WHISTLEBLOWERS UNITE! End Egregious Western Civilization…Begin Breeding Revolutionary DNA

Discovery in nature can be a violent, penetrative act that violates and scars
what was once pristine. That which is pristine in nature will be defended in
nature, violently if necessary. So how could we possibly have any idea
what the effects of discovery will be? As discovery relates to society,
justice can NEVER ‘truly’ be served when discovery leads to victims of
greed, corruption and violence.
Never trust anyone over the age of 40. As one Wall Street titan put it, “You
have to like anyone you find that grasps the obvious because they are so
Thank God the working and non-working class people in America are
breeding revolutionary DNA to open the U.S. borders, confiscate U.S.
wealth, eliminate our corrupted elders and eradicate the systemic harmful,
violent actors worldwide. Who would have ever thought that beauty contest
contestants would turn out to be modern day prophets when they opined
for “world peace” and to “feed the poor”. The philosopher from the 1500s,
Machiavelli said, “It is better to be feared than loved”, which has been the
prevailing attitude worldwide for thousands of years. The beneficial end
result of breeding revolutionary DNA is, if you love you’ll have less to fear.
Opening U.S. borders, confiscating wealth and eradicating the harmful,
violent actors and corrupted elders ‘weeds out’ the decades of breeding
home-grown, fearful, pleasure-seeking, American DNA bred to cheat rather
than earn, bred to expect entitlements, and bred to seek the paths of least
resistance or ‘short-cuts’ to get ahead. This ‘weeding out’ will be done by
any means necessary. The prevailing attitude in too many Americans today
lacks ambition, the will to fight and risk pain opting out instead to satisfy a
gluttonous appetite for praise, pleasure, excess and other selfish motives.
Nothing exceeds like excess. This complacency, fear and impulsiveness
harm the social good.

All the underprivileged, good natured ‘have-nots’ under the age of 40, who
already know they have nothing to lose, amount to hundreds of millions of
‘culture-jammers’ worldwide. This behemoth army of ‘shock troops’, made
up of the unwashed masses unleashing coordinated civil disobedience,
can surpass the might of any army on planet Earth with boycotts and work
stoppages to start. This includes boycotting, as well as shutting down the
production of, select products and services promoted or sold by corporate
conglomerates and their ‘paid-off’ surrogates…the influencers and
privileged few. Stop feeding the wealthy, privileged ‘haves’ and this will
bring the privileged to their knees. The ‘culture jammer have-nots’ will be
the Army of Planet Earth (APE) that punishes the greed, corruption and
violence harming the social good. APE will be expanded upon later.
For decades after World War II people did not trust many Germans over the
age of 40 because at that time they were possibly, somewhat or altogether,
responsible for the extermination of millions of Jews. So, at that time in
history, why take a chance trusting anyone of German decent over the age
of 40? Today, the new immigrants have this same sort of firsthand
knowledge as they flee their governments worldwide, which are being run
by privileged, corrupt leaders. Like the new immigrants rushing and
overwhelming the U.S. southern border, we, the American lower and middle
classes, also know firsthand that America’s privileged, corrupt political and
corporate leaders are too often ‘exempt’ from suffering the consequences
of what they impose on us, and advocate for the rest of us…we, the lowly
rank and file…the ‘aristocracy of the trenches’.
The U.S. Declaration of Independence of 1776 declared American citizens
have ‘inalienable rights’ like natural rights to life, liberty to think for
themselves, and to defend themselves, all of which supersede any legal
rights legislated by the U.S. government and/or any cultural norms
imposed by society. However, as proven time and time again in America,
these inalienable rights too often have been corrupted by America’s
political and corporate elite…the ‘il duces’ (Italian for ‘the bosses’).
Today in America, these inalienable rights only truly apply to those who are
of means or have wealth under the guise and trappings of democracy

