You trust the Trump vaccine? Vaccine good. Covid-19 bad. Vaccine alarmism. Vaccine mania.  

“Some rise by sin…and some…by virtue fall”, this from Measure to Measure by William Shakespeare ironically suggests that the extremes of indiscriminate virtue and vice are EQUALLY heinous in that each is motivated by self-gratification…which disregards the welfare of others. 

 Trust or assume. Speak honestly or come to despise yourself. The road to disaster may be paved with the best of intentions which too often end up as ‘flawed logic’ followed by flawed decision making. 

While the Trump vaccines were being developed in 2020 by ‘big pharma’ like Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson for use in humans worldwide, very prominent, outspoken political leaders, like 2021 U.S. Vice President, Kamala Harris, said she would never take a Trump vaccine…but even she eventually ‘rolled over’ and submitted to the Trump vaccine ‘jab’ in the arm.

During the 1950s, polio was the ‘child crippler’ so most every child in America took the polio vaccine. During the 1950s, in every academic debate class in all universities across America there was a no more trusted source for valid, reliable, trustworthy information than quoting data put out by the U.S. government…but all that changed. 

Several U.S. Presidents, Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ and Nixon, as well as the U.S. Defense Department in the Pentagon and the U.S. State Department were all exposed by the ‘free press’ as lying to the American people for decades about the U.S. government ‘rigging’ elections, overthrowing governments, assassinations all going on before World War II through the entire Vietnam War of the 1970s.  The premise of the Vietnam War was to stop the spread of communism dominating Southeast Asia. The U.S. government said communism could and would be defeated in Southeast Asia. A leak of ‘top secret classified’ documents to the free press, later known as the ’Pentagon Papers’, confirmed the U.S. government was using ‘flawed logic’ that essentially said ‘inside every Southeast Asian was an American waiting to get out from under communism.’ 

Actually a police action and never sanctioned by the U.S. Congress as a war, the Vietnam War, approved by several U.S. Presidents and the U.S. government, killed over 50,000 American soldiers from the late 1960s through the early 1970s in a war that they knew they could not win as noted in the Pentagon Papers. The classified top secret military Pentagon Papers were stolen and leaked to the ‘free press’ which exposed that the U.S. government, all the way up to Presidents of the United States, knew in 1965 that a war in Southeast Asia was a war we could not win meaning 50,000 American soldiers died for a ‘lost cause’ based on ‘flawed logic’ and subsequent flawed decisions. 

The Pentagon Papers also noted why we continued to fight in Vietnam when we knew we were losing and could not win. The Pentagon Papers estimated that around 70% of the 50,000 America soldiers died during the Vietnam War to “avoid the worldwide humiliation of an American defeat” meaning the war continued for years while the U.S. government and U.S. Presidents continued deceiving, recruiting and drafting American men to fight in an immoral, corrupt war they knew they could not win…all based in ‘flawed logic’. Then a few years later even more lies and ‘dirty tricks’ played by the government in Washington D.C. were exposed by the Watergate Hotel burglary ‘cover-up’ during the 1970s. 

A U.S. Supreme Court decision during the 1970s said the ‘founding fathers’ of the USA gave the free press the protection it must have to fulfill its essential role in our democracy. They said the free press was to serve the governed…not the governors.

Fifty years later as the free press exposed more and more corruption, today, there is no blind trust for government, the courts, law enforcement, the news media, corporate conglomerate, religious and political leaders, academics or scientists. We have learned over 50 years to never assume anyone is not being guided by ‘flawed logic’…with the best of intentions of course. 

Decades ago we believed cigarettes did not contribute to or cause cancer until whistleblowers exposed information the cigarette industry had been hiding for decades that all cigarette manufacturer executives eventually admitted before the U.S. Congress under oath.  

The fur industry claimed fur-bearing animals are humanely killed until undercover animal activists smuggled out video of exactly how fur-bearing animals are being inhumanely slaughtered; exposing they are being slaughtered by whatever means necessary to protect the coveted pelt from being damaged during slaughter. This includes torturing the fur-bearing animal if it protects the pelt. This horrific process is still going on today. 

The same goes for how all kinds of farm animals are warehoused, overfed antibiotics to make them grow fatter faster, then inhumanely slaughtered for meat for human consumption. Undercover video documented, in bloody, screaming, shocking detail, exactly how pork sausage and ground beef, chicken, turkey, even horses to name just a few, are ‘really’ slaughtered then processed, too often being processed while still alive, in the factory warehouses. To keep the price of beef in supermarkets relatively stable in America we have to commit the slaughter ‘horror’ of 650,000 cows EVERY week…anything less than 650,000 a week raises the cost of meat to consumers through simple supply and demand. Humane slaughter is nothing more than meat industry public relations ‘talking points’. Costs are the priority and the animals are treated as product…not as living, breathing things.

