The miracle of life is evident. We all believe in something even if our belief is in surrendering to chance rather than upholding a belief. Regardless what you believe in, no matter what century you grow up in, no matter what generation you grow up in, we are all servants and prisoners of that time, and you can effect only so much change around you due to the chains of constraints and restraints society puts upon you during your brief time on the planet.
Consequently, those of us more fortunate often choose, not to surrender to chance, but to instead fight to spread their beliefs and gifts of their riches among those of us less fortunate. The choices can be as simple as dedication…or surrender.
However, beware that whatever society, by and large, chooses to promote, legalize and believe as acceptable and normal today during our time on the planet, years from now, the choices we made generations ago during our time on the planet may be scorned, disparaged, disowned and deemed unacceptable, abnormal, illegal even potentially treasonous by the ‘sophisticates’ of future generations, even though the decisions we made generations ago during the time in the culture we lived in, and served, or were chained to had been at one time deemed acceptable and normal culturally, socially and legally.