Put simply, what we generally hear, and is presented to us to decide upon, is either true, half-true or untrue. In ancient philosopher Plato’s search for truth, he found that truth is grander than mere facts, and that we can ignore facts, and still get by, but he determined we should not ignore truth when truth rears its ugly head and finally presents itself. In critical thinking our eyes and ears may deceive us because not all we see and hear is what truly is.

Understanding the potential pitfalls and inaccuracies in thoughts and ideas presented to us is a key first step in using critical thinking skills to determine truth. Plato was the ‘originator’ in mankind’s written history in our search for truth. Plato argued powerfully in favor of the ‘objectivity’ of values such as truth, good, and beauty minus prejudices, whims and experience which are all ‘subjective’ and not thoroughly thought through. Objective values are those that lie outside of the individual and are not dependent upon our perception or belief.

For example, the assumption that the sun will come up tomorrow is not ‘absolutely’ true but it is a ‘relative’, agreed upon fact, by the consensus of opinion in charge of disseminating information, therefore, odds are, the sun will come up tomorrow. Assassinated former U.S. President John F. Kennedy once declared an objective, absolute truth, spoken in his famous Boston accent, “We all breathe the same air…we all want the best for our children…we are all mortal.” (To simplify for purposes here, ‘wanting the best for our children’ will not be debated as truth or untruth.)

U. S. Founding Father, John Quincy Adams, spoke the truth when he said ‘leadership’ is when actions inspire others to learn more, question more, do more, become more…dream more.

In Plato’s search for truth, truth is held to the highest standards. Truth is absolute and does not change. Truth is not relative like facts. Truth does not vary with allotted time and space limitations used to discern truth because if truth varies then it cannot be truth. We always factor in the facts, as we know them, or as they are presented to us, in our search to find the ever-so-elusive truth.

Regardless, at some point in the process you have to have faith in something you choose to believe or act upon…or at some point you have to have faith in that which chooses you. You do not choose it…it chooses you, like your ‘calling’ in life meaning that which calls on you to act or believe.

Obviously, truth is predictable and not whimsical and does not change with the ever changing direction of the wind according to the latest consensus of opinion, unlike facts which may tend to vary. Agreed upon facts may have an element or kernel of truth in the facts but this does not make the facts true, despite the fact that agreed upon facts are too often cited as if they are absolutely true, and thus are misused to persuade the uninformed. The truth for Plato is, if persuasion is not used ethically for good, then it is corrupt and should not be used in the search for truth or to persuade. The truth is God may not always smile upon us but the Devil always wears a smile.

Beware of the devil in the details. When someone says, “Honestly…” or “I’ll be honest with you…” they are telling you up front that they are possibly lying because a critical thinker would then have to assume, “Hmmm, so making a point to tell me you will be honest with me right now makes me question that you’re possibly not ALWAYS being honest with me? And now you want me to believe what you’re saying right now IS honest? So all you said before and after I can assume may not have been honest? Consequently, from here on out now how can I truly trust ANYTHING you say to me?”

Furthermore, whenever some medical, political, activist or business “expert”, and other experts in other fields of study, say, “The fact of the matter is…” this is nothing more than a ‘sophisticated’ debating point used to make the speaker sound authoritative to persuade or convince the audience they possess facts they assume you may not be aware of. Due to inherent human biases, and limits on time and space to determine truth and discern the credibility of facts, so-called “experts” rarely ever present or even know ALL the facts, pro and con, so the “expert” facts are suspect at best and conceivably only half true.

In ancient times, Plato always found himself plagued with having to argue with the Sophists, better known today as the ‘sophisticates’. For example, sophisticates today would be equivalent to our modern day politicians, activists and other such experts called in to discuss issues of great import. Sophisticates believe, consciously or unconsciously, that the end result they want to achieve, no matter what that end result is, the end result always justifies that they use ‘any means necessary’, good or bad, right or wrong, to achieve the end result they seek… so watch out below.

Consequently, most anything you hear from anyone concerning issues of great import, whatever it is they are espousing as truth and/or fact being used to make an argument or persuade, odds are, what they consciously or unconsciously uphold as truth and/or fact is most likely ONLY half true. This means, odds are, they only possess or present half the story/information and/or are, consciously or unconsciously, inherently biased toward one side of an issue without critically thinking their position through thoroughly, intentionally or unintentionally. So, what they propose as truth and/or fact is most likely only half true at best.

