They force sea-dwelling creatures to live their life in captivity for human consumptive entertainment purposes. All the sea life may look fine to you but unfortunately it tends to too often breed poorly and die of uncommon illnesses, like pneumonia, ulcers and stress related sickness.

The unsuspecting visitors may not know it but the commercial outfits selling tickets to sea life attractions may constantly have to renew their stockpile of sea creatures by continually replacing and replenishing newly captured wild dolphins, orca whales, turtles, as well as every other living thing you see on “display” in their tanks, all just to sell tickets and entertain you.

Critics charge that up to 50% of all dolphins captured tend to die within 2 years of capture. Their life span in the wild can be over 40 years. The chlorinated water tanks they are unnaturally forced to live in can cause blindness, skin problems and who knows what other ailments for sea life.

Highly intelligent sea creatures held captive in marine parks and aquariums live a barren quality of life all just to satisfy paying customers and the commercial corporate conglomerates which run these entertainment centers. If you were a sea creature, would you trade living wild and free in the sea for a fish tank full of predators and other unnatural problems?

While crowds of customers are laughing and amusing themselves watching dolphins and orca whales do mindless tricks for human entertainment, the crowd will walk out free while all the sea creatures they leave behind remain caged and imprisoned unnaturally for their shortened life.

Remember, the use of exotic sea creatures is Big Business no matter if it has to do with killing them for sport or keeping them imprisoned and on display for human entertainment purposes.