (TWS)
Revolution of 2021 are succeeding to ‘liberate’ goods for the people using
bands of thieves, gangs, looters and shoplifters called ‘liberators’ who are
collecting reparations against the privileged, arrogant, rich upper class and
middle class who, for centuries now in the U.S., have exploited us, the
lower working class, by not letting lower class workers share in the wealth
created and accumulated by business, corporations and government.
Liberating goods for the people is especially effective and lucrative in
minimal law and order cities in the U.S. like San Francisco, Los Angeles,
New York, Seattle and any other big cities that often choose not to
prosecute crimes involving theft.
So why pay top dollar for brand new goods from Walgreens, CVS, Walmart,
Target, Costco, Best Buy, Lowes, Home Depot and other ‘big box’ stores,
including ‘high-end’ designer clothing stores, when you can get the same
brand new goods at half the price at ‘pop-up’ markets popping up right now
on roadsides all over minimal law and order cities. There are also mobile,
travelling ‘pop-up’ markets too with liberators selling liberated goods out of
stolen trucks and cars.
The U.S. government and corporate America has been so slow in giving us
lower class workers our fair share of business, corporate and government
wealth so we, the liberators, from now on will simply take our fair share and
create our own wealth. This also includes using large scale work
stoppages to take down Wall Street and all its benefactors in the business,

corporate and government world that have too long been populated by the
privileged, arrogant, rich upper class and middle class.
However, it does not stop here. It also includes liberating the wealth of the
rich and privileged for their arrogant indiscretions against the people…we
the unwashed, huddled masses. This is similar to the arrogant
indiscretions by the scientific community’s arrogance unleashed on the
people during the Covid-19 pandemic of 2021 when the consensus among
doctors and scientists in charge, arrogant decisions were made that were
too often unscientific (closed minded). This includes the arrogant scientific
decisions made covering everything from the origins of the Covid-19 virus
to the psychological and economic consequences of the 2020 pandemic
lockdowns on ‘healthy’ adults, and especially ‘healthy’ children. Experts in
science, especially well-paid experts, can have dangerous egos that may
lead to misguided, arrogant, unscientific decisions.
For example, rich, arrogant and privileged actor, Tom Hanks, built a career
playing righteous white men, and he is personally and specifically
connected to the elevation of white culture over other cultures. If he will not
voluntarily ‘give it up’, his wealth will be canceled and eventually taken by
the liberators through U.S. Congressional legislation and the democratic
vote, or who knows, possibly by any other means necessary to make him,
and others like him, repent and replenish those they ‘walked over’ to enrich
themselves and their privileged families.
In other words, Tom Hanks is a ‘baby boomer’ movie star who has built a
sizable part of his career on stories about American white men doing what
privileged white men consider is ‘the right thing to do’. For example, he
plays a former Confederate soldier from the American Civil War of the
1860s in one of his latest films, titled “News of the World”, where he stands
up for a blond, white girl who had been kidnapped, and conceivably
abused, by a Native American tribe.
Liberators even classified Hanks as being a “non-racist”, which should be
a good thing…but it is not. Being a non-racist is nothing more than reaping
the benefits of racism while not participating. Liberators are signaling that
it is time for non-racists, like Hanks, to be anti-racist. There is a difference

between non-racist and anti-racist acting roles that Hanks has chosen to
play. Those he has chosen are not anti-racist.
Liberators say if he really wants to make a difference, Hanks and other
Hollywood actors and filmmakers need to talk specifically about how their
work has contributed to elevating white culture over other cultures, and
how they will change their actions and voluntarily ‘give up’ ALL the wealth
they have accumulated from their arrogant, racist decisions and actions. If
not, their wealth will be liberated as noted above. Those actors and
filmmakers who actually really care about the lower working class, ALL the
privileged, rich, arrogant Hollywood actors and filmmakers will make
specific commitments to liberating their undeserved, ill-gotten wealth.
Liberators, in turn, will force changing the conversation when filmmakers
and actors choose story subjects, a film’s cast of characters and how the
film is executed in production. This is the work of building change. If you
do not spread the wealth then the wealth WILL be liberated with the
democratic vote or possibly by other means.
What the political elites in charge do not realize is the elites’ lifestyle,
wealth, power and their very own existence will cease to exist once every
person that steps foot in America is automatically allowed to vote by
simply getting a driver’s license; and through democratic elections the
lower socio-economic classes will rise up and confiscate the wealth of the
upper and middle classes. And rightfully so, because it is the sweat and toil
of the lower classes that have been disenfranchised for centuries and not
allowed to share in the wealth accumulated by business, corporations and
government consequently breeding a whole new ruling electorate, and as
noted earlier…well…we all have it coming.

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