Humans contribute most to the loss of life and the general depletion of the Earth’s resources and possibly even the environment. The Earth’s population grows by 95 million people every year. This is like adding another Mexico, in population, to the planet every year. As the population grows the quality of life and quantity of food production may continue to decrease.

All of society’s problems, the environment, crime, hunger, housing, all are related to over-population. We lose 40 million acres of forests every year. Forty per cent of the earth’s forests may be gone forever. Ocean fisheries are being depleted forcing more intense fishing in the remaining areas. Sewage, industrial waste, toxic mud and agricultural pesticide run-off enter the water supplies and oceans possibly contributing to the disappearance of marine life in coastal regions.

Add to the problem of over-population the problem of over-consumption. America drives 1/3 of the world’s cars and creates most of the world’s garbage. If we continue to divert the Earth’s resources to human use could mankind itself experience extinction? Already thousands of species become extinct every year and this is natural and unstoppable. Scientists believe that mankind could become extinct and this too may be natural and unstoppable.

Some species on Earth just last longer than others. The meek shall inherit the Earth may mean the insects may outlast us all. Scientists claim that 99% of the Earth’s species have already gone extinct and that every 20 minutes another species may disappear. The only thing constant is change.

Western civilizations help Third World countries fight poverty and sickness but at some point we may ask ourselves are we simply prolonging the inevitable? Mother Nature creates unstoppable forces like floods, fire, earthquakes and disease which, in an unmerciful way, deals with overpopulation and mankind creating too many questionable toxic concoctions and his pushing the Earth’s resources to the limit, as well as man’s testing the Earth’s ability to accommodate and cope with all his creations and mutations.

With any kind of system, like eco-systems for example, man must learn to control it and use it without abusing it or it will control mankind. Ignorance leads to unrealistic expectations. Salvation is understanding and know-how.

If mankind does not harness his consumptive behavior, by the year 3000 it will not matter any longer as there will be a new age and new feudalism based on respect, loyalty, honor and family. There will be minimal consumption, regulation, society, government and technology. At that time you will be more interested in just having a good harvest.

By the year 3000 fierce scarcity may be inevitable and likely to produce a proud feudalistic system of nobility. Instead of cherishing wealth and sophistication, mankind may be living more by nature…simpler, docile, passive and holding low expectations while upholding only the basic values like marriage, childbearing and a good crop. With fierce scarcity there is little charity and little or no government. Those who do not work will not likely eat.