Ideally, democracy may possibly be the worst form of government except for all the other forms of government that have been tried. Consumer confidence in a democracy may really mean consumer over-confidence as more and more people are falling further and further in debt and behind on their credit card and mortgage payments leading to more and more bankruptcies than ever before despite how well the government makes the overall economy of the nation appear.
Meanwhile, critics charge that the deconstruction of the planet is happening right before our very eyes. Up to 70% of the Earth’s commercial fishing areas are being seriously threatened with depletion as too many species of fish may be in danger of extinction. The resources of the Earth are being stretched beyond their capacity to support its growing population, and especially troubling is the possible ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect, air and water pollution, deforestation, new antibiotic-resistant viruses and infections, as well as the global economy’s ever changing, turbulent and volatile economic and political conditions.
Critics charge the U.S. uses up to 40% of the Earth’s resources which are made available each year due to its capitalism and commercialism, along with American consumers’ nurtured need to consume and want for more and more of that which is not always necessary, brought on by corporate conglomerates’ need for more and more profits.
As the Earth’s resources are one day depleted and fierce scarcity sets in, is the eventual extinction of the human race not too far behind? Or will what is left of mankind be turned into a feudal society where if you do not work you will not eat and a good year will be one in which you are blessed with a good harvest?