which currently prove to be foolish, weak and fraudulent for those of us
who have little or no means or wealth. Democrat turned Republican and
former U.S. President, Ronald Reagan said, “The 9 most disturbing words
in the English language are, I’m from the government and I’m here to help.
It’s not that they don’t know, it’s what they know ain’t so.” Former U.S.
Secretary Of State, Hilary Clinton said, “Democrats don’t need to fall in
love… they need to fall in line.”
America set the standard for, or exposed, what defines the American
‘middle class’ worldwide. Expressed succinctly, ‘the man in a borrowed
suit just bought a new car’. For the most part, the rest of the lower to
middle class world is striving to attain this same standard in their country,
and if they cannot get it then, generally, their first choice is to immigrate to
America. Who would blame them?
A permissive, entitled, beg, borrow or steal, cheating, ‘dog eat dog’, let’s-
get-paid-now-not-later mentality is pervasive throughout America these
days which is NOT based on the values of our American ancestors…the
values of hard work, rugged individualism and ‘pull yourself up by your
own bootstraps’. Consequently, America is breeding a revolutionary DNA
and, nowadays, all those immigrating to America from countries where life
is ‘cheap’, these immigrants generally revere life, are fast-learners hungry
for work and possess strong family values. They distrust the corrupt,
privileged leaders of their homeland countries choosing to escape corrupt
centralized control, domestic corruption and violence, as well as escape
the violent ‘crackdowns’ from leadership in their own countries that is
enforced by their corrupt leaders’ well-paid, loyal, partisan border guards.
Attain great wealth in America and you become a philanthropist. To be true
philanthropists for social good, you cannot trust anyone of means or
wealth over the age of 40. You cannot trust them to spread the wealth they
accrued on the backs of the employees that work for them. Furthermore,
you cannot believe philanthropists when they say they give money to
charity. For example, to date, charitable donations from wealthy
philanthropists too often end up in ‘donor advised funds’ where monetary
donations can sit for decades, or even longer, waiting to be donated to
charity while these undelivered donations grow larger and larger in
value…tax free. However, in the meantime, the donor advised funds earn

hefty fees for those ‘managing’ the funds, managers who may be related to
the philanthropists so in reality it all stays in the family; while the ‘filthy
rich’ philanthropists making donations get the tax deductions applied
immediately to their tax returns every year they donate to these ‘funds’.
This means everyone wins except the charities. Never trust how much
money philanthropists say they donated to charities until they prove what
they donated has been received by the charities. Otherwise, do not trust
philanthropists and confiscate this wealth…for social good.
So, what is the definition of wealth for social good and how much wealth
should be confiscated? This is to be defined and determined some other
time. However, the confiscation will be significant and the definition all
encompassing, non-rivalrous and non-excludable.
Regardless, revolutionary DNA has been breeding for decades now in
America. We inherently understand that confiscating the wealth of the
privileged is the only way to EVER realize some kind of fair and equitable
income distribution for social good. For example, taking the privileged few
into outer space on ‘rocket rides’ without these same investors and
profiteers simultaneously putting as much effort and wealth into social
good ‘on the ground’ on planet Earth insults the intelligence of the
downtrodden masses. Moreover, the blow-dried hair, pretty, partisan border
guards working in the news media and living a privileged lifestyle, as well
as the ruthless managers running the news media organizations, all blindly
and eagerly extol the virtues and values of their privileged leaders and
bosses…the ‘fattened up’ politicians in government and the elites in charge
of wealthy corporate conglomerates. This will continue as long as the
‘bosses’ keep doling out privilege and well-paid salaries to their underling,
sycophant news managers and ‘talking head’ news reporters and staff.
Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong (Chairman Mao), Presidents Kennedy, Johnson,
Obama and Bush Jr. killed, wounded and impoverished countless
individuals and families. Thirty million Southeast Asians were killed by
Northeast Asians when America lost the Vietnam War and left Southeast
Asia, a war classified ‘top secret’ by the U.S. government as ‘unwinnable’
in the Pentagon Papers DECADES BEFORE any American soldiers were
ever even sent to Vietnam! Making matters worse, 60,000 American
soldiers have committed suicide since America began its War On terror