Today, too few American activists are trying to save and import as many domesticated dogs and cats as possible from Asia to America because in certain areas of Asia they eat domesticated cats and dogs. In the Asian ‘wet’ live animal food markets they torture tame cats and dogs before they are killed and processed because the longer they are tortured before they die the ‘more good for you’ virility and medicinal properties the meat becomes instilled with due to the excessive flow of adrenalin in the animals’ bloodstreams during the slow, agonizing, bloody, screaming, horrific torture, all documented by whistleblowers’ undercover video. 

Also in Asia, for virility and medicinal purposes, wild gorillas are poached in Africa for nothing more than their hands and feet. Also in Asia for shark fin soup, sharks’ fins are cut off and the shark is dropped back into the sea to drown because they cannot swim without fins. Does anyone care?

Asian fishing fleets have been overfishing the oceans for decades and it has been documented they even use forced slave labor on these ships to do the ‘dirty work’, just like the questionable Chinese labor practices used to make the $100 ‘sneakers’ you are wearing. 

Asian commercial fishermen literally wiped out the fisheries around Somalia that the Somalis relied on for centuries to feed their people.  Critics charge, this forced Somali fishermen to resort to kidnapping oil tanker crews for ransom making tankers easy targets because insurance companies will not insure tanker crews if they carry weapons to defend themselves fearing a risk of tanker crew mutiny, meaning insurers fear risk of mutiny by ship crews over the risk of tanker crews being kidnapped.

The jury is still out on the long term consumption of social media, as well as the consumption of processed foods and prolonged use of cell phones and their links to diseases, like cancer, in humans.

Only one Chinese virologist, Dr. Li Meng Yan, escaped from China in 2020 to tell how Covid-19 may be a product of biological warfare strategies being studied by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Dr. Yan says the CCP- controlled Wuhan Lab studies how to prevent the spread of viruses, but nothing stops them from using that same research to weaponize viruses for use in biological warfare. So far she is the only Chinese Wuhan Lab virologist that escaped alive from China. She exposed the link between the Wuhan Lab and the origins of Covid-19. All the other doctors, scientists and virologists studying the Covid-19 virus that originated at the Wuhan Lab, who were willing to come forward and blow the whistle on the CCP, seemingly have either died, disappeared, been arrested or have been silenced. 

America will wait to be attacked by Chinese biological weapons rather than America taking the initiative to ‘take out’ the CCP by any means necessary for the CCP’s continuous transgressions and aggressions worldwide. Eliminating the CCP and its sympathizers, like any revolution, or coup ‘d etat, or nation building will free the Chinese people. Yes, millions may likely die if the CCP military does not come on board to fight for the freedom of the Chinese people against the CCP but as Americans know, all too well throughout American history, lots of people die fighting in the name of freedom. The question is will the American millennial and Gen Z generations have the ‘guts’ to die in a fight for freedom. Odds are not so Americans’ best bet is to submit and learn to speak Chinese Mandarin if they want themselves and their families to be ‘spared’ and useful to the ‘state’ (CCP) in the future.

The Trump vaccines being administered worldwide is the biggest scientific and money making ‘big pharma’ experiment in human history especially for something currently that has yet to be approved by the Food And Drug Administration (FDA). To date, the Trump vaccines have only been approved for ‘fast track’ emergency use. Approved, proven drugs generally take years of test trials to prove efficacy to determine long term side effects to make sure drugs are ‘time-tested’ and relatively safe for use on humans long term. Hopefully, the Trump vaccines will prove to be safe and effective for most people. We will know more in a few years.

Right now today, this makes all FDA ‘fast-tracked’ Trump vaccine test subjects basically human ‘guinea pigs’ and possibly even ‘pawns’ or ‘dupes’ just like cigarette smokers, fur-wearers, meat-eaters, processed food eaters, social media and cell phone users have all been ‘guinea pig’ consumers and potential ‘dupes’ and ‘pawns’ for corporate conglomerate, ‘moneymaking-at-all-costs’ capitalists and U.S. government politician ‘do-gooders’.

Interestingly, per the U.S. government’s National Institute of Health (NIH) director, Dr. Fauci, the highest paid government official at $400,000 a year, acknowledges that all employees working for the NIH and the Center for Disease Control (CDC), as well as all frontline health care workers in the U.S., as of mid-2021, only around half of them have even submitted to being vaccinated for Covid-19 with the Trump vaccines. So why are they hesitant?  Possibly because, like no one is above the law, well, no scientist or doctor is above peer review.

