Guilt by accusation in the mainstream news media, by zealous politicians, defense
attorneys and everyone else with an axe to grind against anyone or everyone means
guilty until proven innocent. Of course, ‘character destruction/assassination’ is the
opposite of the principles of freedom and the rights of every American citizen to get
a fair and ethical judgment and due process in the court of public opinion before
being judged guilty or innocent. Guilt by accusation is meant to intimidate, extort,
muzzle, marginalize and neutralize the accused in the eyes of the public ‘before’ the
accused EVER gets a fair hearing in a court of law. The intent is to destroy the
reputation of the accused in the public eye, generally, for some monetary, political
or punitive gain. Those using guilt by accusation will point their finger at those
accused of guilt and say, “You will bow to our intimidation and obey our requests or
your family, loved ones and you too will feel the wrath of character assassination.”
American hard left college academics are teaching our future leaders of tomorrow
to diminish the importance of free speech and fair due process. This is troubling
because without the principles and rights afforded every citizen under the U.S.
Constitution, we are left with guilt by accusation leading to trial, judge and jury by
the news media, defense attorneys, politicians, ‘tweeters’ and others in social media
and elsewhere to sway public opinion for political, monetary or punitive gain.
Guilt by accusation requires no valid or reliable sources, evidence or proof to
determine guilt in the public eye, and any means necessary is used to smear the
image of the accused which justifies the ends for political, monetary or punitive
gain. Twentieth Century, ‘holier than thou’ politicians have made ‘name calling’
and ‘attacking/assassinating the character and motives of their political opponents’
the wave of the future when fending off attacks against these ‘holier than thou’
politicians’ questionable actions, poor decisions, indiscretions, and generally,
misguided behavior.
The hard left news media and hard left academics, today, automatically believe the
accuser if it fits their own political agenda of guilty until proven innocent. To
marginalize and neutralize the hard left liberals and hard right conservatives, as
well as the dishonest news media, classic liberals and classic conservatives, who still
believe innocent until proven guilty, need to band together to remind America of the
importance and necessity of every citizen’s right to due process to help curtail the
country’s divisiveness and expose the destruction of trial by public opinion.
To be a true academic your beliefs and opinions must be able to pass the ‘shoe on
the other foot test’. For example, if you fight for the rights of free speech for hard
left liberal activists you must also fight for the same rights for the hard right
conservative activists which means you must stand for the rights of free speech for
everyone from far left wing anarchists and communists to far right ring white
supremacists and Nazis. If you do not stand for the rights of all then you are not a
legitimate academic and, otherwise, you are nothing more than a political partisan
‘hack’. Standing up and fighting for the freedoms and rights for everyone no matter
who you are or who you represent used to be the essence of civil liberties and free
speech for all in America…but not anymore. Every issue has seemingly turned to
advocating partisan agendas and any means necessary justifies the end to persuade
the fawning masses.
Russian dictator and mass murderer, Joseph Stalin, said, “Bring me the man and I
will find a crime to fit the man” to destroy that man which is the basis of guilt by
accusation. Fortunately for Americans the U.S. Constitution was founded to stand
up ‘under all seasons’ and not meant to be interpreted or changed according to the
whims of the current ruling class which just so happens to wield the most political
power at the moment. Promoting failure and victimhood to help keep public opinion
divided is nothing more than playing the electorate for fools for some predetermined