after 9/11 in 2001. This is more soldiers lost than the over 50,000 American
soldiers lost during the Vietnam War. However, only Hitler paid the ultimate
price for his actions. The rest accumulated great wealth and privilege.
Those still living, and anyone else in their families, displaying greed
without goals of 100% of their ill-gotten gain and wealth going toward
social good will find their wealth confiscated and their scandalous
lifestyles, and the lifestyles of their privileged families, forever changed.
China doles out death sentences for what in America would be considered
‘white collar’ crime because in China hurting the people, ‘the workers’ is
considered a capital crime. In China actions have consequences. Only the
fear of consequences inhibits bad behavior.
Greed and glaring privilege will be replaced with accomplishments for
social good by breeding revolutionary DNA in the masses. Animals are
inherently good natured and peaceful in their ‘dog eat dog’, struggle of the
survival of the fittest. Like animals, good natured people are generally
peaceful and do not seek to rule or enslave others. All others not fitting the
definition for social good are aberrant and these unnecessary violent and
corrupted actors and elders will be eradicated by breeding revolutionary
This breeding will work from the ‘bottom up’ relying on overwhelming
numbers of good natured, underprivileged masses…‘the deplorables’.
Instead of the traditional, conventional way of working from the ‘top down’
relying on corrupted political and corporate leaders to foster, and ‘trickle
down’ social change and wealth to the underprivileged…which never
works; the ‘have not’ masses will form from the ‘bottom up’ an
unstoppable, armed ‘to the teeth’, Army of Planet Earth (APE) amounting to
hundreds of millions of dedicated, volunteer troops worldwide.
This behemoth-in-size army of the poor and underprivileged will be
manned by ambitious warriors who have nothing to lose and not afraid of
pain in order to succeed. It will also be made up of crusaders, culture
warriors, culture jammers, activists and sympathizing informants with
representatives from every country in the world to root out all the
privileged and violent actors worldwide.

This includes ‘rooting out from under every rock’ and eradicating all the
‘bugs’, meaning ‘search and destroy’ the nuclear weapons-bearing leaders
and political parties, including the religious warriors who kill in the name of
religion in Third World countries, and the international gangs like the
Italian, Asian, Russian and Mexican Mafias, Ms-13 and others, as well as
the smallest groups of ‘gangbangers’ controlling and terrorizing inner-
cities… and guess what? With a world moving more toward peace by
clamping down on the privileged and violent actors, this allows the
underprivileged to redistribute wealth and put it toward social good.
Consequently, then we have at least ‘a chance’ at living in relative peace
with ample prosperity…non-excludable and non-rivalrous.
America is breeding a revolutionary DNA that shares ‘the spoils’, meaning
shares the wealth with lower to middle class workers, as well as putting
wealth toward social good. America’s privileged, affluent class is being
embarrassed, humiliated and shamed for not freely sharing much of their
earned and unearned accumulated wealth…and it is to be shared
NOW…not later…and if not now then confiscate much of it.
For example, the seedy underbelly of opulence is on full display by the
richest man in the world, Amazon founder, Cuban-American, Jeff Bezos
who acquired one of the largest, fossil fuel burning yachts in the world, 500
feet in length, as well as acquired a multitude of luxurious mansions
worldwide. Another example of heinous opulence on full display is the
alleged ‘womanizer’, former richest man in the world, Microsoft founder,
Bill Gates, who some say like a ‘robber baron’, bought up over 240,000
acres of family farms accumulating more fertile farmland than anyone else
in the world. Everyone knows in economic downturns or financial
meltdowns and ‘crashes’, we all have to eat and there is nothing more
predominating and lucrative than cornering the market on fertile farm land.
During World War II, German Nazi industrialist, Oskar Schindler risked his
life harboring and thus saving hundreds of Jews from ‘the ovens’ (Nazi gas
chambers). When the Nazis finally surrendered to the Allied Forces,
Schindler felt ashamed and riddled with guilt realizing he could have saved
many more Jews if he had only given up more of the riches he accumulated
during World War II manufacturing and selling goods to the Nazi military.