As of mid-2021, 6 months after the Trump vaccines have been approved for emergency use in humans, less than 4% of all Japanese have submitted to being vaccinated with the Trump vaccines, or vaccines made available by other countries, and it is not because of a lack of available vaccines or access to the Trump vaccines. Moreover, only 15% of the Chinese people have been vaccinated for Covid-19, so the Chinese people also do not yet trust the CCP’s own Covid-19 vaccines or have yet requested to be vaccinated for Covid-19. 

Similarly, many people think the FDA monitors ‘food labels’ on product packaging…but they do not. The FDA relies on food manufacturers to police itself. When the FDA approved food labels noting percentages of salt, sugar, fat and so on for processed food contents, it said at that time they would not be policing food labels. 

The FDA only responds when a food manufacturer gets a lot of complaints, and since the inception of FDA food labels on product packaging decades ago, you can count on one hand how many complaints about actual processed food contents and food labels that the FDA has investigated. Moreover, the FDA even allows food labels on product packaging to be ‘off’ or wrong by 25% due to the inconsistency in processing and manufacturing of all the processed foods that you find on supermarket shelves. So it is basically ‘buyer beware’ if you are using food labels to count calories, grams of fat, sodium, sugar, cholesterol and so on. Since ALL processed food tastes better with more fat, sugar and sodium your best bet is to calculate on the ‘high side’ when trying to figure out food intake/consumption.

During the 20th Century one of the most important social scientific questions studied empirically and extensively was, does TV cause violence in humans? At least 500 studies were conducted in around 5 years and basically half of them said ‘yes’, TV causes violence and half said ‘no’, TV does not cause violence. If you are prone to violence you may be violent and most anything can contribute to or cause a human violent act is the bottom line takeaway uncovered consistently by all 500+ studies.

Empirical evidence is the only trusted source for valid and reliable data in science. It relies on observation and documentation through experimentation and demonstration, with surveys and polls being the least trustworthy scientific instruments in our never ending empirical scientific search for validity and reliability.

To date, one year into the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020, where are all the empirical studies being conducted and statistics being compiled detailing how many people died in the U.S. “with” Covid-19 compared to how many died “of” Covid-19? And of all those that did actually die in any way due to the disease, what per cent had pre-existing, underlying health problems prior to death? And how many Covid-19 deaths were misdiagnosed as Covid-19 deaths when they actually were not? 

Also, of all those contracting the virus, what per cent had debilitating, lasting effects due to contracting Covid-19, and what  were their age groups, ethnicity and what states and cities in the U.S. did they live in?  

Without empirical details we have only fear or doubt to guide us on just how deadly or debilitating the disease is on ‘the healthy’ and ‘the unhealthy’ humans contracting the disease; as well as knowing how many of those being statistically counted as having died due to anything related to Covid-19 but actually did not die from the virus but died from the common flu or something else and did not die from anything related to Covid-19? Is there any scientific empirical data being compiled? If so where is it and who is conducting it? This is the role of the free press to find out and tell us IF there is to be clarity over fear and doubt.

The same goes for counting Covid-19 cases. As of mid-2021, 18 months after the coronavirus pandemic began in January 2020, there is still no scientific empirical follow up on how many of the daily cases counted are asymptomatic, or registered as false negative or false positive. Simply counting cases is misleading and may unnecessarily spread fear and doubt since we are all capable of spreading all kinds of deadly, contagious diseases, diseases possibly much deadlier than the generally 99% survival rate of those over age 70 contracting Covid-19.  Again, we are left with fear and doubt to guide us rather than solid evidence from empirical research results. This does not breed trust in those in charge of the ‘science’ but may too often lead us to think the disease is being politicized out of ignorance, incompetence and/or political expediency.

To date, similar to climate change statistics, none of the research or knowledge gained so far about Covid-19 has been made available empirically and presented scientifically, ‘point/counter-point’ on a LARGE scale for public scrutiny. All we get are confusing, unrelated, bits and pieces of research that are too often presented as irrefutable fact no matter which side you believe.  

Instead, it has been more of a campaign of fear and ‘hair on fire’ hysteria preying on those vulnerable which is the goal of politicizing anything. Why do we hear of so many political references to fighting Covid-19 ‘acting as if’ it is “the war on Covid-19” and that “we are all in it together?” Declaration of war is the most convincing and organizing force in any society. Authority of the state over its people resides in its war powers.

Furthermore, where are all the empirical studies clarifying how the use of masks prevents the spread of Covid-19? To date, there are actually more empirical studies being conducted already suggesting that the typical, flimsy masks most people wear to prevent Covid-19 may do more to spread the disease than to prevent it. This may make much of the mask wearing we see as more of a psychological, compliant crutch signifying mask wearers are ‘virtue signaling’ and complicit to ‘the cause’. 

