In America, no matter how heinous or horrifying the crime, no one should receive a death penalty by the court and, more importantly, no one should serve more than two to five years in prison for any crime of any kind in America because life is cheap, everyone deserves another chance and here is why.

City, county and state laws in America are growing more and more toward decriminalizing crime, consequently allowing everything from theft, to aborting fetuses near birth and after birth, to gang domination of inner city streets, to intolerant and violent group think, to decriminalizing first degree murder and manslaughter. All the decriminalization going on today in America is in the name of tolerance, fairness and freedom in the treatment of property and life. Critics charge America is suffering from too much freedom which has consequences but that is alright because life is cheap.

In more and more cities and states the theft of any property anywhere from anyone under $900 in value is becoming treated as a misdemeanor crime meaning even if you get caught the penalty is less than the rewards for committing and trying to get away with the crime. In more and more cities and states the crime of first degree murder, instead of getting death or life in prison, the felon is getting a few year prison sentence equal to a crime of manslaughter. This all signals that property crimes and life itself in America is of less and less value especially as we, as a society, become more and more lenient and desensitized to crime and violence.

Most places worldwide, life has always been cheap and this mindset has now come to America. Too many rich people’s capitalist ventures go unchallenged by their rich, obedient journalist comrades working for the rich people’s news media conglomerates. For example, too many rich people shamelessly spend a fortune figuring out ways to give other rich people expensive rides into outer space instead of spending more of their fortunes helping populations in poor countries figure out how to simply survive the day to day struggles for food and clean water because too many rich people feel life is cheap.

For example, Liberia, in Africa, has a population of four million people and75% of the population there has no toilets, while 50% of them defecate out in the open and only 33% has clean water. In too many nations worldwide there is a high death rate by disease which, critics charge, is genocide of the poor by the rich. These days, watching and reading the mainstream news in America, delivered by rich, obedient journalists, employed by the rich mainstream corporate news media conglomerates, obviously, nobody really cares. Meanwhile, the naïve public is routinely ‘played’ for the fools they are, pitting the citizenry against each other while the rich ruling class politicians and rich mainstream media plays on the public’s ignorance, inherent weaknesses and vulnerabilities channelling the public into focusing more about that which is insignificant. This includes everything from self-centred entertainment and media to sports scores to what is ruled important by partisan politicians seeking power and votes for some narrow political gain. The citizenry’s emotional well-being in America is treated as if it comes cheap by the rich ruling class, treating the public like pawns and sacrificial lambs.

In essence, unlike the old days, today, America has seemingly become more like a culture of deference to children, ruled more by narrow minded emotion and partisan self-gratification rather than understanding the consequences of actions/reactions and well thought out gain for the common good.

Further proof that life is cheap in America, not so long ago 50,000 American military lives were lost for absolutely no good reason in the Vietnam military action of the 1960s. In the more recent past, over 18,000 American military lives and families were easily and needlessly sacrificed and destroyed by the rich American ruling class forcing the American military to fight to protect the Iraqis and Afghans under the erroneous guise and propaganda of protecting American security.

Like naïve American sports stars taking a knee for American social justice, know any sports stars willing to “take a knee” for the Hong Kong freedom seekers? Not likely because the newly adopted social credit scoring of 21st Century American culture currently rewards those in favor of the rich capitalists’ almighty dollar over the principles of freedom.

Younger Americans are leaning more and more toward social credit scoring to determine an American citizen’s worth or value to American society. For example, under socialized medicine and rationed health care being touted by rich politicians today, lifesaving medical procedures will be doled out first and foremost for those deemed by society as the more productive citizens over other less productive citizens. With rationed health care less productive lives will become cheap and not worth saving as much compared to the effort put forth to save more productive lives. This already goes on in authoritarian cultures as well as those countries adopting socialized medicine.

For example, someone with special skills, like a dentist or plumber, will have a much higher social credit score than, for example, a journalist or a stockbroker or insurance salesman or counter clerk, when it comes to whose life is worth saving more when it comes to the limited number of lives that can be saved with a limited supply of available surgeries, surgeons, hospital beds, organ transplants, MRIs and so on, as well as who gets the most skilled surgeons for specific lifesaving surgical procedures.

For example, those citizens that are younger and skilled will get saved before older less skilled, less useful citizens since social credit scores do not favor older, less productive, less skilled citizens that can benefit American society in the longer term, especially once policies like socialized medicine and social credit scoring ‘group think’ is adopted nationwide. Those deemed less productive citizens, by the rich ruling class, will have to wait longer for lesser care that costs more for medical procedures performed by more inexperienced doctors in the worst hospitals leaving those deemed as less productive, less useful citizens with essentially medical procedures being performed, for lack of words, by medical interns using ‘dull spoons’ thus making life in America cheap.

For those that do not accept, believe or comprehend this, put simply, in nature a beehive has worker bees, defender bees and the queen bee. When a swarm of hornets attack a beehive for the honey, the worker bees are stung and killed one by one by each hornet. A few bee stings from bees trying to defend themselves do not at all hurt the much larger hornet. The worker bees are sacrificed in large numbers until the defender bees ‘become aware’, and heed the warning. Then the defender bees eventually unite into a large swarm of 20 or more defender bees per swarm, attacking each hornet individually. Bee stings do have a compounding effect, eventually overwhelming each and every hornet with so many swarming bee stings killing each hornet, until all the hornets either succumb or retreat. United we stand…divided we fall.