Have you heard anything about the richest man in the world, Amazon
founder, Cuban-American, Jeff Bezos, doing anything to feed and seek
freedom for Cubans under communist dictatorship in Cuba? Not yet. In
Cuba, the central government only allows each Cuban 3 eggs per month.
Like chickens in Cuba, the central government also owns all the cows so
meat and milk are also rationed. The Cuban police get paid more than
Cuban medical doctors and surgeons because it is the police that keep the
central government in power…through brute force.
For what Bezos has NOT done for his own people in Cuba may prove to be
intolerable because Bezos IS in the process of selling tickets to rich people
for space travel into outer space while at the same time having the brazen
audacity to say, “Thank you”, to all his Amazon employees, as well as
Amazon customers who buy goods and services from Amazon, saying
“They made it all possible for me (Jeff Bezos) to even be able to go into
outer space.” He has the nerve to say this while at the same time he does
not share his vast wealth with his employees as he shocks most everyone
by paying Amazon warehouse and delivery workers the minimum pay scale
he can get away with compared to other similar companies like UPS and
FedEx. This makes Bezos a prime candidate for significant wealth
Bezos recently divorced his wife who received half his fortune and
privileged, well-paid, Wall Street, news media reporters ‘unabashedly’
praised her for giving away to charity 5 billion of the 30 billion she received
in the divorce. So she needs 25 billion to live on? Did the 5 billion to charity
go into a ‘donor advised fund’? This makes her a prime candidate for
significant wealth confiscation.
For every dime Jeff Bezos has spent on rocket science and space travel he
should also be shamed and canceled by the ‘mob of the masses’ or, if
necessary, legislatively forced into funding the same amount of money that
he spent on going into outer space and spend it on growing crops
worldwide using the latest, cutting-edge technology to feed the world’s
poor. The upside to feeding the poor is, if there is ever a fatal failure in
Bezos’ space travel project, resulting in a setback for years or even
shutting down his space project, then at least Bezos would be responsible
for potentially contributing to growing a middle class from the currently

starving lower classes that could maybe grow into buying goods and
services from Amazon someday. This would be a win-win for Bezos if he
was not so blind to his own appalling behavior.
Decades ago U.S. President Clinton advocated for China to join the World
Trade Organization (WTO). America’s greed to sell goods to a billion
Chinese people had ‘pipe dream’ visions hoping that by opening up trade
with China would lead to a free and open China some day, but that may
never happen as long as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controls
China. So what did this American greed get America in the end?
The ‘iron-fisted’ CCP, like Arab fundamentalists, is seeking to overpopulate
the world. The CCP just raised its ‘only one child per family’ policy, a policy
it has had for decades, to now encouraging the Chinese to have 3 children
per family. The CCP has also built 1000 military shipyards while the USA
has only 24. The CCP is building new nuclear missile silos and more
Wujan-type labs capable of weaponizing more man-made viruses. The CCP
will also take back Taiwan where 80% of the world’s semiconductors, or
‘chips’, are manufactured which will cripple the growth of anything
technological worldwide for years since everything in ‘tech’ is made up of
complex ‘chips’; and it takes years to build every semiconductor factory
and train the necessary skilled workers to manufacture ‘chips’.
Unless there is a ‘first strike’ of some kind against the CCP by the Free
World to free the Chinese people, the ONLY other chance the Free World
has from succumbing to China’s stated goal of world predomination is if
the one billion Chinese people living in poverty in China today, breed a
revolutionary DNA, rise up and peacefully revolt with work stoppages and
boycotts against the CCP and the CCP’s loyal, well-paid, 400 million,
middle class Chinese. Today’s Chinese middle class CCP loyalists only
exist because of the efforts by the CCP’s own brand of central controlled
capitalism. However, all 1.4 billion Chinese people today are breeding a
revolutionary DNA that may doom the CCP’s egregious goal of world
predomination, a goal which critics call racist.