So far social distancing may more likely prevent the spread of Covid-19 compared to wearing ineffective masks but too many countries mainly tout mask wearing more than social distancing as the scientific thing to do to prevent the spread of the disease. Yet again, to date, there are no empirical studies that anyone ever points to about the effectiveness of mask wearing and/or social distancing because there are seemingly no empirical studies being conducted leaving us, again, with only fear and doubt to guide us.

Never fully trust or assume until it can be proven. No one can predict without irrefutable proof, not even scientists. Experts, especially well-paid experts, can have dangerous egos that may lead to misguided decisions. 

Experts say they know when they don’t…they don’t. During the pandemic of 2020, those religiously wearing masks, 80% of them still contracted the covid-19 virus possibly making social distancing more effective at preventing the spread of the virus compared to mask wearing. 

Only maybe half of all U.S. citizens get a yearly flu vaccine so why, to date, subject ourselves and especially our children to an experimental Trump vaccine, especially for a virus with a 99% survival rate for most of us that are generally healthy if we even get the virus? It is a personal decision and not a government or corporate decision what you want to do with your body, similar to abortion rights. It is a personal decision and your human right to wait for final approval of a drug instead of agreeing to be a guinea pig for a drug?

Already empirically proven, Sweden never shut down or mandated mask wearing, and in Sweden children never stopped going to school for one-on-one, in-person instruction from teachers, and their kids were not ever mandated to wear masks in school. In Sweden kids were never told to wear masks anywhere and Sweden has essentially no more deaths per capita due to Covid-19 than any other country worldwide. Consequently, Sweden did not destroy its economy during the pandemic like so many other countries worldwide. In France, no children under the age of 10 were ever mandated to wear masks anywhere. This we know empirically. Odds are Swedish children have not been permanently scarred psychologically, totally unlike, too many American children and adults. One American five year old child was quoted as saying, “I just want a germ-free birthday party.” That cannot happen and will not happen and has never happened with kids but this is how Americans have scarred their own children…possibly for life. The children have become the helpless victims during the 2020 pandemic and all at the hands of virtue signaling ‘do-gooders’ using flawed logic with the best of intentions, of course.

Anything less than valid and reliable scientific empirical results and statistics in detail, instead of the ‘fuzzy’ flawed numbers and ‘fuzzy’ flawed logic currently being used to explain the ‘fuzzy’ flawed Covid-19 numbers, is nothing more than political points and counter-points for political expediency, again, with the best of intentions, of course. 

No one, especially the free press, actually reads what makes up scientific reports, studies, surveys, experiments, demonstrations and how scientific research is put together, conducted and processed for results. Today in 2021, unfortunately, those in charge of disseminating information in the free press too often just accept or reject information conforming to their own biases then report what they call “the results” as they see them without any knowledge or curiosity about how the so-called scientific results were actually achieved. 

For the free press it is not an easy task to parse the results and study scientific research. This is very time consuming and it takes persistence, tenacity and apolitical ambition which these days, like most of us, the free press just does not have any more. I mean “c’mon man”, that would take way too much time away from our leisure activities like burying our noses in YouTube videos and scrolling on our cell phones.  

During the 1950s, TV was declared by the free press as “a vast wasteland” pointing out that TV content was being ‘dumbed down’ to the lowest common denominator to a 6th grade education level in order to attract the largest mass audiences possible for capitalist corporate advertisers. The U.S. Congress even successfully exposed that at least one of the most watched nationally televised NBC-TV quiz shows, airing in the 1950s called “Twenty One”, (a  show similar to today’s TV show ‘Jeopardy’,) was ‘rigged’ by giving hand-picked contestants the answers in advance so the contestants would win large sums of money. The thought then by Congress was that we are going to expose the NBC-TV network for ‘scamming’ their cherished TV audience, but as was predicted then in the 1950s, and now 70 years later, we did not ‘get TV’ or expose TV…TV exposed and reflects us…in other words, TV got us.

As an interesting aside, another world famous TV show had a huge effect on a whole country.  Airing in America on TV from 1978 to 1991, the prime time TV drama called “Dallas” showcased Americans living ‘filthy rich’ lifestyles. Well, the socialist dictator of Romania during the ‘1980s, Ceausescu, told the Romanian people to tune-in and watch Dallas because the TV show exemplified everything that was wrong with capitalism…greed, excess and the inherent inequality between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’. The Romanians subsequently tuned in the TV show and it back-fired on Ceausescu. In no time the Romanians started questioning why they did not have all the ‘nice things’ the Americans were getting through capitalism. The Romanians soon revolted and actually chased down Ceausescu, caught him, and literally shot him 500 times leaving his bullet riddled body in the street for all to see. Soon after the assassination, one of the stars of the TV show, Dallas, was touring Romania and a Romanian citizen pulled the Dallas TV star aside and told him, “Thank you for saving our people from socialism”