Then, in a typical face to face argument, after they propose their half truth to you as if it is true, this is when they look at you and give you that inquisitive, ‘question mark’ look on their face, with the all too often accompanying wrinkled, furrowed brow exposing themselves wondering if you are ‘buying into’ their ‘sales pitch’. To show your own mental prowess that is when you say to them, “Yeah, I believe what you are saying…is at least half true.”

Not even the so-called (political, activist, medical, social, and/or psychological) “experts”, on any issue or argument, are totally objective, and without an agenda, consciously or unconsciously, because on all issues of great import, NO experts, scientists, physicians and all those we put our faith in for ‘expert advice’, are always right. If they were always right there would only be one expert for every expertise and, for example, we would not need to get numerous medical opinions when a doctor tells us we need major surgery to survive, or that we are going to die and only have six months to live.

These days, news reporters and interviewers are famous for not ‘pushing back’ on the so-called facts and truths their favorite “experts” spew into our faces, eyes and ears because the “experts” are too often chosen to present views that are similar to the views of those asking the questions, and/or similar to the views of those who own the corporate conglomerate news outlets that the reporters work for. Ever wonder why we tend to see the same so-called “experts” trotted out time and time again by the news media networks? And those “experts” with conflicting views tend to get very little, if any, time and space in news media coverage.

For example, during the worldwide pandemic of 2020 in the U.S., too many divisive politicians and activists claim their ‘facts’ are what is most important. And that is the health of the people and keeping as many people from getting the virus and alive as possible.

While those on the other side of the issue claim their ‘facts’ are what is most important. And that is the health of the economy because with over 30 million people forced out of work in America in just a matter of weeks, the newly unemployed are denigrated by the “experts”, politicians and activists as ‘non-essential’ workers. Consequently, it is possible that up to 10 times more people may die due to the criminal, mental, economic and medical problems not directly associated with the virus than may end up dying from the coronavirus disease itself in America.

The ‘truth’ is both are equally important with maybe one more important than the other. History will decide that IF history can be trusted to be truthful since ‘the winners’ always write the history that subsequent generations are left with. However, during the actual pandemic itself, the ‘sophisticates’ ruled the dissemination of information to the public, as well as the amount of time and space allotted to even discussing the issue for critical thinking. Never let opportunities for critical thinking by the uninformed public get in the way of the ‘sophisticates’ to use crises to persuade and manipulate the masses. Not knowing is what makes the American public…the American public and the ruling classes religiously exploit the generally submissive electorate’s whims, emotions and lackluster critical thinking skills always seeking to take advantage of the public’s weaknesses, lack of experience and understanding.

Pompous, self-righteous, know-it-all news media interviewers and reporters, for the most part, have no humility and are ego-freak, partisan border guards for the political parties they support, as well as the “f___ing rich man”, corporate conglomerates they work for. You can always tell an interviewer’s biases by how a news story is edited. And if it is a ‘live’ interview the interviewer’s biases are exposed by the questions they ask, the questions they do NOT ask, the responses along with the grunts and groans the interviewers give to the answers they get from those being interviewed, as well as the facial reactions the interviewers too often make during an interview that give away the interviewers’ built-in biases.

If news people do not like who you are or what you represent, and as long as an interview does not have an effect on the corporate conglomerate’s financial bottom line they work for, then the reporter’s interview too often is all about getting a ‘gotcha’ headline or line you said in the interview that they can edit and/or ‘spin’ a certain way to discredit or destroy those people they do not really care about. Too many news interviewers and reporters consider destroying people’s credibility, reputations and livelihood with their ‘gotcha journalism’ tactics as nothing more than, “Well, uhhh,…it was just their turn.” It’s just the business of ‘gotcha journalism’ as the reporters meander their way through the streets to their next victim to interview or report on.

In divisive, hateful times there are no heroes, no villains…only victims. In divisive times we use slings and arrows of destructive, incendiary words and actions toward each other willfully, inflicting hurt and pain on each other that neither side, deep down in their souls, really wants to inflict or receive. Good people want to heal not hurt. Good people want to repair the hurt and wounds inflicted upon each other…and mostly repair the hurt and the wounds inflicted upon ourselves.

Bottom line? Considering the inherent difficulty of determining if what you hear and see is true or untrue, your best bet is figure most of it is only half-true…at best. So, on who or what to believe? Never convince yourself about that which is questionable unless you know it to be the whole truth and nothing but the truth, making most things presented to us to be believed and/or acted upon as most likely only half-true. The truth is always beware of the crafty, cunning, persuasive ‘sophisticates’ seeking an advantage.