Radical honesty is learning how to get good at telling the truth WITHOUT making everyone hate or despise you in the process. Stress does not come most often from environmental influences but more often comes from the self-built jail of our mind which keeps us locked up so we try to break out by telling lies. We lie like hell. We cannot help it.

However, telling lies burns us out and is a primary source of stress…. and stress kills. Not telling the truth about how we REALLY feel about things, in general, keeps us stressful. The only relief is to get good at telling the truth in a radically honest way. It may save you from a stress-related heart attack.

Speaking in “politically correct”, radically honest terms is a level of sophistication that means “telling lies” (untruths) just to help you get by day to day and not be hated or despised by friends, family and co-workers. Speaking politically correct can also make a person feel miserable inside. Telling lots of lies or untruths can put unnecessary stress upon you because you are too often searching for “just the right ” lie or “fib” to tell others that will be believed to be truthful.