The pendulum is swinging and 2020 is the year of the rat. Today in America, neo-fascism is ‘top down cool’ which is a ‘bow down in deference’ movement of obedience, surveillance and addiction now swinging away from ‘feeding the beast’ of past mega-corporate rule. If you do not bow down and submit these days you risk attack from the movement’s savage wolves in the mainstream news media and elsewhere.

The history of America was once one of rugged individualism and heroic personal sacrifice in pursuit of a dream. Today, democracy is being derailed, the revolutionary spirit is being suppressed and the once proud American citizen is being reduced to servitude to the political activist ruling class. Critics charge that activists, today, consider their anger as a blessing and a‘gift’. Moreover, today, ignorance is being upheld as wisdom, prejudice as justice and fantasy as reality, and just go out and protest to protest with no clear objectives necessary.

Even a nationally known weight loss program has made fascism ‘top down cool’ scripting their advertising paid testimonials to say, “Hey, they tell you what to eat and when to eat, so what could be easier?” The unintended, subliminal message subconsciously written here by millennial ad copywriters may be, “Hey fascism is cool and where it’s at, man!”

No matter what issue is at hand, the politicians, the scientists, the economists, the academics, the elites, the kids, the activists…are nothing but a bunch of stubborn, self-righteous bastards looking through jaundiced eyes and none of them have a clearly communicated answer how, or how much it will cost, to get us all out of the proclaimed ‘existential fix’ we are in. They continue to trot out their ‘black boot’, partisan border guards who walk in lockstep on a mission to beat down any public scrutiny and open debate while hiding from view the inventors and the intelligentsia behind ‘the causes’ they promote. Welcome…to the age of melancholy.

A case could be made for sending out the activist, partisan border guards if there were some clear objectives from the neo-fascists. For example, force consumers to start paying the “true cost” of goods and services for the American middle class consumptive thirst now spreading worldwide which would tell the ‘ecological truth’ about the contents of products and services, and what it costs the planet in resources to manufacture and distribute unnecessary, consumptive products and services.

In the movie Schindler’s List, at the end of the movie Schindler felt guilty for not sacrificing more of his materialistic possessions that he could have used to save even more Jews from extermination by the Nazi fascists. Today, a person buying a $2000 suit could have instead actually fed a family of 6 living in poverty in Brazil for a whole year.

For example, if the activist, partisan border guards really cared about mankind and the planet, for God’s sake, stop ‘pissing’ in the ocean. Coca-Cola supposedly spits out up to 3000 new plastic bottles every second of every day. Big Mac hamburgers are reportedly 52% fat. Go ahead and selfishly buy another pair of Nike sneakers and, oh well, why not top off your egocentric Nike purchases with a ‘fix’ or two for your addiction to tasty, overpriced Starbucks caffeine drug beverages? Then go to the chemical market (supermarket) and simply ask for a plastic bag for your take home, ‘toxic farmed fish’ purchase and the store clerk will tell you with a robotic, blank stare, “The plastic bag is already in the fish!”

Furthermore, mandate into law that corporate conglomerates and billionaires and multi-millionaires worldwide plant, and continue to feed and nourish until maturity, one tree for every mile calculated flown and sailed every year via commercial airlines, private jets and planes, ships, private yachts and boats, as well as plant one for every mile calculated driven every year by cars, trucks and motorcycles worldwide, including all electric vehicles too especially since, today, most all electricity is still coming from energy created by ‘dirty coal’ plants.

And for all the money being spent on figuring out how to travel in space, mandate into law for those spending money on exploring space travel that the same amount of money be spent on figuring out how to turn deserts into farmland worldwide to feed impoverished nations worldwide.

Fascist Mao Tse-Tung said, “A single spark can ignite a prairie fire.” Today, there are national uprisings against fascist, authoritarian rule currently underway in many nations worldwide but not in America…once the ‘land of the free’. In America today, speak your mind and find yourself shut up, shut out, spat on, slapped or shot. Neo-fascist, activist party rule in America, today, steals your voice…your freedom…your rights and if allowed to continue will steal your wealth and your land.