A famous comedian once said decades ago, so you think mankind can save planet earth? In the 1950’s, the so-called planet scientists and eco-friendly politicians said the planet would freeze over if mankind did not change its ways. During the 70’s, the same type of planet scientists and politicians declared some heavily populated places on the east coast of the USA would be under 3 feet of water by the year 2000 if mankind did not change its ways.

The comedian said what too many seem to misunderstand is the planet has been here millions of years while recorded mankind has only been around maybe 10,000 years or so. Consequently, when mankind has long gone extinct, odds are, the planet and life on earth will thrive and flourish.

Most all species of plants, animals and even mankind eventually go extinct due to disease, deforestation, genocide, just to name a few of the possibilities, all the while the planet heats up and cools off over thousands of years. So as the comedian claims, no matter what mankind does life on planet earth will survive.

Claiming mankind can save the planet will likely be nothing more than a power grab attempt at central planning by eco-friendly politicians, like-minded scientists and news media elites in a selfish attempt by mankind to hopelessly prolong its own inevitable end.

Moreover, if mankind was truly concerned about prolonging its own existence on planet earth, as well as preserving the earth’s resources for future generations, today’s wealthy influencers and philanthropists would not be spending so much time, intelligence and precious financial resources trying to figure out how to give rich people high priced rides and trips into outer space.

Instead, we would figure out how to grow crops in the deserts and elsewhere in troubled, challenged areas around the world to help sustain the ever growing earth’s population because in just 30 years, barring some kind of population ending event like a plague or nuclear holocaust, there will be another 2 billion people added to the current earth’s population.

Furthermore, the ever growing population of the planet will be demanding a middle class standard of living and lifestyle like westernized cultures, a lifestyle that we already know requires up to 10 times more of the earth’s resources compared to what is required to support a lower class standard of living for the billions of people on the planet. And today in 2019, around 75% of the earth’s population is currently living in a lower class standard of living. So in the future get ready for a great onslaught and strain on the earth’s resources from fast growing commercial consumption, while in the meantime we will be entertaining rich people with high priced rides into outer space.