A famous, outspoken liberal, African American, movie actor was asked by a
CNN-TV interviewer, “How do we get rid of systemic racism? He said, “Stop
talking about it.” It is the same way we get rid of the Covid-19 hysteria.
Ignore it like the politicians, big business and news media ignored the
‘child killer’ Swine flu pandemic of 2009-2010 that swept across America
killing tens of thousands of Americans.
Furthermore, the fallacy in forcing everyone to wear masks and live in fear
for essentially 18 months starting in early 2020 to prevent the spread of the
‘elderly killer’ Covid-19 virus, if wearing masks was truly so effective then
why is the virus still spreading? Virologists admit that by the very nature of
a virus that spreads among people, there can NEVER be zero-virus, zero-flu
and zero-Covid-19 cases. The lack of humility before nature by a naive
public is staggering. Mother Nature predation takes the sickly from the
herd. Nature selects for removal and/or extinction and life goes on…or not.
Live in fear or live your life.
To date, 18 months into the Covid-19 pandemic, there still is no reliable,
valid empirical research showing wearing masks prevents the spread of
Covid-19. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Health in
the U.S. (NIH), as well as many other prominent virologists worldwide, all
say the American made N95 (not KN95 Chinese version) surgical mask is
the only mask that may prevent up to 95% of the spread of any virus and
hardly anyone is wearing the ‘very uncomfortable’ N95 mask.
Most people wear masks that only prevent maybe 5%-10% of the ‘spread’
which, by hospital safety standards, is virtually little to no protection from
the spread of a virus. If masks were truly effective, the U.S. government
would issue adequate supplies of N95 masks to everyone in the USA.
Public health is based on trust. Statistics lie and liars use statistics. With
so many unanswered questions, so much conflicting and censorship of
information going around today, is there any wonder why there is hesitancy
to trust publicized percentages and narratives?
What if you found out that as a healthy individual you had a 99% chance of
NOT contracting Covid-19, or any known variant of Covid-19, every time
you go out in public no matter if you are wearing a mask or not wearing a
mask? Also, if you are a healthy individual and get Covid-19, or any known

variant of Covid-19, and you have a 99% chance of NOT dying, or even
getting very sick from Covid-19, would you still fear getting Covid-19? More
children die in America every year from the flu than have died so far from
the Covid-19 pandemic in America in the past 18 months beginning in early
2020, but no one ever suggests ‘masking up’ every year during flu season.
Instill fear and distrust in the heart of any society and you can make them
do anything. Hitler and Stalin did this and the rest is history.
Theoretical physicist, Albert Einstein, believed we must always remain
skeptical and challenge the prevailing attitude, meaning never believe
anyone to be 100% right because we are always one trial and error action
away from disproving the prevailing attitude. In 400 BC, Greek philosopher
and founder of Western logic, Socrates was sentenced to death for
corrupting the youth and not supporting government beliefs. Socrates said,
I cannot teach anybody anything…I make them think. Socrates went on to
say, they tell me I am the wisest man alive. This much I KNOW. Wisdom is
BELIEF in many things factual but I understand I KNOW nothing to be
absolutely true. Socrates believed wisdom is recognizing your own
ignorance so keep questioning.
Keep people talking about something and it can be used to breed
confusion and chaos. This is effective and profitable for those seeking
power and control. Chaos creates actual or perceived crises and only
‘serious’ countries have solutions for chaos so far, for example, like China,
Russia and Hungary.
By comparison, America is not serious. Take Covid-19, or climate change,
or any number of created crises in America. Just keep ‘stirring the pot’. The
more attention and the larger the audience something gets, especially from
the gullible viewers of the news media, the more the ‘super-spreader’ of
confusion and chaos can be turned into hysterical action and reaction,
resulting in more and more public and private money and control getting
devoted to certain industries, or causes, which in the end enriches
investors, profiteers and the swindlers in politics. Of course, at the same
time, keep ‘stirring the pot’ to get more attention and the more money is
earned by news media corporate conglomerates which literally lives and
dies by being able to sell advertisers larger audiences.

The ‘trick’ is continue ‘stirring the pot’ to keep attention and breed chaos in
the masses because it is always all about power, control and profit for the
‘il duches’ (‘the bosses’).
Anyone against breeding revolutionary DNA, ignore their plea for attention.
Acknowledge an adversary and the adversary becomes worthy of attention
which detracts and distracts from the mission…breeding revolution.
Who on Earth would have ever thought beauty contest contestants would
have been ‘on to something’ opining for world peace and feeding the poor
and downtrodden. Sometimes provoking thought can ‘spark’ discourse
about , for example, the unexplained, unknown ‘spark’ that ignited the
formation of all elements found in the Universe and the blessings of life
itself that evolved from that ‘spark’.
I always wanted to be part of a small rebellion…especially at the onset…or
worst case, the devil wins and nobody reinvents this game. I may not get
what I’m after until after the day I die. I guess I could be pretty ‘pissed off’
at what is happening all around us these days but it is so hard to stay mad
when there is so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I am
seeing too much beauty and my heart fills up like it is going to burst. Then,
I remember…relax…and stop trying to hold on to it…let it flow through like
rain…and that is when I cannot help but feel sheer gratitude…for every
single moment in this silly little life.
JULY 2021